Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Full Story Read Online for Free
Werewolf’s Heartsong by Dizzyizzyn Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Alora’s POV

Looking at the grotesque editing of what looked like a po rno, I couldn’t help but be

a little nauseated at the amount of males Sarah had been with. I knew the female

in the video’s was her, I could tell. Sarah must have edited these herself. I know

from the other day that Sarah had forced Lauren and sometimes Beatrice to

record her with males. A

“I can vouch that all of those videos are of Sarah herself” said a female voice, it

came from somewhere in the crowd. The crowd shifted aside as the female who

Enter title…

said it stepped forward, it was Lauren.

“I can also personally attest to that as well.” said Beatrice, who came to stand in

front of the stage with Lauren. Xander was standing next to Beatrice, an arm

wrapped around her, showing his support for his mate, their matching marks on

display with their clothes.

Xander was in a silver long sleeved silk button down, and like Damien, he had left

the top three buttons undone, allowing the collar to relax and display his mark

rather than cover it.

Beatrice was in a knee length form fitting gown with a halter top and a deep Vneck that showed a healthy amount of her rounded cleavage, without making it

look like her breasts were going to pop out of the top.

From the strap the color started out as a white blue, darkening till the last six

inches of the tulle skirt was a deep dark ocean blue. She wore smooth silver

bangles, and large smooth silver hoops in her ears, like me, she had three on

each side of her lower lobes.

With her light caramel colored skin, her dark chestnut hair with red and blond

highlights and her amber colored, cin na mon rimed eyes, she managed to look

absolutely stunning, she has found a pair of silver six inch stilettos and they made

her legs look fantastic. 2

She was like a water nym ph or a fairy to her snow king. She had almost no make

up on. Mascara, some eye liner and a very light dusting of a shimmering powder

on her eyes and a shiny colorless gloss over her dusky pink lips.

This was a far cry from what she used to wear and look like at Sarah’s demand.

She outshined Sarah, it was why I was sure Sarah had made her dress the way

she had.

Lauren had dark brown hair with honey colored highlights worn in a high tail like

Beatrice and I, her eyes a deep ocean blue rimmed in mercury, with a crea my

pale skin color. She only wore blue eyeliner, making her blue eyes pop more and

a mauve tinted gloss over her pale pink lips, darkening them a little.

She wore a deep ocean blue form fitted off shoulder knee length gown with a

deep sweetheart neck line. She only had two piercings on each side and a nose


The nose ring was a small white diamond, matching the small diamond studs in

her second lobe piercings. In the first lobe piercings were long straight single

stands that brushed the top of her

shoulder, down the strands were the same white diamonds.

She wore no necklace, but on each wrist was a slim single bangle, circled in the

same diamonds. On her feet was a pair of deep blue rounded toe six inch

stilettos, with a thin solid strap across the ankle.

Another far cry from before. Both women were absolutely stunning, and Sarah,

with her jealous vanity, had made them cover it up. Lauren was pis sed, just as

Beatrice was. Lauren didn’t look as broken as she looked two days ago.

Something must have changed. Matt is standing next to her in a matching blue

shirt that looked just like Damien and Xander’s, actually now that I looked around,

most of the males wore these types of shirts, and in the same way.


I don’t think anything romantic is going on between them, but it looks like they’ve

become friends. I know Matt has been helping them and Agatha through all this,

he’s proven to be a good friend to three females who’s lives have been hijacked

by Sarah as his was. Together they could help each other heal and become

stronger. 2

I think they needed this confrontation, and I did as well. Closure, that’s what we all

needed, then we could get on with healing. Sarah furious at the two females who

were revealing her lie. “What proof do you have of that?!” Sarah shrieks.

Then the soft sweet voice of my youngest brother speaks up over the crowd. “I

can undo the video edits real quick, taking it back to the original recording.” his

tone was innocent, the look on his face was innocent. The look on my other

brother’s faces not so much. They all made an effort to look somewhere else.

Something was up.

I mind link Damien “Look at my brothers, and tell me I’m not paranoid in thinking

their up to something.” I say.

His answer is immediate “Oh your not paranoid, look at the Three Musketeers.”

he said in a dry tone.

I’m confused at first then on a hunch I look at his dad, Boris, and Brock, and

instantly knew he was talking about these three. “I see…and what could they be

up too?” I ask him.O

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, your father and stepmother are in on it.” he says

making me look at them.

I saw it, the looks of anticipation on their faces, just like the ‘Three Musketeers’. I

giggle at the title my mate had given them. “Okay…so what should we do” I asked


“I think we should let this play out, I’m actually curious now.” he said.

As I was curious too, I went along with Damien, and let our families and friends,

do whatever it was they had planned.

“Can you really Cathel?” asked the Alpha in a far to innocent tone.

“Oh yes he can, he’s brilliant with computers.” chimed in Asher, also adopting an

innocent tone.

“Well if your sure you can do it young man, your welcome to do so.” said the

Alpha, still in that far to innocent ‘I’m not up to anything’ tone. 3

Cathel walks up to the computer, Darien stays standing near Cathel. Like a guard

for my little brother. It made me feel good to know he was within reach should

Bettina or Sarah try something.

We watched on the big screen as Cathel removes the editing easily and reveals

that the female in the videos was indeed, Sarah. The crowd lets out shocked

gasps and starts whispering amongst themselves.

“Sarah, I believe we have discovered who the true wh ore is here, and it’s not

Alora.” says Darien in a calm cold voice filled with disdain.

“It’s fake! It’s all a lie! That’s not me!” Sarah denies in a shriek. Bettina is looking

at her in shocked fury. “That’s not me! What proof do you have!”

“Oh I have all that.” says Matt in a cheerful tone of voice. “Thanks to these two

lovely ladies and a third, I have all of the videos, not just the clips you have there.”

his cheer at that seemed so out of place in the face of the insane and maniacal

look on Sarah’s face with that information. Her façade to the world was stripped

away, and the ugly rotted truth of her was being revealed.

“Do you know Matt. I would like to see this proof.” said the Alpha. 2

“Yes Alpha.” he says in a cheer filled voice. He hops up on the stage and hands

the thumb drive he has over to Cathel who plugs it in, brings up it’s video file and

plays it.


It doesn’t take long to see that Sarah truly was the woman in the videos. Sarah

was proven the who re with the videos edited to fabricate evidence against me. It

was so badly done and executed, but it could have worked, if a more intelligent

person had done this.

“Daddy is Sarah a who re?” asked Cathel in a innocent ‘far younger than he really

was’ tone of voice.

“Yes son, the video’s do prove that she is.” The King said in a benevolent voice,

letting the other’s here know his relationship to the Adults and why a Vampire

Witch Hybrid child was attending the banquet.

Sarah is looking at my little brother with murderous intent and I freeze, then I start

to growl lowly. My mate and those near me the only ones noticing. Cathel looks at

Sarah, and while pointing a finger at Sarah, says “Your the who re, not my sister.”

Sarah pulls out a small silver dagger from a sheath on her thigh under her short

barely there dress, and starts running towards Cathel with it, letting out a crazed

sounding shriek as she does. 2

Just as she gets close and I start to move to protect my little brother, Darien steps

in front of him. Receiving a deep slashing ga sh, from his left shoulder, in a

downward angle across his chest, under his right peck.

As Sarah froze, having just slashed the Pack Alphas son, three deep resonating

gongs, like a giant bell being struck, sounded. It was so loud, its tone deep

enough, it was felt inside your chest. 2

being struck, sounded. It was so loud, its tone deep enough, it was felt inside your

chest. (2

The sound, came from Bettina, more specifically, the mark around her wrist

containing the Blood Fire Spell.

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