Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 47

Caleb steps in front of the table and lifts her off the dildo, pushing her over his hard-on with ease. She mewls when he enters her, his rigid piercings intensifying the already overwhelming orgasm that still ripples through her.

I crawl onto the table and sit down behind her.

“I need you to feel what I felt,” Crystal whispers to me.

“Of course, my goddess,” I answer as I slowly sink down on top of one of the dildos, gasping with both pain and pleasure. “Oh fuck.” My dick instantly hardens from the thickness inside my ass, and I pull her back over me. “Come here, darling, let me fill you up.”

“Fuck,” she moans when I slowly settle her over my shaft.

“You can take them both,” Ares says, grinning from his chair, his hard-on still bouncing up and down with need. “Because you’re a needy little slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, take us both deep,” Caleb groans. “I want to know what every inch of your body feels like.”

She feels like I’m thrusting straight into heaven. I couldn’t ever possibly have enough.

“I need more. Take me deeper,” I groan, sinking farther onto the dildo too.

“Fuck, I could come again just from feeling you inside her too,” Caleb groans.

“It’s quite something, isn’t it?” I muse, bouncing up and down on the dildo while simultaneously pounding into her.

Right when my hard-on begins to pulsate inside her ass, Ares gets up from his seat and marches to the table, stepping onto it so he can tower over her and force her to look up at him.

“Open your mouth.”

When he pinches her nose, she has no choice, and he thrusts in deep.

“Fuck, not two but three cocks inside her,” Caleb growls. “Such a good fucking slut, taking us all.”

“Yes, swallow me whole,” Ares groans, filling up her throat until her eyes water.

And I can no longer stop myself from getting wildly turned on by watching her writhe from all three of us.

“Fuck, I’m going to come again,” Blaine says, whimpering as his head tilts back, and his balls empty inside her. “It’s so good. You feel so good around my cock. You’re a goddamn goddess for taking us all.”

If only things were different … we could’ve been so fucking good together.


“Keep pounding into her. Don’t stop,” I beg Blaine as my whole body tightens before I roar out loud and come too.

“Fuck!” Her moans are immediately silenced by Ares’s dick plowing into her, forcing her to take him into her mouth until he hits the base.

“Now gulp down the second load of cum like a good girl,” he says, arching his back as he grips her face tight and roars.

It’s so much, it explodes out of her mouth and dribbles onto me.

“Don’t waste a fucking drop,” Ares growls.

So I lean in and lick it off her chest and lips, kissing her immediately after he pulls out of her.

She’s covered in cum and sweat, and I suck it all up and spit it out into her mouth, swirling my tongue around hers until she’s as satiated as we are.

Blaine pulls out first. “Fuck, that dildo felt good.”

Ares jumps off the table to sit back on the chair again and tuck back his spent dick. He watches her with a devilish smirk on his face as she slowly comes down from the high.

I place one last kiss on the side of her lips before I pull out. She falls into me, and I catch her just in time. “You did good, little slut.”

I hold her close to me and listen to the sound of her breaths as her heart rate slows. Her body close to mine lulls my mind into a calm state, one I’ve only ever experienced when Ares hugs me.

I throw him a glance, the intrigue on his face making me question everything I thought I knew. About myself. About us. About her.

Is there a way I could love them both without being torn at the seams?

I push her away and look at her face, searching for the answers, but the look in her eyes is restless. As though her mind has already wandered off somewhere else.

Her eyes, glazed over, deeply connected with Ares’s, the air thick with poison.

A cloud has been hanging over us since we first saw her.

One that’s about to split open and rain down hell.


I’ve given my body to the devil and stepped through the dark gates of hell with him. I did all he asked and more. And now I want what he promised me.

I push Caleb aside so I can focus on Ares. “It’s done. I did what you asked … I won.”

Ares tilts his head, the smug grin on his face growing deeper and deeper. “You won, little rose … And now you want to be relinquished of your deal with us.”

I swallow away all the feelings of lust I had seconds ago as Ares leans forward in his chair until he’s a mere inch away from my face just to say, “What would you do if I said I lied?

“What?” I mutter in disbelief.

Ares’s hand supports his face as he leans down with his elbow on the armrest. “There was no deal. I wasn’t ever going to kill your mother to begin with. I never kill innocent people.”

Innocent people?

“Never?” I parrot as the darkness begins to take hold.

I steady myself against the table as my world shifts on its axis.




It’s all he’s wanted me to do … break me.

Break the glass that surrounds my heart.

Shatter the facade.

Show them what truly hides underneath.


I’ll give him what he fucking wishes for.


The small smile instantly evaporates from her face like it was never even real.

That’s it.

That’s the face I was looking for.

Suddenly, she jumps off the table and rushes at her dress, fishing out the knife she’s so desperately clung to all this time, and within two steps, she lunges at me.

“Crystal, no!” Caleb growls, grasping her arm.

Right before the knife punctures my neck.

“What the—” Caleb mutters, shock riddling his face. “What the fuck are you doing?”

But all I can do is look up at the face of the girl who’s haunted my nightmares for years.

“She’s finally doing what she’s wanted to do since the first time she saw me.” I lean into the blade. “Kill me.”

“You fucking liar!” she spews.

Caleb wraps his arm around her flailing body to keep her away from me. “Crystal, stop!”

“Let go of me,” she grits at him, thrashing around. “He’s a fucking liar! Not killing innocents? Bullshit! What about the men who tried to enter the Tartarus property?” she rebukes.

Those men were anything but innocent.

“They were from the Bones Brotherhood. The same underground organization Wayne Ferry belonged to,” I reply, staying still against her blade. “And they were going to try to drug girls at my party to capture them.”

She winces, confused. “What?”

“You think shady shit doesn’t happen on this campus?” I laugh. “You don’t even know the half of it.”

“Fuck that. You’re still a goddamn liar,” she retorts, shoving the blade into my skin.

“Why do you suddenly want to kill him?” Caleb asks. “Just because of this deal we made?”

I tap my fingers against the chair. “No. It was never about that, was it, Crystal? But we both knew that already.”

“What is he talking about, Crystal?” Blaine asks.

I laugh. “I’m surprised she hasn’t told you. After all the training you gave her.”

His eyes widen.

“Didn’t think you sneaking off wouldn’t alert me?” I growl at him. “You’ve been teaching her how to fight behind my back.”

“I did what she asked me to do,” Blaine responds. “You were hunting her, and I couldn’t say no.” He turns his attention to Crystal. “I taught her how to defend herself.”

Crystal slowly begins to laugh, the menacing sound behind it catching everyone off guard.

“Don’t you see the truth?” I tell him. “She was manipulating both of you.”

“What?” Caleb mutters, his grip on her slowly waning. “What does he mean, Crystal? Tell me.”

“Your mother dating his father wasn’t by accident.” My eyes narrow as hers lose every hint of happiness. “You orchestrated it.”

She’s laughing uncontrollably now. “That’s right, I did. I fucking did. I dropped my fucking drink so she would get some tissues and talk to your dad and butter him up.”

Caleb lets go of her and steps back, bumping into the table. “You told me you had nothing to do with it …”

“You call me a liar, but you’re the only one who’s lied,” I say, eyeing her before I focus on Caleb. “It wasn’t about you or your father,” I tell him, leaning back against the chair as she aims the knife at me. “She needed to find a way to get closer to me.”

Blaine steps in the second she tries to stab me, grasping her wrist midair. “Don’t. Don’t do it.”

“You should’ve thought of that before you taught me how to wield a weapon,” she growls. “Now let go of me before I hurt you too,” she grits.

“Hurt me?” Blaine scoffs. “Darling, I’m already hurt.”

“This isn’t about you,” she says, pointing her knife at me. “He deserves to die.”

“And now all your secrets are out in the open,” I say, licking my lips. “The facade of the sweet, beautiful girl finally broken into pieces.”

“You fucking murderer!” she screeches, punching Blaine to get rid of him.

“Crystal!” Blaine yells, trying to hold her down.

“If you can’t kill him, I will!” she yells back.

“Release her,” I say.

Both boys look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

But I knew what I signed up for when I made that deal with her and locked her up in the place I call home.

Fate has been chasing me all this time … and now it’s finally caught up with me.

She immediately thrusts the knife underneath my chin, the blade carving another line into my skin. The pain doesn’t faze me, it never did. But what I didn’t expect was the way my heart beats slower and slower as her ruthless gaze settles onto me.

Caleb struggles to hold himself back as he lifts a hand, desperate to intervene in my inevitable demise. “Why?”

She swallows, staring into my soul as though she’s waiting for me to give him the answers that belong to her.

“Because he’s the one who killed my father.”

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