Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Alora’s POV

I was so happy at the moment. I got to train all out as a Kitsune against an

opponent. Although it was cut short, it was still awesome. I couldn’t wait to train

with Dad, I felt more energized then ever. When we first got here, this had been

and empty stadium, but while Moon and Starlight had fought, it had filled with

what felt like the entire Heartsong Clan and most of the Pack.

Everyone was treating it like a planned gathering with announcers and food stalls

being open at the top of the stadium seating, in areas I didn’t realize had been

Enter title…

designated for such things till that moment. 2

While on break they were playing videos they somehow managed to get a hold of,

they were of Damien’s battles and mine. I look at his exam day video, he looks so

fierce and strong, so dominating.

I couldn’t help the flare of arousal that shot through me watching the video.(This

novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) Then my mate wraps his arms

around me and pulls me tightly to his side, his nose in my neck, he takes a deep

breath, drawing in my scent, and growls against my neck.

Through our mind link he asks “And what has you smelling so delicious mate.” his

voice, even through the mind link, carried a growl.

Smiling I reply “Your exam day video.” my voice husky

‘His Lycan is so powerful looking, I want to get him under our claws’ said Xena

‘Look at all that muscle and the way he moves, so much strength, I want to feel it

under my hands and

claws‘ said Selena

Needless to say watching our mate fight was extremely arousing. I look up and

meet Damien’s glowing gaze with my own glowing gaze. The tension was

intense, I could feel and visibly see his desire for us.

He removes an arm from around me so he could cup my cheek in his hand, his

thumb gently rubbing over my bottom lip. I let the demand fill my eyes, I didn’t

have to say a word, he knew what I wanted, but it was also what he wanted, his

mouth comes to mine in a deep, long, lingering kiss.

The kiss set me on fire, and there was nothing we could do about it at the

moment, letting out frustrated growls we separate and look at each other, that’s

when the sound our moment had blocked out came rushing back.

The crowd was roaring, there were applauses, whistles, and a chant “Alpha,

Alpha, Alpha.” Confused I look around, and realize Damien and I had become the

center of attention.

Blushing and clearing my throat I press against my mate, one of his arms still

around me holding me closely to him. Thank Goddess he was holding me, or I

may have slid to the floor to hide in embarrassment.

I’ve never really liked being the center of attention, being the center of attention

had gotten me locked in that basement. (This novel will be daily updtaed at

www.noveljar.com)Now I didn’t have to fear it, but many of my reaction to things

would take a long time to change now that I was free.

What is my Starlight, I could feel your mood change, what caused this sadness?’

My mate mind links his question, concern in his tone.

I’m sorry mate, I was just realizing, my initial reaction to things are going to take a

while to change, I

free and I won’t ever have to be locked in that basement ever again.….but ….‘

He kisses my temple giving me a comforting squeeze ‘Don’t worry my Starlight, I

know everything is to close, I don’t expect all you have been through to be solved

in and instant. In fact, I was going to ask how you felt about…therapy’ he said the

last word hesitantly. 3

I was surprised, but I shouldn’t have been, of course this male would want to help

take care of my me ntal health, and his idea had merit, therapy could help me

adjust my reaction to things, maybe not fix me entirely, but help me to live more of

a normal life…well…as normal as you get being a Werewolf Vampire Hybrid that’s

blessed by the Moon Goddess. Okay so forget normal, I just want to be able to

live, and enjoy life. 2

Looking at my mate I say ‘I think it would be a good idea…but I wouldn’t want to

go alone

He kisses my temple again ‘You won’t be alone, I need to know how to help you

through your episodes, how to help you cope with everything. I want to help you

heal.’ His voice soft and loving. (10

I smile up at him, them I lift up and kiss him, lingering a moment before pulling

away. “I love you my darling mate.” I tell him aloud, my voice husky with my


He puts his forehead against mine “And I love you, my Starlight.” he says, his

voice also husky.

There were some awes from the crowd, letting me know we were still the center

of attention, but I didn’t care now, I had my mate and he loved me. The light came

back and my heart welled with happiness once more.

“That’s better” Damien says. “I love feeling you happy, you glow my Starlight,

brighter than the Moon and Stars.” His voice soft and husky.

It reminded me of my pendent, I had it tucked away, safe in the velvet box it had

come in. Sarah had taken the necklace but not the box. The hand written note he

had tucked into it still there, it said. O

“You are special, don’t let them tell you differently.” It had helped me get through

so many dark times.

“Thank you Goddess for blessing me with this male’ I send up the silent gratitude.

The first announcer spoke up, “Okay folks the wards have had enough time to

cool down and it’s now safe to return to fighting with magic.”

I smile at Damien and he smiles back releasing me from his hold after a quick

kiss to my lips, “Have fun my Starlight.” he says.

I get up and turn to my father smiling brightly “Ready dad?” I ask him excitedly.

He was standing as well “I am, Sprite form?” he askes me.

I jump up and nearly shout “Yes!” blushing I force myself to come down “I mean,

yes, what’s your Sprit’s name?” I asked him.O

He smiles patiently, “My sprite’s name is Deimos, my twin’s, even though she’s

female, is named Phobos, my mother and her Sprite had a weird sense of

humor.” he says at my look of surprise and slight amusement. Phobos is the

Greek g od of fear, Deimos the Greek g od of terror, so it was funny to me.

Still smiling I say “Will I get to meet your parents?” I asked him.

He smiles “Yes, I will arrange for their visit, I believe they will adore and love you

just as Stephanie and I do.” he tells me, I smile with my joy. Happy to finally have

what most pups have. 2

(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)I’ll have to keep reminding

myself that outside of the Frost and Northmountain Clans, wolves were truly Pack

creatures. We gathered together and enjoyed each others company, and pups

were accepted and loved no matter their coloring or parentage.

I had a long road ahead, but with all the people I had now in my life, I believe that

journey will be enjoyable, instead of the hell it would have been with those other

people. According to one of Allister’s testaments, Bettina had been planning too

hand me over to the Black Magic Coven after graduation, so my disappearance

wouldn’t have been so suspicious.(

But the thing that comforts me a bit about that, was that me being missing would

have been noticed, by Darien and Damien. They would have looked for me and

asked questions, then they would have asked their father the Alpha to get

involved. The Alpha would have used a command on them, to have them tell the

truth as soon as he felt the lie. You can’t lie to an Alpha, and definitely not the

Alpha of Alpha’s, he would be able to tell.

My father and I head down to the arena, the second announcer spoke. “Got some

interesting facts for the folks who don’t know much about Vampires or the

Vampire Hybrids we have here in our own Heartsong Clan.” he said “Vampires

have what are called Sprites, they house the Vampires true nature, like our

wolves do ours.”

The fourth announcer spoke up “Also, a Vampires skin doesn’t scar, even a

hybrids. Their Sprites carry their scars and they are only visible in their melded


The second announcer speaks up “But it is really hard to scar a Vampires Sprite,

it takes deep lasting wounds and silver edged weapons. While silver may not

harm us to touch it, it definitely harms us if were cut by it.”

The first one spoke again. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)”

Yes, this is because it’s our blood that reacts to the silver, treating it like a poison,

while our skin treats it like any other metal.” 2

Which means as soon as I transform, the torture I received for the last eighteen

years would be revealed to all my Clan and Pack members here.?

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