Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Alpha Andrew’s POV

After congratulating my son and Alora on their impending twins, my mate and I

make a discrete retreat to let the couple adjust. My son would do anything for

Alora, I could see that in his eyes every time he looked at her. Even though I

knew they were safe for now, if was the “for now” that had me worried. Sarah had

escaped, and she had most likely run to the Black Magic Coven, so it was only a

matter of time before she came back for Alora.

Sarah was vindictive and would blame her actions and the death of her parents

on Alora, there is no way she would let it go. With that thought in mind I started to

give out orders for more border patrols, we would tighten security during Alora’s

Enter title…

adoption ceremony. I scheduled a meeting with Brock, Sam, Boris and Rick, I

would get suggestions from them and we would start to organize our plans. O

I didn’t want anything bad to happen during the ceremony, it was a rebirth for

Alora, one that she deserves. We were also going to host a Kinship ceremony at

the same time, claiming King Sabastian and Queen Stephanie as Kin to the Pack.

Meaning there movement to and from the Pack would no longer be political. 3

This would allow them to come and visit Alora anytime they could get away from

their duties. Representatives from the Werewolf Council, the Vampire Council and

the Supernatural Council will be coming to bear witness and record the event in

official documentation.

Then Alora would need to prepare to go to Blood Moon Castle, she had to be

acknowledged as a Royal of the Vampires. She would be Princess of the

Vampires as she was of royal blood. Alora had a very powerful background. It was

a good thing my son was such a strong Werewolf, he’d be even stronger than me


Even so, I had a feeling my son won’t want to take over being Alpha of Alpha’s for

a while yet, and I was still young. At least I would have him by my side as he and

Alora learn their future responsibilities, and then slowly, when I think their ready, I

will hand them over to them.

Darien was catching up fast to his brother, and I will be handing Clan leadership

over to him the same time and way I’ll give the Pack and Alpha of Alpha’s

leaderships over to Alora and Damien. All three will make this Pack thrive in their

hands, and I’ll be there to watch it, and spoil my grandpups. The thought of

Alora’s twins, and Serenity’s one, makes me happy. We‘ll be welcoming three

new lives in just six month.2

“You’re thinking about the grandpups.” Ember words are said like they are an

accusation, but they’re said in a teasing tone.

I chuckle “Guilty, but you have to admit, your just as happy as I am.” I tell her with

a smile I couldn’t help.

She smiles at me in excitement “Okay, so I admit it.”

I hug her close to me as we walk to the courtyard for a stroll, this place had

always been beautiful to me, looking around, I was getting ideas on

improvements to our own courtyard. Our grandpups would be playing in both

courtyards, and I can’t wait to be there to watch.

Alora’s POV

While still laying on the hospital bed I reach inside to Xena and Selena. ‘Xena,

Selena, we’re having twins’ I say to them excitedly.

Xena and Selena are in our ‘space’ lounging by the tree, it’s bright with daylight at

the moment. Xena wags her tail looking happy and content ‘I look forward to

teaching them everything I know.’ Xena said.

Selena was sitting with her back straight, her legs crossed and her hands on her

knees. She was focused on two orbs of power in front of her, she had a loving

smile on her face. One orb was black with red flashes of electricity, the other was

a pale lavender with pink electricity through it.

‘The Goddess has blessed our offspring, she says that all the pups we have in

this life will be blessed, and that in our future lives they will all find their way back

to us each time, whether we birth them ourselves or not.’ Selena told us.

I’m shocked at what she has to say, then, I reach through our mate bond and grab

for Damien, then I pull him and Zane into our ‘space’. I don’t know how I was able

to do it, but I pulled my father here, so I should be able to do that for my mate. At

least that was my logic. Xena stands up in surprise, the look of shock on

Damien’s face is priceless, Zane is standing there looking around in confusion.

Zane looks forward and his gaze is fixed on Xena’s. Damien is turning in a slow

circle, taking everything in. “This is your space?” he asked me, his voice was soft,

but his tone was one of surprise. Then he is looking down at me, “How did you do

this?” he asked.

“I don’t really know how, but Selena has really important information, come sit.” I

grab his hand and pull him forward. Zane goes and sits between Xena and

Selena, I sit Damien down between me and Selena. Damien is looking at the orbs

and the smiling Selena.

“What are the orbs.” Zane askes in a deep growling voice I found comforting,

Xena nuzzles him and leans her weight against him. He licks her muzzle,

returning her affection. Then he looks up at Selena, waiting for an answer.

“The orbs represent the twins we are currently pregnant with.” she says in a soft

and loving voice.

“She said the Goddess had decided to bless all the pups we have in this life.”

Xena tells Zane.

Damien stiffens in shock, “What’s this mean?” he asks.

“It means that our children will follow us into every future life we have from now

on.” Alora said.

“Whether we birth them ourselves again or not, they will find their way back to us.”

Selena tells them.

“Can you tell what they’ll be?” Damien asks her.

“The lavender orb represents our daughter, the black orb represents our son.”

The love she already feels for our children is in her tone and smile.

We would be having one girl and one boy, I was equal parts scared and excited, I

could fell the happiness radiating from Damien and Zane. Knowing we had other

things to do, I wake us up, bringing us back out of my ‘space’. I open my eyes as

Damien groans, looking around I sit up when I can’t see him. Quickly sitting up in

the bed when I could not find him, he lets out another groan as he sits up on the


I look down at him in confusion as he starts rubbing the back of his head with a

pain filled grimace. He looks up at me with a pleading look “Next time you pull me

into your ‘space’, can you make sure I’m laying down or sitting first my love?” he

askes me. 2

That’s when I realize he must have been standing when I pulled him into my

‘space’ causing him to fall to the floor unconscious. I gasp and slap my hands to

my mouth in surprised horror. “Oh my Goddess, I’m so sorry my love, I promise to

ask permission first next time.” I tell him quickly, feeling anxious.

He smiles at me as he gets up from the floor, he walks over to me, leaning down

he puts one hand on the mattress and uses the other to life my chin, he gives me

a loving kiss to my lips. “That’s all I ask my precious Starlight.” he tells me in a

husky voice. 3

“I love you.” I tell him, my own voice husky with my emotions.

“I love you too.” he said, his voice still husky.

I can feel through our bond how true those words were, felt how deeply he loved

me. Damien and I leave the Ultrasound room and go in search of a dinning hall.

We were both hungry. Tomorrow Damien would take me on a date, in a week I

would be adopted by Stephanie, then a week later I would be claimed as a Royal

of the Vampires and made a Princess of the Vampires.

Smiling, I realized in that moment, that I now truly loved my life. I was no longer

surviving day to day, barley holding on, longing for it all to end enough to wish

death upon myself. I had things to strive for, I had reasons to want to live, and I

was thriving now. I let out a happy giggle at my good fortune. Damien looks down

at me with a smile, holding me closer to his side as we walk.

He leans down and kisses my temple, he didn’t have to say any words, I could

feel them in his touch and through our bond.

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