Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Alora’s POV

I was immediately swallowed into what felt like a whole different world when I

stepped out of the limo at the Amusement Park’s entrance. I was dazzled by all

the lights and sounds, entranced by the smells and the music. There was laughter

and noise everywhere, and I was loving it all.

Damien comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my

back against his front. I watched as a laughing child ran hand in had with another

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laughing child, the bigger of the two held tickets in his hand. They rushed to a ride

that said ‘Himalayan Mountain’ getting into a long line.

The chauffeur of the limo came over and held out six wrist bands, two were black,

two were colorful and said V.I.P Express Access Pass, and the last two were a

bright sky blue, they said All You Can Eat Express Meal and Drink Pass. When he

handed us both one of each wrist band he explained them.

“The black one’s are infinite ride passes, they will get you into, and on all of the

attractions, any amount of times you want to go in, or onto one. The V.I.P passes

get you to the front of the line at every attraction. The meal passes are just as the

name suggests, they get you any amount of food or drink at all of the food stalls.

The passes are also valid at the festival next door.” He said all this in a polite and

friendly tone.

After he finished his explanation of the passes, he gave us a respectful bow and

left. I was excited to get started, but I didn’t know where to start.

“Which direction do you want to go in first?” Damien asked me.

I shook my head “I don’t know.” I told him honestly, them my stomach growled

loudly, making me blush.

Damien chuckles “I guess we should hunt up some food first.” he says in an

amused tone.

Smiling despite the blush on my cheeks I nod “Food would be good.”

“What are you craving?” Damien asked me.

As soon as he said the word ‘craving,’ I suddenly wanted pickles. I really, really

wanted some pickles. “Pickles, I’m craving pickles.” I tell him.O

He chuckles “Luckily for you, there is a treat I think you’ll like, come on.” he says.

He grabs my hand, and we start to weave through the crowd to the food stalls, he

looks at the signs above the food stalls, looking for something. The signs above

the food stalls showed the foods they had and how much they cost. The smells

were amazing, and my stomach growled more. We had gone past four food stalls

when Damien stopped and we got in a line.

I was reading the sign, trying to see what Damien had seen that would satisfy my

craving for pickles. After a moment I find an item, ‘fried pickles’, my mouth started

to water when I read those words. I’ve

never had one, but it sounded delicious, I wondered if it would go good with some

hot sauce.

“Do you think a fried pickle would go good with hot sauce?” I asked Damien.

He looks down at me with a smile on his face, his eyes were light with joy, he was

really happy to share this experience with me. “That’s how my mom ate them

when she was pregnant with me, she’d have the cook make them, she would

dribble hot sauce on them and drink a Sprite.” he says.

When he mentioned the soda I realized I was thirsty too. “That’s what I want then,

a fried pickle, hot sauce and a big Sprite.” I tell him.

His smile widens and his eyes warm he says “Then it will be my pleasure to

provide for you mate.” his voice loving and amused all at the same time.

“I think I’ll have the same thing.” Serenity said from behind us, Darien standing

next to her.

“I think I’d like a fried pickle and a sprite as well, but I want ranch to dip it in.” Mom

said from behind Serenity and Darien.

After mom mentioned the ranch I wanted that too. I look up and met Damien’s

gaze “I want to get ranch and hot sauce both please.” I said.

He chuckles “Anything you desire mate.” he says, his voice deep.

“Ooooh that sounds like a great idea, I’ll get both too.” Serenity says with


Looking back up at Damien I ask “What are you getting?”

“I’m going to get a Pepsi, some jalapeno poppers, fried okra and a few chilly

cheese dogs with onions.” he tells me.

Thinking all of that sounded good too I ask “Can you add a little more to your

order, so I can pick at your plate?”

He smiles and replies “Yes.”

“I’m going to get a Coke, some nachos with jalapenos, some chilly cheese tots

and a fried pickle of my own with ranch.” Darien said.

“I think I’m going to get some mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce, a couple of

chilly cheese dogs, and those curly fries.” My father said. O

“I think I’ll have some of those jalapeno poppers too, and get a large supreme

pizza, I’ll get extra ranch for the pizza.” Serenity said.

It all sounded amazing, and looking at the menu I decided to get a few more

items. “I’ll get jalapeno poppers, some mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce, and

a pepperoni calzone, I want to get extra ranch for the calzone.” I tell Damien.

We make it to the front counter to place our order, the young human girl standing

their looks up at us, and stares at us wide eyed. “You guys are so not human.”

she seemed to be both surprised and excited

at the fact that we were not human.

My mate smiles at her patiently, and I watched a dazzled look glaze over her

eyes. I giggled at the

effect my mate was having on the poor human girl. I smiled and the girl looked at

me, then back at Damien, before coming back to me “You to look so good

together, if it’s not rude can I ask what you are?” her voice excited.

My mate laughs, and the poor girls eyes glaze over again. “I’m a Werewolf.” He

tells her.

The girl gasps in surprise and her smile is so bright it was almost blinding. “I just

got accepted into a Werewolf run University for my Microbiology and Biochemistry

degrees. I was told it was the best University to attend in this country for those

degrees, and I past the entrance exams.” she said. 2

I was delighted and surprised at the same time, this little girl was studying in my

field. “What Pack does the University belong to?” I asked her.

She stops to think a moment, while she was thinking I took the opportunity to

really look at her. She was thin, she looked a little malnourished and frail. There

seemed to be an inner strength to her though, the spirit of a survivor. She had

really curly thick golden hair, and dark green eyes, high cheek bones and a full

plump mouth and a dainty nose. What curves she had where hidden under her

uniform and apron. If I had to judge, she wasn’t any older than sixteen.

I was suddenly worried about this little girl, especially when I spotted a deep and

dark bruise on her inner fore arm when her sleeve rode up. Looking into her eyes

I see a deep pain, but her bubbly spirit seemed to refuse to be tram pled on. I

instantly liked this girl so when she said “The Moon Mountain Pack owns the

University.” I knew I had to do something.

“That’s our Pack.” I tell her. “My name is Alora Luna Heartsong, I’m a Clan Alpha,

this is my Mate Damien, he will be the next Alpha of All the Packs on this

continent, the Alpha of Alpha’s. I will be our Pack’s next Pack Alpha.” I tell her.

She looks at us with an open mouth and her eyes wide “Oh wow.” was all she

said after a moment.

“I would like to offer you boarding in the Heartsong Mansion, and a paid internship

in the Heartsong Lab, the boarding is free, it comes with the internship, and the

internship will count towards your required lab hours for your classes.” I tell her.

She starts to tear up, she looked at me like I was an Angel from heaven. “Thank

you…..thank you so much.” she lets out a small s ob.

“What’s your full name and your phone number?” I asked her.

She gave me her phone number and I sent her a text, with the invitation I had just

given her. I also sent a message to Luna Ember and Alpha Andrew, as well as my

Beta and Gam ma, even though they were here with us, to back up the offer I

gave this girl.

“It’s set, as soon as you arrive at our Pack, everything will be arranged for you.” I

told her.

She smiles, sniffs and wipes her eyes, takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly,

seeming to collect herself, then asks in a happy tone. “What will your order be


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