Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 27

I cut through my apple and stick it onto my knife, shoving it into my mouth while staring at the two guys sitting at the table in front of me. We finally have time to talk in private in the comfort of our own house, and they refuse. They’ve been avoiding my gaze all day long while in class, and I don’t like it one bit.

“What’s going on?” I ask. “Why aren’t you talking to me?”

Caleb grabs his Coke and takes a sip. “Should I be?”

I raise a brow. “You never know when to quit, and now you decide to be quiet?”

“He’s just been … busy,” Blaine muses, picking up a grape and throwing it into his mouth.

“Busy. With what?” I grit.

“Work. School. His father.” Blaine laughs. “Her mother.”

I sigh and pick up another slice with my knife. “Has she made any efforts to break them up yet?”

“My father’s only gotten more determined.” Caleb rolls his eyes and takes a bite out of his sandwich. “I gave him an earful.”

“Her mother really is asking for it, isn’t she?” I push my knife through another apple slice. “Maybe we should visit her house sometime. Bring Crystal along too.”

Caleb pauses mid-bite. “You mean …”

“You know exactly what I mean,” I muse, tapping my fingers on the table. “Apparently, we didn’t make ourselves very clear.”

“But we made a deal with her,” he says.


“Why not enjoy it a little longer?”

My eyes narrow. “Stretch it out?”

“What deal?” Blaine asks.

“She traded her body in exchange for us not killing her mother,” I respond with a coldhearted look.

Blaine grabs his drink and sighs out loud. “Oh boy. That explains a lot.”

“I didn’t ask for your judgment,” I hiss.

Caleb frowns. “He didn’t say—”

“He doesn’t need to say it. His face tells me enough.”

We both look at Blaine now.

“Wait … you don’t think we should?” Caleb snorts. “Since when have you started being a saint?”

Blaine shrugs it off. “I’m not. I’m simply saying … maybe you should try other methods.”

“Like what?”

He waves his hand around. “I don’t know. Use your charm and wit. You have that.”

“Not as much as you,” Caleb says.

“Speak for yourself, Caleb,” I say. “And Blaine … he’s right. You haven’t been yourself lately. You’ve been sneaking off an awful lot. Care to explain?”

His face grows a little redder than usual, and he shoves a handful of blueberries into his mouth. “I’ve been training.”

“You’re a black belt. You don’t need training,” I point out.

“That’s not for you to decide,” he responds, folding his arms. “Besides, I’d like to be prepared for the worst. You make a lot of enemies during your business dealings, especially when it concerns your father’s company.”

Hmm …

Well, that much is true.

Still, I feel like he’s not telling me the full truth. But I can’t make him tell me either. Blaine only talks when he wants to. Thanks to his impeccable training, no amount of torture could ever compel him.

“Fine. I guess you two have been busy,” I say, folding my arms too. “All the more reason to let off some steam. There’s a girl out there who knows what we do and could spill details at any moment. The only hold we have over her is her mother. It’s time to crush her last remaining resistance. Why don’t you join us this time, Blaine?”

He swallows, and it takes him some time to respond. “Well, I mean … if it’s necessary.”

“Of course, it is.” I grimace at his apprehension. “Since when do you not like fucking around?”

“You know what? I feel like it’s time we threw another party,” Caleb suddenly says.

“Fabulous idea, Caleb!” Blaine says with flair. “I could use the distraction. And a real freakish party has been long overdue.” He throws his arm around me. “C’mon, what do you say, Ares? We could even invite that girl, Crystal.”

“Hmm …”

I do admit I love the kinky parties we throw here at Tartarus.

Everyone on campus and beyond knows us as the place to experience the best kind of high.

“What kind of hedonists would we be if we didn’t indulge ourselves every once in a while?” Blaine muses.

“Hedonists?” Caleb mutters.

“Darling … Tartarus?” Blaine snaps his fingers. “Gates of hell, through which every sinner enters the glorious lands of devils incarnate. They don’t call it the seven sins for nothing.” He licks his lips. “Lust is one of them.”

“Yeah, yeah, we all know you got plenty of that, reading your filthy little books,” Caleb retorts.

“Hey, who are you calling filthy, pig?” Blaine spits back.

“Stop,” I say, silencing them both. “Fine. We’ll have our party. And you two will make sure she attends.”

Their eyes light up.

“But once she steps foot inside these halls, you won’t touch her until I give my permission. Is that understood?”

They both nod.

“Good.” A devilish smile forms on my face. “Let’s plan the greatest party this campus has ever seen.”


After finishing an exam, I make my way out of the main building, texting.

Me: Finally done with the exam. Coming!

Penelope: Hurry up. Kayla is about to devour your cake.

Kayla: Lies.

Me: You can have a bite.

Grinning, I grab my bike at my sorority, then race off. It’s been so long since I last drove this thing. It’s a bit unsteady, but I manage. I head down the hills and into Crescent Vale City below, where Kayla and Penelope wait for me at Fi’s Cups and Cakes.

“I’m here!” I shout, announcing my arrival like an idiot when I step into the shop.

Everyone’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, but I don’t care.

The girls sit in the back, and Kayla’s hand hovers over her fork as she opens her mouth. I speed my way over to their table and steal the fork, then swiftly take a bite out of the strawberry cake piece they ordered for me.

“Aw, I got so excited,” Kayla says.

“Too bad,” I say, winking. “This cake is mine.”

She grins. “I love it when you get all aggressive.”

“Aggressive?” I scoff.

“Who doesn’t get aggressive over food,” Penelope says, snorting as she takes a bite of her carrot cake.

“Excuse me, I don’t get aggressive,” I respond.

“Sure, you don’t,” Kayla says, laughing before she sticks a fork into my cake. I literally pull the plate away and protect it with my life.

She raises a brow. “See?”


“Hold up,” Penelope mutters as she looks at the front door. “Isn’t that one of those Tartarus boys?”

My heart immediately sinks into my shoes.

Oh God.

I hope it’s not Caleb again.

I really don’t want to look.

“Oh my God, you’re right,” Kayla says. “That’s Blaine. With a guy.”

Wait, what?

I turn around in my seat, the wavy black hair and extravagant clothes giving it away. He’s actually groping someone’s ass in front of the counter while they place an order.

“What is he doing here?” I ask.

“Getting cake, obviously,” Kayla says, snorting. “And not just the one behind the display.”

Penelope gasps. “Oh my God, Kayla.”

“What? Look at them. They are so dating,” she says.

“Blaine?” I mutter. “Dating?”

It hadn’t crossed my mind that was even an option with those Tartarus boys. I always thought they only cared about their own pleasure, not to date other people.

But then the two turn sideways, and my jaw is on the floor because Blaine smashes his lips on the guy’s mouth in full view of everyone in this shop. And not just a simple kiss—no, an actual straight-up French kiss where he grips his throat and makes sounds.

“Good God, is it hot in here?” Kayla fans her own face with the napkin.

And I struggle to even breathe.

Because the first thing he does as their lips are still tethered to each other is look at me.

I immediately turn around and pretend I don’t exist, shoveling my cake into my mouth like it’s nobody’s business.

“I wonder who it is,” Penelope mutters.

“They’re coming this way,” Kayla hisses. “Act natural.”

I’m sweating like crazy, and it doesn’t relent.

Two hands curl around my seat.

A piece of cake lodges in my throat.

“Crystal. How nice to see you here too.”

Oh God. Now I have no choice.

He literally spins around my seat so I’m facing him and his … boyfriend, I guess.

The guy holds a little bag filled with cake and drinks, but his lovestruck eyes focus solely on Blaine. And honestly, I don’t blame him.

“Um, hi,” I say, waving awkwardly. “I didn’t know you went to Fi’s Cups and Cakes too.”

“Of course, I do. Everyone in this city does,” Blaine muses, leaning back against the guy he just kissed. “They have the best cake.”

“Right,” I mutter, not knowing what to say. “Well, I just didn’t expect you to enjoy them.”

I gulp when his hand slowly lowers to the guy’s butt, and I struggle to stay focused.

He lowers himself so he’s on my level, eyeing me up while I lean back in my chair, desperate for air. “Am I not allowed to have my cake and eat it too?”

Kayla giggles behind me.

“By the way, I wanted to invite you to a party at the Tartarus House,” he whispers into my ear. “Don’t tell your friends.”

“Why?” I squeak.

“It’s not safe for them.”

Blaine smiles and checks out my friends before he steals a strawberry from my cake. His tongue dips out to curl around the strawberry, licking off the whipped cream before he bites off the entire thing right in front of me, then moans—actually moans—as he swallows it down.

And for a second there, I almost wish I was that strawberry.

But then the thought is immediately banished from my head.

He grins again and leans back, throwing his long black hair over his shoulder. “Well anyway, I’ll text you the time and date. Have fun at your little get-together with your friends, darling. Bye.”

He strolls off and slaps his date on the ass before they leave the shop.

But I can’t even get myself together … as the two girls behind me begin to squeal.

Kayla wheezes. “DARLING?”

I turn around in my seat and chuck the remaining strawberry at her face. “Shut up.”

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