Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 58

I try to breathe, but my lungs have never felt more constricted than they do now.

Ares is on his knees … for me … begging me to end his life, all because he’s made me hate him.

I can’t.

I can’t even move a muscle, let alone drive this knife farther into his skin.

Even though I’ve so desperately wanted to kill him all this time.

Ares didn’t murder my father. He took the blame and went through so much pain because of his death. Knowing what it would cost him, he still refused.

All those scars, layers upon layers, every decision he made, led him to anguish … Led him to me.

Knowing what I know now … How could I ever kill him?

“Blaine was right. You’ve managed to bring a god to his knees, little rose,” Ares says. “What does that make of you?”

He doesn’t release my wrist as he pushes it farther and farther into his neck.

His lip tips up into a cold smile. “A goddess.

My whole body begins to shake as the knife pushes into his neck. The neck of the man I once thought I wanted to murder in cold blood. The man I swore would never break me.

But it’s too late.

The knife drops to the floor.

I grip Ares’s bloodied face with both hands and kiss him harder than I have ever kissed a man before, pouring out all my love into this soul that’s been crushed again and again until nothing was left of his heart but broken shards and dust. And with every kiss I can feel his heart rebuild itself piece by piece, his lips siphoning the life straight out of my mouth.

All this pain and suffering will end with me and with these kisses, chaining our hearts until eternity. Because this … this admission of him sacrificing his goddamn soul for my father has instantly unraveled every inch of my hatred and replaced it with adoration.

When my lips unlatch from his, there’s a moment of disbelief churning in his gray eyes, and I stare at him with equal bewilderment at my own desires finally coming to their right.

Suddenly, he grips my waist with both hands, smashing his lips onto mine as he comes to a stand while kissing me with such deliciously cruel lips I’m swept away. He lifts me up in his arms, our tongues still entangled, and he sets me down on his desk, swiping aside every important paper to kiss me so deeply I nearly melt away in his arms.

He’s never claimed me like this before, so impassioned, filled with unchained need and desire.

“Fuck,” he groans into my mouth. “Should’ve killed me when you had the chance, little rose, because I won’t be able to hold back now.”

“Don’t. Don’t hold back,” I murmur between his feverish kisses.

“You don’t fucking know what you’re asking for,” he grumbles. “I’m not capable of restraint. All I know is how to make people submit and use them.”

My eyes connect with his as they sparkle with a kind of greed that’s almost too heavy to contain. “Then make me submit and use me.”


One second. One fucking second.

That’s how long I could stop myself before I completely devour her.

I smash my lips onto hers and taste my own damn desire on her, the sweet taste of fucking victory over my own damn decrepit mind. Her lips undo me. Every kiss of hers is like morphine, sweet, sweet relief injected straight into my veins.

Every cell in my body comes alive when our mouths connect.

Her kiss unraveled everything I thought I knew about myself and every inch of resistance I still had left in my brokenhearted body.

There is nothing I have left to give. I’ve already offered her my life and my soul, and I don’t want either of them back if it means having to release her heart from the cage I put it in.

Her heart belongs to me.

She belongs to me.

“Mine,” I growl, and I slide my lips across her neck and bury my teeth into her shoulder. Her whimpers and cries are like music to my ears as I suck up the blood off her delectable skin.

All the purity she once held has been tainted by me, and I don’t regret it, not for one single second.

I gave her a way out.

I gave her my fucking death on a silver platter.

Instead, she ensnared my heart just like I’ve roped in hers.

And fuck me, nothing could give this damaged soul more life than her offering herself to me.

“Ours,” Caleb says, wringing himself loose from Blaine’s grip, only to march right at us. “And if you want her … you share with us.”

Caleb grips her arm and turns her around, away from me, only to smash his lips onto hers, and I realize at that moment we’ve both been fighting our deepest desires …

It’s about time we surrendered.

I lick her skin and run my tongue along her neck until I find his mouth against hers and kiss them both at the same time, rolling my tongue around his and her mouth until our tongues are entwined and our moans meld into each other.

“Fuck, this is too hot,” Blaine says from the back, and he marches into the room too. “I love watching you all finally getting it on like you should have from the beginning.”

“Shut up,” I growl at him.

He chuckles as he sits down in the chair to the side of the desk and pushes his hand into his pants. “Don’t mind me enjoying the show.”

Blaine can do whatever the fuck he wants. Nothing’s going to stop me from claiming Crystal and Caleb now.

“I want you,” I murmur into her mouth, pulling Caleb closer so we can both kiss her. “I want you both.”

“Fuck, yes, I need you two so desperately,” he murmurs back, and we both trail kisses along her neck, meeting at the base of her chest where we both kiss each other before we rip down her shirt and take her nipples into our mouths and listen to her squeals.

I push her down onto the desk until her head falls over the edge, and I rip apart what those monsters left of her pants, tearing it all away for quick access. With splayed fingers, I circle her clit, while I slowly push two inside.

She moans, and I take her mouth while Caleb sucks on her nipple, and I am in love with her sounds.

“Yes, that’s it, little rose, show me how badly you want this. Let me hear you unravel for us.”

“Fuck,” she groans as I thrust in with my fingers.

Caleb leans up, obviously hard, and I tear down his zipper and pull out his dick with ease, jerking him off in front of her.

“You want both of us so desperately, don’t you?” I groan, toying with them both. “Then you will have us both.”

“Us three,” Blaine interjects as he gets up from the seat with his dick already out and fully erect. “I don’t intend to let you two have all the fun.”

He moves to her face and places his hands flat on the desk before leaning over to say, “Hello, darling. Miss me?”

And he smiles before kissing her lips upside down.

So I pull my fingers out of her and replace them with my tongue to watch her writhe on the desk. “You’re so fucking wet already.”

I spread her legs and dive in until I hear her moan out loud. But I don’t stop circling her most sensitive spot with my tongue until she’s dripping and can barely kiss Blaine back.

“Go on then. Give me the first one,” I say. “Give me your fucking orgasm while you give him your mouth.”

I press my tongue against her clit and swirl it around until I can feel it thump against my tip.

“F-fuck,” she murmurs when Blaine unlatches his lips from hers.

He grins against her face and continues to press kisses all over her neck and shoulders.

“One,” I say, looking up at her when she lifts her head.

“Are you going to count my orgasms?” she mutters in surprise.

“I warned you what would happen if you didn’t kill me. Now you face the consequences of your choice. I will never, ever be satisfied with just one of your orgasms, little rose.”

I lean up and spread her legs wide, placing my pierced hard-on against her entrance before I slowly push inside. “Count the inches for me, little rose.”

“Fuck. One,” she moans.

When the piercings disappear inside her, she adds, “Two.”

“Good girl,” I murmur.

“Oh fuck, this is so goddamn sexy,” Caleb groans while I jerk him off.

“Don’t come just yet,” I growl at him, thrusting deeper and deeper into her.

“Fuck,” she murmurs. “Three.”

I’m not nearly there yet.


“Keep going,” I say, pushing in even farther.

Blaine’s kisses onto her neck and mouth distract her enough for me to bury myself inside her.

“Five,” she mewls between breathy moans.

“That’s it, little rose,” I coax her, my fingers digging into her thighs while my other hand curls around Caleb’s hard-on.


She feels so fucking good, I could nearly come just from feeling her fit neatly around me, but I want to savor this moment of pure submission for as long as it lasts.

Because that fire inside her cannot be fucking doused, and I love watching it burn in her eyes.


“You’ll take all of me,” I grit, burying in even deeper. “You’ve done it before. You can do it again. And again. And again.

“Eight,” she mewls.

Blaine squeezes her nipples, making her squeal. “Fuck!”

“Focus, little rose.”

“It’s my fault for making it so hard on her,” Blaine muses, rubbing his hard-on up against her body.

“Nine!” she yelps.

“Show Caleb how badly you want him,” I groan.

Caleb’s already thrusting into her hand from sheer pleasure, and my hand finds him too in the heat of it as we both toy with his length and watch him suffer with unending need.

“Almost there. You can take it,” I groan. “I know you can because this body was fucking made for me.”

I thrust in to the base, until my balls slap against her ass, and a long-drawn-out groan leaves my body. Good God, nothing sweeter than taming a goddess with my cock alone.


“Good girl,” I say, as her wetness envelops my dick.

“Fuck!” she moans when I begin thrusting in and out.

But nothing will stop me from claiming what belongs to me.

I lean over to grip her throat and squeeze until she gets even wetter. “You like this. You like being dominated. To be used. To be marked and tainted. You’re my little slut, just like he is, and you both deserve nothing more, nothing less than complete and utter subjugation to my cock.”

“Yes,” she murmurs, and I squeeze even tighter until her eyes nearly roll into her head.

“Call me by my name.”

“Ares,” she mewls as I thrust in again and again.

“What.” THRUST. “Am.” THRUST. “I?”

“My god.”


Those are the words I wanted to hear from her lips.

I thrust so deep into her that she can’t help but let go of Caleb, too consumed by lust. “And what are you?”

“Your goddess?”

“You are food for the fucking gods, my fucking ambrosia, made to be devoured.”

I lean over to lick around her navel and jerk off Caleb until he reaches the edge, that edge he loves so damn much, and then I release him and listen to him whimper in agony while his length bounces upside down.

And I bury myself inside her to the hilt and watch the lights go out in her eyes before I come together with her, filling her to the brim with my fucking seed while her pussy contracts around my shaft, dragging out my orgasm, making me howl with delight.

“Two,” I growl as I pull out of her and watch my cum drip out.

Caleb swirls his fingers around her slit and shoves the cum right back in, thrusting his fingers back and forth into her wetness. “God, this pussy feels so good. It’s almost like I’m fucking and being fucked at the same time.”

A smirk grows on my face. “Well then … let me give you what you want.”

I pull him toward me and step aside, guiding him toward her by pointing his hardness at her entrance, and I shove him forward until he sinks in while I watch both their faces come undone.

And fuck me, the pleasure in their eyes is unmatched.

Until I position myself behind him, spit on my length, and enter his ass.

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