Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 119


Damien’s POV

It was while we were kissing that I had realized why here scent had become so

intoxicating, a sirens call I couldn’t ignore. Her needy whimpers only driving my

need to mate with her higher. Her arousal and scent only continued to grow

stronger. 3

The raging arousal I could feel through the bond nearly had me on my knees,

taking her there on the ground in the broad day light, not caring who could come

upon us and see, or that we had an audience.

Enter title…

It was that last thought that had given me the strength to pull away enough I could

a ss es the situation. My mate was in heat and needed me desperately. Her

whimpers calling out to me to provide my mate with relief from her unbearable

heat. 3

She needed me beyond reason right now, needed my care, her question of

where, had sparked a memory of a cottage in the middle of the forest on the way

to the Heartsong Mansion.


It was always kept in good repair and you couldn’t get to it unless you knew

where it was, that was the safest place for now. I barley had to say Darien’s name

before he was already telling me he’d take care of the explanations for me. 2

He couldn’t resist teasing us though, and I knew my mate was going to want to

get him back for it later. At the moment however, it was more important to get to

that cottage before I gave in to the sirens call that was my mates heat. 2

This had come on quicker than any other’s heat would normally have come on. It

was said in a second chance mating, the first heat of a she wolf came on later

than her previous mating. I was the first male Alora had ever had sex with, I had

taken her virginity the night I claimed her as my mate. So I had assumed that we

would have the usual three to four weeks before it was supposed to come. O

‘It’s only been three days!’ I practically shout these worry filled words at Zane.

‘It’s happening because she wasn’t claimed during her first mating, she didn’t

even have a chance to go into heat. Master Brock’s mate will be in the same state

in a few days time he tells me.

‘Sh it. I need to warn him, if he doesn’t already know.’ I tell Zane

‘That would be advisable.’ Zane agreed.

So I mind link Brock, not something I wanted to do while a mating haze was

starting to take over my mind. This was a natural response when a males female

goes into heat. “Brock” I call out.

‘What is it Damien? And have you figured out why Alora went into heat all of a

sudden?” He asked me.

‘Zane has explained to me it is because she remained unmated by her first mate,

he also said your mate will

be in the same state in few days as well.’

‘Huh? Learn something new everyday. Thank you for the information, I’ll make

preparations now.’ he said. ‘Does your wolf have any idea how long her heat will

last?’ he asked me.

Zane?’ I asked.

Three days. His mate has a feline, their heat typically last seven days, as a

hybrid, her heat will be between five to seven day‘s.’ He tells me.

Brock, did you hear that?” I asked him.

‘I did, we will let both of your parents know of your predicament when we reach

them, are you going to the cottage?‘ he asked me.

I had just broken through the tree line into the clearing that held the nine bedroom

two story cottage. ‘We just arrived at it, we will be here till Alora’s heat has gone.’ I

tell him.

Alora’s Beta and Gam ma as well as your own, will be given the location if they

don’t already know it, protection will be arranged accordingly.‘ He tells me, helping

me shoulder a weight I hadn’t been fully prepared for, I would learn from this, and

in the future have plans already in place just in case. 3

“Thank you Master Brock.’ I tell him, I was clearly very much still a student to his

Teacher, and I couldn’t be more grateful that he was my teacher.

‘Take care of your mate, and give us a future heir to the Heartsongs soon.’ He

says before breaking the connection.

My mate was letting out needful whimpers and shifting in my arms, her face

buried in my neck, her breath coming in pants. Her scent became so strong it

nearly drove me to my knees again with the need it invoked inside me. I stumbled

and had to concentrate so I could make the last few feet to the cottage. It was

never locked, being in the middle of a Pack and two different Clan areas it was

always well protected. (2

Once inside I rush through the house to the downstairs master bedroom in the

back of the house. I put her on the bed then stand back to catch my breath and

transform back into my human form. I removed my clothes while Alora lay on the

bed, withering from the intense desire her heat had brought. Her skin was flushed

her eyes glazed with passion, a desperate need glittering at me from their depths.

I get up on the bed and quickly strip Alora of her clothes, I was only able to take a

moment to appreciate her body before I let myself fully succumb to the mating

haze and kiss her with all the fierce desire I was feeling. The feeling was

explosive, like a bomb going off. I could feel her heat burn her up inside, just as I

was now burning.

There was no foreplay this time, neither of us had the patience for it, I entered her

hard fast and deep, my tip bumping her cervix. There was almost a sense of relief

even as the fire built, I felt I was where I belonged the moment I was inside her.


en a

My hips pistoning inside her over and over, driving us up higher and higher with

each thrust. At first her cries were swallowed as I kissed her, then they were

sweet music to me as I kissed my way down

her jaw, to her neck, till I was nibbling on her mark.

I felt it through the bond once she was at her highest peak, I sank my fangs into

her neck as I gave her one last hard thrust that sent her crashing down over the

edge screaming with her pleasure as she came, our bond growing deeper, our

connection stronger.

I refused to ever be without this female in any future lifetimes we had together. I

came, jet after jet of my seed drenching the inside of her womb, we would not be

leaving this cottage without her carrying our pup inside her.

Originally we had wanted to wait, but it seemed the Goddess had other plans for

us. While she had been on birth control, her heat would make it ineffective,

neutralizing it.

That’s why she wolves who didn’t want to have a child during their heat took a

concentrated version fortified with a bit of magic. As soon as I finished coming I

dropped to the side to catch my breath.

I pull my mate to my chest, needing to keep her skin to skin, I couldn’t bare to not

be touching her right now, her heat effecting me just as much as it was her. I start

to pet her, then I was kissing her, softly at first, then with more passion. I hadn’t

gone soft after I had come, I was still hard, I would most likely stay this way till the

very end of her heat.

It was only moments later I rolled to my back with her straddling my waist,

gripping her hips I brought her down as I thrust up, sliding back insider her tight,

hot, wet pu ssy. I could not get enough, neither could she, we came together in a

thrust of hips over and over. It was fast, hard and deep with each thrust, getting

moans and cries of pleasure as she pulsed, gushed and clamped down around

my raging, harder than steel co ck.

She broke our kiss and was nibbling on my neck when we reached the precipice

again, that high peak. I felt her fangs sink into my mark and we crashed over the

edge, I shout as I come. I came so hard it hurt, jet after jet, and with each pull of

her mouth as she took in a little of my blood another jet would come out. It was a

moment before we could both stop coming. She collapsed on top of me after

taking her fangs from my neck, my co ck still hard inside her, even after that.

I had a feeling this was going to be a long three days…and we were both going to

have trouble walking for a day or two after

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