Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 45

I pull away in shock, stopping the kinky fuckery even though I was about ready to burst.

Blaine actually … kissed me?

Crystal giggles, but I can’t even focus on her as all I can see are those lips of his still pursed, still waiting for a reaction.

“I was just taken away by the moment,” Blaine mutters. “I didn’t mean to—”

I grip his face and kiss him right back, not giving a shit that he’s the one guy I thought I fucking hated until death and beyond. That kiss just unlocked a hidden desire I didn’t even know I had until now.

Maybe it’s not so bad after all, maybe I could want all of them and finally have enough.

“Fuck,” Blaine groans against my mouth, and his tongue dips out to swirl around mine. He’s much less arrogant and controlling than Ares, but much greedier too, as his tongue goes wild inside my mouth, but I like it.

Crystal’s moans make me pull away, and I blink a couple of times as we slowly begin to drive into her again. And fuck me, could there ever be anything more perfect than fucking the one girl we love together?

“God, this fucking pussy is going to be the death of me,” Blaine murmurs while I press my lips onto hers for more greedy kisses.

Blaine’s hard-on rubs up against mine, creating so much pleasure I can’t even begin to describe it without moaning like a madman.

“You’re such a good little slut for us,” I groan, biting her lip. “I can’t get enough.”

“Fuck me,” she mewls, running her hands through my hair.

My length swells inside her as I get closer and closer to the edge, balls slapping against her inner thighs while Blaine and I alternate kissing her with kissing each other. The hot water doesn’t even come close to the heat between us as we give her everything we have and more.

“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Blaine groans. “I could do this every day for the rest of my life and still not have enough of you. I’m addicted.”

“But what about my mother, what about Ares, what about—”

I silence her with a kiss. “I don’t fucking care anymore. None of it matters as long as we’re with you.”

“Yes,” she says in a heady trance. “Make me believe it. Just for a day.”

“It won’t ever be enough,” I murmur against her lips.

“We want more. Please let us have you,” Blaine begs, thrusting into her. “Let us have you for the rest of your life. Let us fuck you every day until you’re satisfied. Will you do that for us?”

She moans out loud when my pubic piercing rubs against her most sensitive spot, and I just know she loves it as much as I do.

“Admit that you like being my slut,” I groan against her earlobe. “You love writhing on our cocks if only to forget about everything else.”

“Yes,” she moans when I hit that spot. “Harder, please!”

Blaine obliges too, running his hands over her tits while I hold her hips tightly. “So perky, so fucking beautiful.”

My fingers dig into her hips as we thrust in and out simultaneously, as the pressure slowly begins to build.

“I know how you feel. You want me to fuck the rage out of you,” I whisper into her ear. “So let me give you what you need, little slut.” I bury myself to the hilt inside her, making her gasp. “Now moan for me.”

The moan that follows is drawn-out and heavy, as though she’s releasing all her inner demons and letting them all drain away with the water, and I’ll be right fucking here to fuck her until she collapses in my arms, ready to catch her when she fucking falls down from that heavenly peak.

“Shit, I’m so close,” she murmurs as the piercings at my base keep rubbing her clit. “Please, please don’t stop.”

Her begging makes my hard-on pulsate. “Come for me. Fall apart on our cocks like a good fucking slut would.”

I bang her so hard I can see the lights in her eyes go out, and she drops her head on Blaine’s shoulder, allowing me to lick the droplets of sweat and water off her throat while the orgasm begins to roll through her entire body.

“Fuck, I can feel her coming,” Blaine mewls. “It’s too much, I’m going to come too.”

“Yes, fill her up,” I groan. “Let me feel it.”

The long-drawn-out groan that follows sets me off too as his cum jets out into her. His warm seed glides down my length, and I grip his face and kiss him as I shoot my own load into her too, filling her up to the brim.

Suddenly, the door in the back opens up, and I unlatch from Blaine’s lips when I realize whose eyes are boring a hole into my chest.

“Ares,” I mutter.



Caleb and Blaine pull out of me, leaving me feeling empty. I swiftly grasp my dress off the floor and clutch it tightly, but Caleb pushes me to the back of the shower and blocks me from Ares’s view.

Is he … protecting me?

“You want to be mad? Be mad at me,” he growls. “I seduced her.”

My face glows red, but I still can’t help but step sideways to watch Ares approach like a demon in all black, his gray eyes forcing me to keep my gaze locked on his.

“I wanted this,” I say.

“Let us do the talking, darling,” Blaine insists, blocking my view too.

Goddammit. Now they choose to protect me from him?

They fold their arms and stare down Ares, so I peek through the gap between Blaine’s arm and his well-trained body.

“You’re still injured and healing. Shouldn’t you lie down?” Caleb asks him.

“I’m fine,” Ares says, straightening his back.

Why does it sound like a lie?

“She’s had enough of your obsession,” Blaine says.

“Really now?” Ares mocks. “I beg to differ.”

My eyes are transfixed on his, and they find mine through their bodies with ease.

“I know you’re hungry for more …” Ares murmurs, stopping right in front of them. “No wonder you went to them instead.”

“You traumatized her,” Blaine says.

Ares tilts his head. “She pulled the trigger out of her own free will. Didn’t you, Crystal?”

They all look at me now.

“Didn’t it feel good to watch the blood drain from his face?” he asks me directly.

I can’t help but nod.

It’s true. Even if I wanted to deny it, it felt so fucking good to destroy the man who let my father walk straight into his death.

A wicked smile forms on Ares’s face. “See?”

“Do you want her to become like me?” Caleb asks, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions.

Ares grips his face. “I would never want either of you to die. I need you to stay with me.”

“I can’t lose her too,” Caleb says, breaking my heart. “Even if you want me to stay away from her, I can’t. I fucking can’t. But we’re ruining her.”

Ares pulls him against his chest, easily dragging him into his embrace despite getting his own clothes wet too now. “I know.”

“I won’t deny that you two have a claim on her,” Blaine says, swallowing. “But I would die for a girl like her.”

“You’d die for me?” I mutter, looking up at him.

No one’s ever said that to me.

He immediately grabs my hand and kisses the top just like he always does. “You’re my goddess. It would be a fucking honor.”

“A goddess?” Ares repeats with great interest. “Yet you were kissing him.” He looks down upon Caleb with jealousy lacing his eyes. “The one you loathe so much.”

Blaine gulps. “I got carried away.”

“It didn’t mean anyth—”

“Yes, it did,” I say.

Now everyone’s looking at me, and it makes me blush.

“You like each other,” I say.

Blaine’s jaw drops. “I do not,” he scoffs.

“In his dreams,” Caleb says, turning his head. “It just happened, no big deal.”

“What he said,” Blaine says, but they’re both flushing at the cheeks.

“Liars,” I mumble.

Ares seems amused by it all even though I’d assumed he’d be red hot with rage by now because he caught them having sex with me while he was writhing in pain in his room.

“Caleb. Blaine,” he says through gritted teeth. “On. Your. Knees.”

The boys stare him down for a moment, before they both slowly sink to their knees. Caleb first, then Blaine, and with the water rushing down on their heads it almost looks like they’ve been defeated just by the sheer dominance in Ares’s glare.

I thought they’d finally be on my side, fighting for me. But even they can’t resist his commanding presence.

“Lick her out.”


“Who? Me?” Blaine points at himself.

The devilish glint in Ares’s eyes make me gulp. “Both of you.”

Both boys turn around to look at me as I brace myself against the wall, but nothing prepares me for when their tongues both land on my wetness, providing so much pleasure I nearly melt into the wall.

Good God, who knew two tongues could feel so much better than just one?

“Suck out that fucking cum,” Ares commands. “You want to be hers so badly? Then be the fucking sluts you are.”

“Oh fuck,” Blaine moans. “You never talked to me like that.” He winks. “I quite like it.

Ares grips his head and shoves him right back between my thighs. “Shut your damn mouth and lick.”

“F-fuck,” I murmur, unable to keep the moans at bay. I’m having so much trouble holding the dress, but I must. The knife is my only failsafe.

“You wanted them … then have them,” Ares says through gritted teeth as he steps closer, apparently not giving a shit either that the shower is pouring down on him, and he grabs my chin. “Take all of us like a fucking good girl.”

And he slams his lips onto mine, greedily taking my mouth like he already took ownership of it long ago.

The kiss catches me so off guard that I feel numb as he roams my mouth with his tongue, licking the roof of my mouth while those boys lick my slit raw. My hand wraps around his neck and my fingers crawl through his hair, desperate for more. I’m already quaking with need, my body still reeling from the previous orgasm, but it will never be enough for them.

And it might never be enough for me either now that I know what it feels like to have them all three to myself.

Ares groans into my mouth, making goose bumps scatter on my skin. “So delicious for something so fucking forbidden.” He smiles against my lips, droplets of water rolling down his sharp nose and chin. “Now tell me why you refuse to fear me.”

Even though our lips are still connected, I look him dead in the eyes. “You know why.”

A deadly smirk forms on his face, and a low, rumbling laugh fills the room. After a while he says, “Always smiling through the pain. How do you do it?”

I’m instantly reminded of the wounds on his back and how much it must hurt to stand under the scorching hot shower, yet it doesn’t seem to faze him in the slightest.

“You know, I hated the very thought of you. Your existence was a nuisance, an unforeseen circumstance I hadn’t anticipated … but that smile, I can’t get it out of my fucking mind. It’s consumed me to the point where I couldn’t think, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep without seeing that damn fucking smile of yours.” He grips my chin, his thumb running across my bottom lip. “You want me to fear it.”

A wicked glimmer in his eyes makes me gulp.

Maybe he’s right.

Maybe that’s why I could never give in, never falter, never stop fighting him.

Even when my heart is slowly unraveling and wrapping around his.


I grip her throat, squeezing so tightly she can’t breathe. I can feel her heart pulsate underneath my thumb, the throbbing of life, naked in my very hands. “You’ve made me so obsessed with you that I can’t even fucking think of someone else touching you without wanting to put a bullet through their heads preemptively. You’ve made me blind with jealousy to the point where the only person I ever cared about nearly slipped away from me because I couldn’t stop trying to claim you all for myself.”

I grip Caleb’s hair with my free hand and tilt his head up to look at both of us. I want her to see the unraveling in his eyes. She has no fucking idea of the power she holds over these boys who once belonged to me.

She stole their obedience from me … and I can’t even fucking stay mad at her.

“I need him, and he needs me …” I grit. “But we need you more.”

“Fuck, I need her so fucking much,” Caleb groans.

I shove him back into her slit. “Then fucking dine on her like the addicted little slut you are.”

“Yes, fuck yes,” Caleb groans.

“God, I love it when you guys talk dirty,” Blaine murmurs, lapping her up and making it hard for her to focus. I can see it in her eyes, the way they almost roll back into her skull.

So easily persuaded to submit to them …

Yet she still refuses to do it for me.

“You’ve beguiled all of us, so let me return the favor by turning you into our favorite obsession, our aphrodisiac… my fucking Ambrosía,” I say.

My mouth slams back onto hers, claiming what little breath she had left before I finally release her throat and allow her to suck in the air she so desperately needs. Air I share with her as I relentlessly kiss her over and over again until she can feel nothing but our lips on her body and our desire between her own goddamn legs.

“Yield,” I groan into her mouth. “Yield, goddammit, and I will fucking give you my soul.”

But no matter how hard I kiss her, she won’t let go of that one sliver of rage. Her eyes travel toward the dress on the floor and the knife she hides, forever luring her in.

“No,” she murmurs. “I can’t. I won’t.”

“Fuck,” I growl, still kissing her, and I bite her lip and tug at it. “You are mine, little rose, mine to do with as I please, no matter how much you hate me, how much you’d wish for me to die. Kill me, and I’d only haunt you in your nightmares because you’ll never know how much I sacrificed to be able to kiss these lips and make that fucking smile mine.”


My eyes open wide, and I want to ask what he means, but I’m not sure I want to know.

Do I want to know the reason behind all of my own misery?

Could I really relinquish myself of anger that’s been coursing through my veins, keeping me alive up to this day?

I swallow as my hands travel down his wet shoulders, my eyes searching his face for answers to questions I don’t dare ask. But his bloodied shirt peeling away at the top makes me hunger for more, so I gently pull away the wet fabric, revealing the markings underneath.

Letters … carved into his flesh.

But there’s no time to look at what it says as he pulls me away from the wall.

“Fuck, I want to taste more of her,” Blaine mutters. “Please, don’t spoil the fun now that we’re finally having some.”

“Hush,” Ares growls, and he picks me up and carries me away in his arms while I desperately hold on to the dress in which I keep the knife. “Follow.

I’m completely taken aback when he carries me out of Caleb’s room and waltzes across the hallway. I’m completely nude, but he does so without a care in the world that anyone might see me. Because his gaze is completely transfixed on me, and I’m suddenly struck by how beautiful this devil is from this angle, or maybe it’s the light cast from above that makes me wonder if I’m staring at a literal fallen angel.

But that doesn’t make sense. He’s someone who steals life without qualm, who laughs in the face of death itself. A murderer.

So are you.

My breath catches in my throat right as he steps into his own room. Caleb and Blaine follow suit like puppy dogs obeying his every command.

I peer around, surprised by the amount of gray painting on the walls. There’s no color of any kind, not even a flower, and it’s filled with furniture in muted tones, except for one thing—the bright red cabinet in the back of the room.

I gulp when he puts me on the soft, square chair behind a big glass table.

“Stay,” he tells me.

I don’t know what’ll happen if I don’t listen, but judging from the boys’ reaction, it’s not wise to disobey.

“You two were so happily kissing each other under the shower …” Ares says as he walks to the red cabinet. He glances at them over his shoulder. “I feel fucking left out.”

“Sorry,” Caleb mutters. “I didn’t mean to—”

“Shh,” Ares silences him with ease.

“What do you want us to do? Beg?” Blaine asks. “I want her, and I’ll do anything to be able to call her mine.”

My cheeks flush from his admission.

“Anything?” Ares’s brow rises. “Good.”

He grabs some stuff, but I can’t see, and curiosity is really getting the better of me as I drop the dress on the floor.

But that curiosity is quickly replaced with despair as he places a whole bunch of ribbed dildos on the table, lined up from small to large, with suction cups to secure them tightly.

He adds lube to all of them before sitting down in the gray chair opposite of me, eagerly biting his lip while gazing at me intently.

This … he put all this down for me.

“You want to be freed of my obsession? To be let go of the deal you made?” he growls, tilting his head to the side while rubbing his chin. “Fine. I will … If you can take all of these in your ass one at a time until you reach the end … then kiss me.” He leans forward with a smug smile. “So come and get your freedom, little rose.”

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