Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Alora’s POV

Our luggage was taken by the bell hops to be stored in our cars, we were taking a

limo to the restaurant, after breakfast we would return to the Hotel for our

vehicles. The girl Sunny River McKnight, came down in an oversized black t-shirt

and a pair of army green cargo pants and black Doc Martins.

Around her neck was a thin black ribbon with a white crystal hanging from it. She

had all her curly hair up in a high tail, a few of the curly strands were free, refusing

Enter title…

to be contained. With her hair up I could see her ears were not pierced, and they

were faintly tipped at the tops.

That was usually the mark of a Dragon Master, bringing Selena and Xena

forward, we take in her scent to see what we could find. After analyzing her scent,

we found she smelled almost completely human, but their was just a faint trace of

something else, something that I couldn’t place. 3

“Damien…smell the girl and tell me what you get.” I say through mind link.

Damien takes in a breath and is silent for a moment. While I was waiting I

observed the girl more, she seemed shy this morning, a little withdrawn. She was

practically hiding behind Asher, and Asher was looking a little helpless about what

to do. Looking at the worry on Asher’s face, and the gentle care he took with the

girl, I suddenly had questions. Was the girl attached to Asher because he was the

one who saved her, or was there something more at play.

Damien’s mind link startled me from my thoughts “She is not one hundred percent

human, maybe sixty to eighty percent, but there is something ancient, very

ancient in her blood, older than the Werewolves, the Vampires, older than the

Witches and Dragon Masters even.” He tells me.

“What do you think it is?” I asked him.

“It not being Dragon Master, only leaves one species, one that’s left our world for

their own long ago.” he says grimly.

“Elves, your talking about elves” I said, surprised. O

“Darling mate, you know very well the word Elves is an insult to what those beings

were, the Sidhe….are much more than Elves” He says. 2

I knew, and was sorry I had used the term for them the moment I had. “But

how?…Both the Seelie and the Unseelie Courts took all their people when they

departed this plane for another, and they sealed all the entrances to and from that

plane, after the War that nearly obliterated the Black Magic Coven.”

“Clearly, they were either not all taken to the Fae world, or some continue to come

and go from our world.” He said.

I decided I was going to wait till we were in the limo to ask her some questions,

for now I greet the girl with a friendly smile and offer her a warm hug. “I’m glad

your up and walking.” Leaning back, my hand

on her upper arms I ask “How are you this morning, did Asher get everything you

needed?” I asked her.

She glances to the side at Asher as soon as I mention his name, blushing she

nods. “Asher went and picked up all my things from….that house.” she said the

last quietly. I bring her back for another hug, feeling like she needed it. 2

The limo gets there and I wrap an arm around her shoulders and lead her with me

to sit next to me in the limo, Damien sat on my other side, and Asher sat next to

him. It seemed Asher wanted to talk to Damien about something, probably the


“I’m going to apologize now if I seem rude, but we Werewolves are nosey by

nature.” I start, getting a giggle from the girl.

“Your ears, do you know which parent you got them from?” I asked her.

A sad smile came over her face. “My dad…my real dad.” she says.

“If you don’t mind me asking….can you tell me a little of your families history, and

how it was you got to be here?” I asked her. 2

She looks hesitant at first, then resigned. “My mom and dad were a very happily

married couple. My dad had gotten the shape of his ears from his great, great

grandmother, she was born out of wedlock, and it was said the man she had been

with came from another world.” she lets out a small laugh. “Of course everyone

thought she was crazy…anyway, every child since her has had pointed tipped



“What happened to your father?” I asked her.

She gets a far away look on her face. “There was an explosion, an engine failed

on a large cargo plane, and while he was visiting his family at their

homestead….the plane crashed into the field next to their house….they should

have been okay….but whatever was being carried in that cargo plane caused a

huge explosion, leveling ten houses and killing everyone inside them.” her voice

becomes a little chocked up, her pain over her loss still very evident. 2

“I was only eight when it happened, everything was lost, and because it was a

government plane….everything was hushed up, and my mom was left with

nothing. We lost the house dad had bought when the balloon payment on it came

a year after he died. Mom was working two jobs just to afford my schooling, but it

was becoming hard on her. That’s about the time she met Michael, my step

father, I was eleven, she married him and everything was great at first, then he

lost his job.” she stopped for a moment and swallowed. I grabbed a water from

the lin

wallowed. I grabbed a water from the limo’s fridge and hand it to her

She takes a drink then continued “He started drinking, after a while when he

drank he would get violent and hit my mother. At first she would believe his

apologies, but after awhile she stopped believing in them. She had been back to

working two jobs to bring in money, but he would drink it away as soon as it came

in. When the eviction notice came in that was her last straw, she had packed mine

and her belongings and told him we were leaving.” Tears are now shining in the

corners of her eyes, and my heart is breaking for this little girl and her mother.

“They had been arguing about it at the top of the stairs, then I heard a slap and

my mother cry out, I

rushed into the hallway in time to see her tumble down the stairs. Her neck broke

during the fall, so did her back, one of her legs, and an arm.” She stops again, her

tears now falling down her cheeks. Her shoulders shake in silent so bs.

I pull her into my arms and hug her. “I started screaming and couldn’t stop,” she

lets out a s ob. “My mother looked like a broken doll there on the floor.” more s obs

escape her. “He came running down the stairs in a panic, about the time he

reached me I had fainted.” she lifts up out of my arms and takes a few gulps of

the water. “When I woke up, I was in a hospital room, I was told my mother’s

death had been ruled as a tragic accident, that she had tripped and fallen down

the stairs.”

She is quiet a moment “When I got out of the hospital and went to the Police to

tell them the truth, Michael played the poor stepfather who’s stepdaughter was

only blaming him because she couldn’t handle her mothers tragic accident.” her

fists clenched together, I could see a deep anger inside her now. “I’m lucky… I

guess…in a way…my mother had a life insurance policy, and that my school was

one of the places to receive the payout, it paid for the rest of my high school

education.” she said.

She sniffs and I get a tissue for her, she blows her nose. “I graduated early, and

was supposed to receive the remaining funds, but my stepfather got ahold of

them first, and spent it all on booze.” she said. This made me angry for her. “What

little money I’ve managed to hide from him was to get me on a bus to whichever

University could offer me the best scholarship.” she downs the last of the water in

the bottle. “Lucky for me it was the University in your Pack that I was given

acceptance into.” she says the last with a smile.

When she smiles it’s like sunshine, I wanted to make sure the girl would have

more reasons to smile. A few moments later we pull up outside the Restaurant my

mom wanted to take us to. Stepping out I look at the restaurant, the place looked

like a small Ivy and rose covered Castle with large surrounding floral garden and

a forest after the gardens. The pathway was a mix of cobble stone and large flat

hexagon stepping stones set at walking intervals.

Sunny, standing next to me said “Wow.”

Wow was right, then I was distracted from the sight by my mates mind link. “Uh

dear… I think I’ve broken your brother.” He says.

Confused on to how he would ‘break’ one of my brothers, I asked “Which one?”

“Asher,” he says.

“How did you break him?” I asked, starting to feel amused.

“Asher asked me if the girl was one of his mates” He tells me.

Oh… “And?” I asked.

“She is, but she’s not of age yet. He only feels a protective pull and a slight

attraction for now, he won’t feel the bond tie them together until she reaches her

majority.” he informed me.

Happy and stunned, as well as amused and sympathetic, I say. “Oh…well…. just

find a way to bring him in with us, he’ll snap out of it eventually….I hope” 2

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