Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 30

The doorbell rings, and I grab my bag and hurry downstairs.

Kayla approaches, but I swiftly intervene as she opens the door.

Blaine steps inside in a pair of black PVC pants and a see-through black mesh shirt, along with a silver necklace, and I swear, every time I see him, he looks even sexier than before. His hair is styled in a curly wave, half of it in a bun, while loose strands fall beside his defined jaw.

He grabs the doorpost and checks out my short red dress with puffy shoulders, his eyes slowly skittering across my body like a spider draws a web, ensnaring me. “Well, hello there, gorgeous.” He pulls me into his arms.

“Holy shit … Blaine Navarro?” One of the girls behind me squeals, making me turn my head.

Some others gasp in shock, and one nearly faints on the couch.

“What the hell is he doing here?” another one asks while they all try to get up close. “Oh my God!”

He winks. “I’m just here to pick up Crystal Murphy, ladies. But I appreciate the sentiment.”

A collective disappointing sigh follows from my fellow sorority girls.

“Don’t pay attention to them. They’re just jealous,” Kayla says, winking before she slaps my butt. “You have fun with whatever you two are going to do.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, trying not to blush as he escorts me outside.

“I won’t bother you ladies any longer,” Blaine muses, blowing them an air-kiss. “Enjoy your evening!”

When the door closes, half of the girls behind me squeal their heads off.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

“Ah, don’t worry. I’m used to the attention that comes with looking as good as I do.”

God, the arrogance of this guy. It’s insane yet … kind of endearing.

With a giant smile, he offers me his arm. “Care to take a walk, darling?”

I hook my arm through his. “Do I even have a choice?”

“Well, you could always try to outrun them,” he says. “Take your mom on a long vacation.”

“Nice fantasy you got going there,” I reply as we walk across the road.

“Ahh, we all know Ares and Caleb would probably chase you and your mother to the end of the world.”

I snigger to myself. “Sounds about right. I still don’t understand why he wants to get rid of her so badly he’d threaten to get her killed. It can’t be just to protect his dad.”

Blaine sighs. “He has … issues.”


Caleb’s sudden intrusion makes all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. But when I turn to look at him, I’m momentarily too flabbergasted to speak. I’ve never seen him wear a dark red shirt, but the color suits him well. It makes all of his tattoos and piercings jump out … especially with that unbuttoned part at the top. Of course he paired it with some black jeans and a ton of intimidating jewelry.

I wonder if he’s brought that knife of his along, too.

“I didn’t know you were also coming to pick me up. Am I that much of a threat?” I ask.

“No.” He wraps his arm around my waist. “I just don’t trust Blaine here to keep his paws off you.

“Paws?” Blaine scoffs, throwing back his long hair.

“Now tell me who has issues?” Caleb muses, sticking up a middle finger covered in skull rings.

“Excuse me, this manicure was way too expensive for you to insult it like that. The only paws here are those chewed-up nails,” Blaine says, wincing.

I chuckle as we head toward the front entrance of the Tartarus House. “You know, for two men forcing me to come to a party, you have great banter. It’s funny to listen to.”

“The only thing that’s going to be funny to listen to is the sound of your stifled moans while I lick the droplets of sweat off your skin.”

My eyes widen, and Blaine actually gasps.

“Got a problem?” Caleb raises his brow at Blaine right as we pass through the gates.

“You sure are confident you’ll ever get a chance, considering Ares nearly ended my life yesterday just for kissing her.”

“You kissed her?” Caleb growls, his grip on my waist growing stronger with every passing second.

“Yes,” Blaine says, narrowing his eyes. “It was delicate. Sweet. Delectable.”

Now I can’t control the blush anymore.

“And if you must know …. she actually enjoyed kissing me.”

Caleb stops halfway across the path to the door and releases me, then grabs Blaine’s shirt. “What the fuck do you want to say with that, huh? You insinuating something?”

Oh God.

“She kissed me back,” Blaine says with a smug smile.

Caleb raises a fist, but Blaine’s stern gaze makes him pause midair.

“Hit me then, darling. Try if you dare. I’ll cut off those fingers you used to fuck her with before you even get a chance,” he hisses.

Well shit, I didn’t ever think I’d find overly possessive men sexy, but here we are.

“Guys,” I mutter. “Don’t fight over me. Please.”

It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. They’ve collectively decided to make me their plaything, and I’m just along for the ride.

Caleb slowly lowers his fist. “Fine. But only because she asked me to leave your pretty fucking face whole.”

“Mm-hmm.” Blaine snorts. “Glad you finally recognize I’m prettier than you.

“Oh fuck off, Blaine,” Caleb says, flipping him off. “Don’t forget what Ares told you.”

“What?” Blaine muses. “The same thing he told you?” He raises a brow, making Caleb fume even more.

A guard at the front of the door stops us in our tracks. “No weapons allowed inside. I will need to do a check.”

Grumbling to myself, I pull my only knife out of my boot and hand it to him.

“Wow … you brought that here, darling?” Blaine muses. “I’m impressed.”

“I don’t leave the sorority without it,” I tell him.

The guard holds out a box, and I place it inside. “This is special to me. If it isn’t here when I get back, someone will pay,” I warn him.

He swallows uncomfortably.

“Hold up your arms.”

The guy pats me for any leftover weapons, but that was the only one I brought.

“You’re good,” he says. “Next.”

“I didn’t bring any weapons, darling,” Blaine muses. “Except the one in my pants if you want to cop a feel.”

The guard groans, annoyed. “Blaine. Turn around.” The guy frisks him too. “You’re good.”

“I know, darling, no need to tell me.”

Caleb rolls his eyes as he gets inspected too. “Can’t you just shut up for a second? Please?”

“Beg some more,” Blaine retorts. “I might be incentivized to try.”

Caleb’s nostrils flare, and he looks away.

“You’re good too,” the guard says. “No entry for any of you without a mask, though.”

He holds out a new box filled with masks.

It’s the same kind of demonic-looking golden masks that Ares and Caleb wore when they chased me through the maze, and the sight of them makes goose bumps scatter on my skin.

“Put this on,” the guy at the front door says.

He holds out a version without the demonic features. Instead, it’s a completely glossy golden mask.

“For the women,” Caleb whispers into my ear as he grabs a demonic one.

When he puts it on, my heart rate jumps.

He looks just like I remember, and when he throws me a glance, I can feel my clit thump like it responds to the memory of his dominance alone.

Blaine steals my mask and lifts it over my head, putting it on. “There you go. Perfect.” He grabs my shoulders. “Ready?”

I shake my head. “Will I ever be?”

He snorts. “No one ever is. But once they’re in, they never want to leave either.”

“C’mon,” Caleb says, leading the way. “The party awaits.”

The hall in this house still overwhelms me, but the majority of the party seems to be taking place in the big common room to the left because that’s where all the music comes from.

“Oh, Blaine, I’m so happy you’re back.” A guy wearing nothing but a fishnet and leather pants along with an actual collar and chain around his neck approaches and kisses him on the cheek. “Just a couple minutes and I already miss you.”

He releases my arm to hug the guy. “Here for the rest of the night, don’t worry.”

A girl approaches and kisses him on the other cheek. “Are you up for some fun again?”

“Fun?” I mutter.

Caleb snorts. “You don’t want to know, trust me.”

Blaine rubs his lips. “Not tonight, sorry.”

“Aw …” The woman blows him a kiss. “Another time, then.”

Caleb clears his throat. “Anyway, I’m gonna go grab some booze. Wanna come?”

I shake my head, but I’m too occupied by the music in the other room, luring me in.

“I’ll give her a small tour,” Blaine says, winking at him.

“Suit yourself.” Caleb shrugs and leaves.

Blaine pulls me into the common room, but I come to a full stop when I realize what kind of party this really is.

The common room and dining room have been connected, and all the chairs and tables have been shoved aside to make room for a dance floor on one side … and a sex room on the other, complete with benches, crosses, kinky beds, cages, flagellation devices, and more.

Couples are fucking all over the place—men with women, women with women, men with men, foursomes, threesomes, five people, all sorts of combinations and in all sorts of positions. Right in front of a crowd.

“What … is this?” I mutter to myself.

My whole face turns red as I almost feel like I’m intruding, but not everyone watches them. A crowd of people just dance and kiss in a sultry manner like they don’t even care what’s happening.

“This is a true Tartarus party,” Blaine murmurs in my ear. “The one you previously experienced was the one outside, meant for the paupers. But inside is where the real fun begins.”

So this is what they were doing inside the house when they stood on that balcony?

“There’s a good reason we’re called the Tartarus House, darling,” he muses.

I swallow as he leans in. “I thought it meant hell … right?”

“Hell is pain to those who live by rules … to us, it’s an everlasting hedonistic lifestyle.” He places a soft peck underneath my ear, and I nearly melt away.

Next to me, the lady who just spoke with Blaine drags a guy on an actual chain out of the room while the guy seems smitten with her and is practically drooling.

“Where are they going?” I ask.

“To a more private room,” Blaine says. “Where they can live out their filthiest fantasies.” Blaine grabs my hand and kisses the top. “Come.”

He pulls me up the stairs, following in the couple’s footsteps, and we head into a hallway to the right with many bedroom doors labeled with some sort of color.

“What do those colors mean?”

“The kind of kinks people are interested in.”

Kinks? I gulp.

We pause near a door marked with purple and gray. “Purple means they like to be watched,” Blaine whispers into my ear as he opens the door slightly. “And that there’s soft BDSM involved.”

He nudges me forward, and I can’t help but peek at the couple. Two women, one bound to the bed, the other pouring champagne all over her tits before tickling her with a feather so it runs off her body, and her tongue follows to lick it off.

Blaine tugs me toward a different room with purple and black. Inside the room, loud thwacks accompanied by cries of pain reverberate through the door.

“Someone’s in pain,” I say.

“They’re being flogged,” Blaine responds. “Willingly, of course. Black is heavy sadism. Not for the fainthearted. Everyone knows what they’re getting into when they come to these rooms. That’s the fun part.”

I swallow, but Blaine pulls me away toward another door marked with purple and green. “Green means it’s open for multiple people, and they love it when you watch.”

We take a glimpse inside the room, where two men are fucking a woman in the ass and mouth while there’s a couple in the back on a couch watching them, kissing and groping each other.

I can’t believe I’m watching this, but at the same time, I can’t look away, the lust slowly building in my body.

“Tartarus parties are famous,” Blaine mumbles behind me.

“I can see why,” I reply.

The door slowly opens farther, and the people in the back glance at us without stopping their fondling. It’s like they want me to watch and enjoy the sight of me salivating over their scene.

Blaine’s hands wrap around my body, one hand curling around my breast while the other dips between my legs, and I’m helpless against the onslaught of lust coursing through my veins.

“I told you I enjoy a lot of things, and that includes a lot of people,” he murmurs. “But my only wish is to experience it with you.”

My breathing comes in short, ragged gasps as he begins to rub me.

“No underwear …” He groans with excitement.

The thrusts and moans in front of me make it hard to focus.

I’m no match for his strength, but even if I could run, would I?

“This could get us both in trouble,” I whimper as he doesn’t stop circling my nub. It’s only getting harder and harder not to succumb to his expert strokes. “Ares will kill you.”

“I don’t care,” he whispers. “I need you. And if feeling you come on my fingers will be the death of me, then so be it.”

My head tilts back against his shoulder as I watch the scene in front of me unfold, the two men thrusting into the woman wildly, her moans filling the room. My moans come out in short gasps as I let go in the moment, my sounds mingling with the lady being fucked, but it only seems to drive the people fucking her to go faster, harder, deeper.

I can almost picture myself in that very same position … only with Ares, Blaine, and Caleb instead.

I swallow away the lump in my throat as Blaine rolls his fingers around my slit and dips inside. “Fuck, you’re so tight, darling. No wonder they enjoy you so much,” he murmurs. “Do you enjoy watching these people fuck?”

I nod, and he pushes me up against his hard-on. I’m nearly gyrating against him, desperate to get closer to that little piece of nirvana he’s offering me.

Could I let myself go in front of all these people?

Could I give myself to Blaine, knowing it will cost him his head?

“I want you so badly, Crystal,” he whispers. “Will you show me what you look like when you fall apart from watching these people?”

His fingers dip in and out of me, and he swirls them around until my whole body begins to zing with need, and it slowly begins to dawn on me that it’s too late.

Too late for me to deny him what he wants.

“Do you fantasize about being the girl in the middle?” he moans. “Or do you wish to be the one holding the reins?”

I gasp. “The reins?”

“There are plenty of ways to fuck, and it doesn’t always need to end with you on your knees,” he murmurs, slipping his fingers through my slit, making me feel greedy. “You could make Ares and Caleb bend for you.”

My eyes open wide.

No. They would never.

“You don’t know what they’re capable of. What they’d do for each other. What they’d do for you if you’d let them,” he says, groaning. “What I’m willing to do for you.”

He releases me from his grip and dances around me, and with a filthy smile on his face, he grabs my hand, kisses the top … and goes to his knees.


I throw off the mask, grip her thighs, and dive in. I lap her up, the taste as divine as Caleb told me. No fucking wonder he got addicted so fast. She tastes like a literal goddess I need to worship.

My tongue drives into her, desperate for more, every taste not nearly enough to satiate my desire for her. I already knew I wouldn’t be able to resist her the moment I met her, but I never thought she’d make me this greedy this fast.

My tongue circles her most sensitive spot, and the way she moans makes my hard-on nearly tear my pants in half. She’s looking down at me, a blush spreading on her face as I eat her out in front of these people. But that apprehension she feels will be lost soon as I swirl my tongue around and kiss her wet slit, waiting for her to give it all to me.

“God, you taste so good,” I murmur into her skin, and her moan brings me so much fucking delight.

I didn’t just bring her here to watch. I brought her here to loosen up and release that inner vixen she’s been hiding from all of us.

I could sense it from the moment I first saw her. She has so much to offer if only she’d let that part of her reign. But I will be here to coax out the goddess hiding inside her.

My fucking beautiful diamond deserves to be worshipped, and I am here to be her first disciple.

Her hand finds its way to my hair, and she fumbles with it, so I push down and make her grip me tightly.

“That’s it. Make me choke on it.”

When my tongue presses against her, she stops trying to resist and actually pushes her fingers into my head, forcing me closer, and damn, am I a sucker for the way she’s taking control.

“Yes, make my tongue your whore,” I groan into her. “Chain down my fleshly desires and make them yours.”

She moans with desperation, her entire body shivering as I clutch her ass tight and dig in.

The other people in this room moan along with her, but it only makes it more erotic as I thrust my tongue into her, wetness dripping all over my face.

“God, yes,” she moans, licking her lips as her knees begin to quake.

“Come all over my face,” I murmur, rolling my tongue around. “Please. Please, give it to me, darling. I need it.”

She shivers in place, her toes curling, fingers digging into my skull, smashing me into her pussy, and I can feel her throb as she lets out a choked but deepening moan. Wetness gushes into my mouth, and I gobble it all up with glee.

I lick my lips and lean back to look at her satisfied face, her fingers unraveling from my hair like it’s slowly dawned on her what we just did.

The people on the couch in the back bite their lips and wink at her, and the blush on her cheeks grows redder and redder.

“I can bring anyone to their knees with ease, yet you make me want to drop to mine,” I murmur, grasping her fingers so I can peck those too. “Do you see now the power you hold?”

Suddenly, furious hazel eyes hiding behind a mask appear behind her shoulder, and I peer up, feeling the pressure of that judgmental gaze.

Oh dear.

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