Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Alora’s POV

My mates sudden killing fury woke me up, startling me out of a deep sleep. Sitting

up quickly I look around and can’t see Damien anywhere in the room. Panicked I

get up and run to the door, I throw it open and stop abruptly, coming face to face

with my new mom. “Mom, I have to go find Damien, somethings wrong.” I say to

her quickly. O

“Not like that your not, you’ll give your father a heart attack.” She tells me, while

pointing at me.

Enter title…

I look down with a frown and let out a horrified squeak, turning around I grab

Damien’s shirt from the floor and a pair of panties out of my open suitcase. As I

slipped on the shirt after the panties, the tie in my hair snaps, my braids fall down

my back, some coming over my shoulders.

I didn’t care, the hair dresser, after finding out what happened to the last ones,

changed how she did them. Instead of braiding them along my skull into a high

tail, she made the braids like hundreds of extra thick strands of hair, making them

easy to style in multiple ways, and increasing their durability.

Damien’s shirt was long enough it went to my knees. My mother follows me and I

rush into the living room, I stopped suddenly holding onto my mother’s arm to

stop her with me, when I heard the familiar voice over a phone speaker. She was

shrieking, and drunkenly from the sound of it. I could see Damien through the

open doors of the balcony, his form tense and the phone to his ear.

Damien suddenly snarls and the building rumbles, then he’s growling words into

the phone. Hearing his words to Sarah I felt a sense of vindication, and pride. His

fury was strong, he truly hated Sarah. I saw another pair of eyes in the Darkness

outside, they were glowing red. After spotting his eyes I was able to see the rest

of the males form, and it made me realize that my father was outside with


I look at my mother, she has a worried frown on her face, staring straight ahead at

the two males outside. They were talking now, and we could hear every word. My

mother looks down at me, concern and caring in her gaze. The arm I was holding

gets wrapped around my shoulders and she pulls me to her in a hug.


“Oh baby girl, I’m so sorry you had to go through this, but I’m glad we have you

now.” she whispered the words to me.

The warmth of her hug reached inside and wrapped around my heart, providing a

comfort only given when someone who truly cares for you, holds you close to

their own heart. I felt my mates gaze, and I look out onto the balcony, Zane is in

the crimson glow of his eyes. He holds out his hand, lifting up my head I meet my

mom’s golden gaze.

“Go, he needs you just as much as you need him.” she says softly, love in her

every word.

Smiling I nod, she lets me go and I turn and go to my mate, he pulls me into his

arms. Wrapping me up tightly one hand cradling the back of my head while his

other arm is a band across my waist, he buries his face in my neck. I wrap my

arms around his shoulders, burying one hand in his hair, holding him just as

tightly to me. We stayed like that for a long moment giving each other the comfort

of our

touch, of our love.

After awhile, I feel his emotions calm, felt him relax. Turning my head I kiss his

temple “That’s better.” I say, lightly teasing him.

He lets out a soft chuckle. “My darling Starlight, your the brightest light in my life,

you shine brighter than the Moon, the Sun and the Stars.” he kissed my neck,

after having completely melted my heart with his words.?

“This male’ I thought, I’m glad he was in my life. I don’t think I would have

accepted another as my mate. Not when he’s been the only male in my heart

since that same moment he told my father of earlier.

“I would have never accept any other male than you as my mate.” I tell him.

Giving him the words he needed to hear, the ones that would release the guilt.

The guilt I knew he felt at the thought of challenging anyone, who could have

made a claim on me other than himself. Guilt not at the harm of the other male,

but at the harm he thought he would have caused me.

I felt them reach him, felt it in the tightening of his arms, in his emotions through

our bond. “Thank you mate…I needed to hear those words.” he says hoa rsely.

Kissing his temple again, I feel his return kiss on my mark. “I love you, come back

to bed.” I say to him.

He nods against my neck, then using the arm around my waist he lifts me up, and

I wrap my legs around his waist. My mom and dad had already left for their

bedroom, having left us alone for an intimate moment of their own.

Damien carried me back to our room, kicking the door closed behind him. He

gently lays me down in the middle of the large soft bed. The moon light coming

from the window shined down on me, and put Damien in the dark, his eyes

glowing from the shadows. We gaze at each other for a long moment in silence.

A need started to build inside of me, one I voiced. “Make love to me.”

The glow of his eyes became brighter at my words. He knelt at the bottom of the

bed. I lifted myself up on my elbows so I could continue to meet his gaze. He

grabbed my left leg by my calf, his hand warm on my skin, sending a static of

pleasure through my every nerve to my core. He lifts my leg up, and still meeting

my gaze he lays a gentle kiss to my ankle.

“As you wish….mate” he says in a voice rough with arousal. It sent shivers of

anticipation down my spine. O

He ran his hand up my leg as he kissed his way up, each soft touch of his lips

sending more pleasure through me. My core was hot and I became wetter the

closer he got to it. His other hand was now on my right leg, he lifted up and pulled

my panties off me. Before he asked I lifted up and took his shirt


“Ah my sweet mate, you are a feast before my eyes.” he growls out. “I plan to eat

to my fill.” 2

Using his hands on my thighs he pins them open to the bed and put his mouth on

my core. Using his tongue, lips and teeth alternately he brought me to climax over

and over again. I had drenched his face and my thighs in fluid before he stopped

and looked into my pleasure dazed gaze with hungry eyes. He wipes his face on

my thighs and starts to kiss his way up my belly to my chest.

He spends his time massaging each breast as he kissed and sucked on the other,

soon he had my hips and body moving needily. I wanted him inside me. “Damien.”

I gasped out in a plea. He growls against my breast, causing vibrations to send

pleasure shooting to my sensitive core, and I let loose a needy moan in response.

Lifting himself above me he continues to trap my gaze with his as he grabs my

hips. I lift my arms and wrap them around his neck. He thrust himself deep in one

hard movement of his hips, my spine bows in pleasure and I cry out.

He bends down and bites my mark, sending whips of fiery pleasure through my

veins. I feel my teeth lengthen, using my arm I lift myself enough to sink my fangs

into his neck, causing him to jerk and thrust inside me harder.

He lets out a guttural growl of pleasure as I start to take his blood, his hips start to

thrust faster, sinking deep inside each time, driving me higher. I was moaning and

crying out in pleasure, unable to stay quiet. He wasn’t able to either, with his

growls and groans.

I feel it, that final peak. His arms tighten around me, so tight, as if he was trying to

fuse our bodies together. Two more thrusts and we were crashing over the peak

in wave after wave of pleasure. I scream in our release and he lets out a loud

growl, his body jerking with every spurt of his hot seed inside me.

Each hot wash of fluid had me clamping down around him causing another gush

of my own hot fluid. It kept going till he pulled out, panting harshly he drops down

on the bed next to me, pulling me into his arms and up against his chest. It was

like he was unwilling to be separated from my touch.

“I love you so much Alora…if anything were to happen to you…I don’t know what

I’d do.” He whispers to me in a gravelly voice. Real fear, and pain at that thought

filling him. 2

If I didn’t already know how much he loved me, this right here would have

announced it to me in big bright flashing lights. “If anything happens to me, you

hang in there for our pups, for my Clan, for our Pack…I promise you…no matter

what…I’ll come back…I refuse to allow them to take this life from us, they can’t

have it.” I tell him. I look up and meet his gaze. “Promise me…no matter what…

you’ll hang on.” (2

He continues to meet my gaze for a long time in silence, then he finally nods. “I

promise.” he says softly.

I stored the power his blood brought me into the rings unconsciously as we drifted

back to sleep, holding onto each other tightly, neither one of us willing to let go of

the other.

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