Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 73

I position myself behind her and zip down, pulling out my already hard dick, glistening at the tip. I place the knife down between her tits, pointed at her neck, and say, “Stay still. Don’t let it drop.”

Slowly, I enter her while watching her face unravel with pleasure as my piercings flood her with endorphins. I press the palm of my hand on that good spot on top of her belly as I push in deeper and deeper, allowing her a hint of ecstasy before I take her to the next fucking plane.

“Oh fuck,” she moans as I thrust in.

“Only halfway there, but you’ll take it like a good girl, won’t you?” I say.

Caleb pulls out his hard-on too and spreads the precum all over, using it as lube as he slowly jerks himself off beside her face. And I watch with great delight as he gets harder and harder just from me laying my claim on her.

“Now take a deep breath, little rose,” I murmur as I pick up the knife, caressing her hardened nipples with it.

She sucks in a breath, and I thrust in deep, then press the tip of the knife against her chest and push down. She bites on her lip as the blood begins to roll across her chest, and I slowly slide down the knife, pushing my length farther into her as I carve the fourth letter of my name into her chest.


She clenches her jaw as her body tenses up against the blade.

“You can take it, little rose,” I murmur, thrusting even deeper into this wet little pussy. “What is the tip of my knife compared to the size of my cock inside you?”

She mewls when I circle around her slit with one hand while I draw the round shape of the R with the other on her chest.

“Fuck!” she hisses.

“That’s it,” I say, etching in the curve. “You take it so well.”

I lean over to pick up a droplet of her blood, rolling down with my tongue right through the mask, rolling it over her nipple so her pain turns into pleasure. I lean back up again and thrust in another inch.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it? More of me deep in the crevices of your darkest desires,” I tease, burying myself deeper and deeper.

I place the knife next to the R I just carved and begin shaping the letter E.

“Take my name and make each letter your own,” I say as I carve it into her skin right above her tits. “Own my goddamn soul like yours belongs to me.”

While I cut her, I flick her clit under the pad of my thumb so her brain confuses the pain with lust.

She bites down on her tongue but still can’t keep the loud moan at bay as I thrust in deeper.

“So wet, even when I hurt you,” I say, carving out the final piece of the E. “Good girl. You can take one more, can’t you?”

“Oh God, it didn’t feel like this when I did the other letters,” she murmurs.

“When it isn’t your hand applying the pressure, the pain is so much more visceral,” I say, coaxing out more blood from her skin. “So much more like you’re descending into hell itself.” I hover close to her lips and listen to her breathy moans as I fit myself inside her. “But I will be there with you every step of the way.”

I tear off the mask, chuck it aside, and press a seductive kiss onto her top lip before I lean up to carve the final letter into her chest. S.

“Now scream for me.

Each curve makes her hiss louder and louder until, finally, she’s no longer able to withhold the screams that consume my soul and chain it to hers forever.

And I flick my finger back and forth across her clit until it begins to thump, and her moans fill the forest.

“Yes, just like that,” I groan, curling the knife around deep into her skin. “Scream, little rose, scream!”

She shrieks wildly, and my shaft swells with excitement inside her, and while I draw the final shape of the S, I bury myself inside her to the hilt, coaxing out the final drawn-out squeal as she comes all over my length. I stab the knife into the wood right beside her face and lean over to lick every droplet of blood right off her body, then seal it into her mouth with a passionate kiss.

“That is my last name. My fucking name engraved on this body. You belong to me now,” I whisper against her lips. “Say it.”

“I belong to you,” she murmurs, her eyes sparkling with devotion, the kind that you could only come across once in a lifetime, the kind that could rebuild even the most broken of hearts and put it back together.

“I love you,” I whisper.

Her eyes burst open. “What did you say?”

A smirk forms on my face as I leave a small, enticing peck next to her lips. “You heard me. Now repeat it.”

She nips back at me, but I’m just out of reach, teasing her until she finally gives me what I want.

“I love you.”

“Good girl,” I murmur, and I smash my lips back on hers, enjoying the taste of conquest. “And now my good girl deserves her reward.”


I grip her throat and tilt her head back until her mouth falls open, and my hard-on slides in with ease. “Fuck,” I groan. “Take it deep. Just like that. Swallow me whole; don’t leave out a single inch of me.”

I tear off my mask and take what belongs to me while Ares plows into her. I match his pace as he flicks her clit and makes her writhe on the wood. Her throat fits so neatly around my cock it’s unreal, and the way her tongue wraps around my shaft is nothing short of pure sin. And good fucking God, if this is hell, I don’t ever want to leave this purgatory. Let her set fire to my fucking soul.

Blaine gets up too and approaches, throwing his arms around my neck while he watches me take her deep.

“You’re so hard for her,” he murmurs, pinching my nipples until I can barely focus. “Is it because of how Ares carved his name into her skin?”

“Fuck yes,” I groan. “Of course, it is.”

“There is nothing more you love than the idea of death, don’t you?” Blaine says. Suddenly, he rips the knife out of the wood and holds it up to my neck. “You’re not afraid of it. You welcome it. You’re aroused by the thought of edging close.”

Oh fuck, now I’m getting even harder.

“Yes, make him bleed like I made her bleed,” Ares growls, thrusting into her while I stifle her moans.

Blaine pushes the knife into my throat, and droplets of warm blood roll down my neck and onto her face. “Fuck, yes,” I groan.

“You bleed like a pig too.”

That’s it.

I pull out of her throat and pummel him with my fist, but he catches it with a single hand and twists my wrist until I whimper. “Don’t even try. You know I’ll always win,” Blaine says. “But go on, enjoy that pretty little mouth while I watch.”

He fucking enjoys watching me rage at him, doesn’t he?

“Fucking masochist,” I grit at him.

“Only for her,” he says.

“Stop,” Ares groans, and he pulls out of her. “Take out your anger on her body. Lift her.”

Blaine slips the knife away from my throat and cuts through the rope around her wrists, then plants the knife into the earth. “My turn,” he growls.


“Straddle me, darling,” I tell her, wrapping her arms around my neck, and I lean in to lick her skin where Ares cut her to ease her wounds a bit. “Let me feel how wet you are.”

She writhes on top of me, coyly playing with my hard-on by sliding back and forth. “Beg.”

Oh, I’m not opposed to begging at all. “Please, darling, give me that sweet, perfect pussy.”

When she finally sinks down, my mouth falls open wide as a loud moan spills from my lips, and she covers my mouth with hers, kissing me so deeply I fall even harder in love than I already did.

Ares fishes the knife from the soil and stands behind Caleb, putting it to his throat while he grips his length. He toys with Caleb’s hard-on until it bobs up and down from sheer excitement, dripping precum onto the soil but never letting him reach a climax. And I can see it on his face that he can barely take the fact that she’s fucking me instead of him.

“Oh yes, just like that,” Crystal moans, riding me.

“Take one step, and your neck will be severed by this blade,” Ares groans behind him, but it only makes Caleb’s hard-on bounce harder.

Crystal throws her hair back and rolls her hips around on my length, making it so damn hard for me not to explode all over her. But I want to savor the moment, let her take the reins, and make her feel like the goddess she is.

“Oh fuck,” Caleb groans, his hand finding Ares’s hard-on so he can stroke it. But he can barely restrain himself when I begin plowing into Crystal.

“You want to die so badly for her?” Ares asks him.

Caleb moans loudly, and right then, Ares releases him, edging him until he whimpers. “Please.”

“Oh God,” she murmurs, clearly turned on by us.

“God, I fucking love you,” I whisper against Crystal’s lips while she bounces up and down on my shaft. “I love this body.” I grip her thighs to thrust in farther. “I love these lips.” I kiss her gently. “And I love this pure heart that belongs to all of us,” I murmur, trailing my lips all the way down her chest, across the scars Ares left on her body, and down to her nipple, taking it into my mouth.

Ares lowers the knife from Caleb’s neck and walks toward us. “And I love how she enjoys taking all three of us.” He perches himself right behind us. “Now bend over.”

With a flat hand, he pushes her down on top of me until her bloodied chest connects with mine. And he slowly pushes into her pussy too.

I gasp when I feel his piercings slide up against my shaft, coaxing out more throbs than I could ever imagine.

“Oh God, it’s so good,” she mewls as we sink deeper into her.

We move in tandem, one in, the other out, until both of us are inside her together, and her wetness explodes on both of us.


I can feel her contracting around my shaft, nearly milking me, and my head tilts back from the sheer amount of pleasure.

“Fuck, I want her too,” Caleb groans, and he steps between Ares and Crystal, crawling on top of her back, only to shove his cock inside her too.

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