Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 38

“Every inch of me is built to kill, whether it’s hearts or bodies … but your fear is the last thing I crave,” I rasp. “If I cannot take your fear … then I will offer myself to you out of my own free will. Use me to your heart’s content like we have used you. Hurt me. Choke me. Fuck me. Kill me. Whatever your desire, I will surrender to it.” I suck in a breath as she gasps. “I have chained my life to Ares, but my heart belongs to you.”

I’ve tried so hard to play by the rules, but I can no longer resist her.

She’s been used, degraded, completely crushed, and still smiled through it all.

There has never been someone I’ve so deeply wished to take my soul than for her to make it her own. And if this will be my undoing, then so be it.

She thinks she is the weak one, but I am defenseless when it comes to her.

Her nostrils flare, and she turns around to look at my room, wandering about, before she sits on my bed and stares at me.

My dick bobs up and down from the sheer amount of lust in her eyes.

“You want to be mine?” she asks.

She crawls farther onto the bed, onto me.

“Make me your pawn,” I reply.

“You won’t kill him for me,” she says, still clutching that knife of hers as she reaches me. “But you trained me and guided me to make it happen?”

When she’s finally hovering over my face, my boxers strain from my hard-on. “Use me as your angel of vengeance, darling.”

The smirk that slowly forms on her face is something else.

My God.

She lifts herself and sits down on my package, and my eyes nearly roll into the back of my head from the way she feels on top of me. “Fine, then. Beg.”

Oh fuck me.

There’s never been anything sexier than a girl as innocent as her saying those words to me.

I have no qualms about doing whatever she wants. “Please …”

She slowly gyrates on top of me, and it gets me insane within no time.

“F-fuck …” I groan.

“You want this?” she asks, rolling her hips on top of me.

“Yes, please, give it to me,” I whimper.

She grips the pillow underneath my head and throws it over my face.

“You want this?” she reiterates.

“Yes,” I repeat through the fabric even though I can’t breathe.

Oxygen escapes me, and I feel myself drifting away into the madness of my own lust and desires as she continues to gyrate on top of me until my boxers are wet with precum.

When she finally removes the pillow, I gasp for air, only for her lips to smother me instead. I moan against her mouth, kissing her back, but she lifts her lips and hovers so closely above them that I want to inch closer.

“You are insane,” she mutters.

I chuckle. “Aren’t we all?”

“I’m not,” she says.

“Aren’t you?” I reply as she gyrates around. “Yet you were so wet for us when we toyed with you during that party.

Her eyes narrow, and she leans up to grasp the chain. She yanks it until the leather straps are tightened into my skin, partially cutting off my breathing again.

“F-fuck,” I grit when the chain finally stops choking me. “All this to convince me of a lie. You can just admit you enjoyed it.”

She swallows. “It’s wrong.”

“Yes …” I say, sucking in the oxygen like I won’t have another chance. “But wrong can also feel so goddamn good. And what I felt in there, licking you out, even if it was in front of all those people, was nothing short of amazing.”

She inches away from me and sits down on my knees, only to rip down my boxers and free my hard-on, which bounces up and down.

She pulls her shirt over her head, and I gawk at those beautiful, perky tits of hers. My wrists strain against the shackles, desperate to touch her.

“You licked me, made me suck your dick …” she murmurs. “And then you fucked Caleb because he told you to.”

I snort. “Risk of the trade. Besides, I swing all the ways. And I quite liked fucking him and putting him in his place.”

The filthy smirk that slowly trickles onto her face makes my heart throb.

A devil exists underneath that angelic mask of hers.

I just have to coax it out.

She rubs her lips together to hide a giggle. “He did deserve it.”

“Getting a little vindictive there, darling?” I wink. “The wish for violence looks good on you.”

She grabs the pillow again and shoves it over my face.

“Are you ready to beg for mercy?”

I mumble, “Yes!”

“You really are easy,” she says, pulling it away again.

“I told you I wasn’t a threat to you.”

“Yet you’re friends with those who are.” She huffs, and she tickles my shaft to the point where it bobs up and down. “You obey their commands when they tell you to fuck me raw.”

“I would obey you too if you’d let me,” I mutter, moaning when the top of her finger flicks against the tip of my length.

“You’re that desperate for me?” she murmurs.

“You don’t even wanna know how badly … But I held myself back for you.

“Why me?” she asks.

“Because …” I strain against my restraints, almost wishing I hadn’t tied myself up just so I could caress her. “You might not believe it, but you hold power over people with your smile alone.”

“And now you’re tied up in your own bed, subjected to my every whim,” she muses.

A smile forms on my face.

She leans up, pushing out her tits as her hand dips between her thighs to touch herself.

“This is what you want so badly?” she asks.

“Fuck yes,” I beg, salivating at the mouth when she puts her hands down her leggings and starts rubbing herself right in front of me. She pulls down her leggings slowly, creating a kind of angst in me I never thought I could feel.

She toys with my shaft with her other hand, amused by how easily I can be manipulated. But she doesn’t realize the kind of power she holds … and the fact that I don’t let just anyone do this to me.

“What do you want from me, then?” she asks. “And what are you willing to give to me in return?”

“I want to fuck you so badly,” I groan when she reaches the tip. “I’ll do anything. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

“Anything?” She licks her lips and pulls her hands away, then lifts her hips to hover over my tip, but without settling down, and my God, is it pure torture.

“Anything you desire.”

“Give me the key card to the entire house.”

I groan with frustration. “Ares will kill me.”

“He already will if he finds out you fucked me without him present.”

She’s got me there.

But fuck, I can’t even concentrate because her wet slit is right there near his tip, and I’m so damn eager, but she keeps leaning away just out of reach.

“Please …” I whimper, my hard-on bobbing up and down.

Her finger trails down my chest, her wetness dripping all over me. “You will give me the key card when we’re done?”

“Fine, yes, I will give you the key. Now please, darling. Give it to me.”

When she finally dips her hips down, my head tilts back, and I let out a moan I’ve never even heard before.

“Oh …” She moans too, sinking deeper and deeper down my shaft. “You’re so … thick.”

My hard-on throbs inside her, not just from the way she feels but also from the words she just said.

“Your pussy can handle it,” I reply with a wicked grin on my face.

She smirks and grabs the pillow, smothering me again.

I splutter and cough, sucking in the air, but the thrill of losing my breath is exhilarating. And when she pushes down to the base, I nearly lose myself in the moment.

She tears the pillow away again, and my nostrils suck in the oxygen like they’re addicted. And you know what? Maybe I fucking am.

“Don’t get cocky now,” she says, lifting her hips.

“How could I not when I have you on my lap?” I respond.

Another blush forms on her cheeks, and she grips the pillow again, but she’s not just using it to choke me. She’s using it to hide her own feelings.

“Wait,” I say.

“What?” She holds up the pillow. “Thought you wanted this?”

“I do, but …” I sigh. “God, I wish I could touch you right now.”

Her eyes narrow. “Then why did you tie yourself up?”

I swallow, gazing at my own dripping hardness, which is begging to be fucked. But I know if I lie now to get it over with, she’ll never give herself to me. “I tied myself up because you looked at me with such fear in your eyes … and I finally realized why.”

She frowns.

“You like me. And it scares you.”

Her eyes widen in shock, and my heart skips a beat.

“It’s okay to admit it,” I say, whimpering when she slides over my tip with her slit. “It’s only natural to fall for someone as handsome as me.”

Her jaw drops. “Why you—” She smothers me with the pillow again, shoving it into my face so hard I truly can’t breathe, and fuck me, is it making me want to spurt my load all over this room.

When she pulls it away again, I feel like I’m sucking in a breath for years. “Have you always been this arrogant?”

“Darling, what else do I have to offer but my looks and charm?”

“Do you really think that’s the only thing?” she says, tilting her head.

“My dick,” I groan. “I can offer you that.”

She rolls her eyes. “You can fight. You’re honest. You’re reliable. Or you were …”

“Reliable when you know how to twist me around your finger,” I respond, raising a brow. “Now let me feel you, darling,” I groan, twisting around. “Before I rip through these chains.”

She giggles and settles back down on the tip, sliding in deeper and deeper, each time faster than before, the feeling heavenly and beyond this world. When I first met her, I wondered why those boys were obsessed with her, but I get it now.

“F-fuck, just like that,” I groan.

She rolls her hips around, and her hand dips between her thighs. She touches herself while riding me, and my wrists strain against the metal that holds me down.

Why did I think this was a good idea? God, I want to run my fingers down her body so badly.

“Hmm … you like when I touch myself, don’t you?” she murmurs, circling her slit.

“Oh, fuck yes,” I reply, biting my lip but not too harsh because I don’t want to break the skin and destroy my pretty lips.

“More than you like touching me?”

She pulls the chain around my neck, and it tightens the noose.

I gulp. “I have no choice.”

“Right … because you wanted to tie yourself up to protect me,” she says, abruptly stopping to lean in and hover over my lips so dangerously close I can almost taste her. “But haven’t I told you …” Her lips brush mine, and I’m nearly close enough to kiss her. Just barely, and she knows. She’s purposely drawing out my hunger, and fuck me, am I famished for those beautiful lips.

Her eyes burst open just to watch me suffer. “I’m not scared of anyone.”

She grabs the pillow and stuffs it into my face, but I can still feel her ride me, still hear her fingers play with herself.

Her moans reverberate through the room and my ears, and my breathing grows rapid while she uses me to her heart’s content. I can’t breathe, can’t even think, as her pussy begins to contract around my shaft, and her body quakes on top of me.

But I am unable to see the beauty of her last moan as she comes all over me.

I pulsate inside her, cum shooting out along with my stifled moans, and I almost faint from sheer exhaustion.

She pulls the pillow away just in time, and my eyelids rapidly blink like a wild animal after it’s been hunted in the dark. She’s already lifted herself off me, but I can’t focus on anything as the only thing I see are tits right up in my face. I tilt my head, desperate to lick her nipples, but she’s just out of reach as she leans over to grab something off my nightstand … and out of the first drawer.

My eyes widen.

Her phone.

Fuck, I forgot it was there.

She leans back and hovers near my ear, her breath sending goose bumps down my spine all over, as she whispers, “I hope you enjoyed the nonexistent show.”

My eyes narrow, but she still gets off me, and I’m left utterly confused.

“Wait, what? That was it?” I gasp.

She flaunts the key card between two fingers, and my heart shatters into tiny pieces.

“You tricked me,” I say, feeling wounded.

“I gave you what you gave me,” she muses, winking. “A betrayal for a betrayal.”

I let out an audible gasp.

When she waltzes off, I put all my weight into tearing at the metal around my wrists. “Wait. You’re not just going to leave me here, are you?”

She pauses, staring at the door, the aura surrounding her suddenly shifting into an arctic ice, scaring even me. “Are you going to help me kill Ares?” Even her voice has changed.

“I cannot. You know why.”

“Then you’re just as much of a prisoner in this house as I am,” she says, marching out the door.

Holy shit, have I underestimated her.

Good God. What a girl.

Now I’m definitely rooting for her to kill him …

Before he kills me when he finds me like this.

But damn, it was worth every second.

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