Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 14

“What the hell is wrong with you?” she hisses.

I know exactly what the hell is wrong with me.

This girl.

This girl right here who couldn’t keep her hands off my beautiful car, that’s what.

I spank her again, and each of her cries gives me pleasure.

God, I’m really just as fucked up as she said I was, but I don’t care. I need her to feel my rage.

“What the f—”

I slap her again. She keeps thinking she can fight back, but she already lost the moment she started playing. And it’s about time I silenced her pretty little mouth.

My fingers slide underneath her panties, and I rip them off. “What did I tell you about these?” I hold the destroyed panties in front of her face. “Stop wearing them, or I will keep destroying every single pair.”

I slap her ass again, and her back arches from the sizzling pain, her mouth opening wide to let out a cry. Instead, I stuff the panties inside and clamp her mouth shut.

“Quiet, little slut, or your friends might hear you,” I groan.

I gently pet her sweet little ass, rubbing her skin to prepare her for what’s to come.

All she’ll feel is the burn of my strikes.

“You’ve been a naughty fucking girl.”

I slap her again, this time gentler than before but still harsh enough for her to bite down into her own panties.

“This is your punishment for destroying my car.”


My hand comes down on her ass again, leaving a fine handprint.

“Asshole,” she muffles through the panties.

She thinks insulting me is going to save her? Wrong.

The next hit is sharper, and she thrashes around again, but I keep her steady with just the palm of my hand on her back.

“You can’t escape this, Crystal,” I say, rubbing her sore ass. “One way or another, you will pay for what you’ve done.”


Her skin burns underneath the palm of my hand. Another hit makes her yelp against the panties in her mouth, and my hard-on twitches in my pants from the sound.

“Fight me, and I’ll only spank you harder,” I warn.

My hand comes down on her other ass cheek again, her skin reddening under my touch. Her ass looks so nice covered in my handprint.

I rub the spot to soothe her pain, but only for a moment. She’ll need to learn to savor these seconds.

“What do you want?” she asks, her voice sounding more desperate with every passing second.

I lick my lips and slide my hand across her ass. “I want you to lie here and take it like the bad girl you are.”


Her toes curl against the bedding, and she shoves her knees into me, but it doesn’t faze me one bit.

I spank her faster and faster until there’s barely any break, and each one of my strikes produces a louder moan. I’m relentless, swatting her pretty little ass with a flat hand until I can see a clear outline.

Until I know for sure my mark, this lesson, will stay with her for days.

“Please …” she murmurs.

My hand hovers right above her skin.

Good God.

The sound of her voice just now.

Pleading with me.

Begging for mercy.

I didn’t think there was anything I could ever want from a girl, yet …

My hand slowly dips down between her thighs. She tenses up as I circle around, sliding two fingers up and down her slit.

She doesn’t strike me as a girl foolish enough to go up against three of the most dangerous guys on campus. She knows what people say about us. That we’re murderers who take no sides, devils in disguise who play for whatever team they fancy. We don’t fucking play by the rules.

She followed me, and after the harsh warning I gave her, she still keyed my car.

There has to be a reason behind her madness. And I want to find out what it is.

“You knew I would come to you. Before you keyed my car, you knew exactly what it would do to me,” I say, teasing her wet slit. “Yet you did it anyway. Just to spite me? Knowing full well I would come for revenge?”

I spank her ass again, the burn hitting twice as hard after I just convinced her I’d be nice.

“You wanted me to come to you, didn’t you?” I murmur, slowly slipping down farther into her slit.

When I touch her clit and circle around it, she sucks in a breath and shakes her head.



She spits out the panties and growls, “I wanted you to pay for what you did at my mom’s house.”

I shove the panties back into her mouth. “But you knew exactly what it would cause if you went through with your little plan.” I flick the tip of my fingers across her wetness. “Because deep down inside you, you’re yearning for someone to give you those orgasms you so desperately crave.”


I spank her when she least expects it, just above her pussy, and I know she can feel it there, awakening an arousal she didn’t know existed inside her.

Because I know how it feels, this position she’s found herself in, this submission of one’s very fucking soul. I know it so well that I don’t understand why I crave to dominate her. But I do.

I want to break down that barrier filled with lies and make her see there’s no hope. Break her until she’s a whimpering slut at my knees, ready to suck and swallow.

Just like Ares once did to me.

“You see, you and I are not so different. We enjoy the thrill of danger. The threat as we’re forced to submit…” I groan, slipping my fingers down between her thighs again, spreading her wetness all over. “Admit it.”

She shakes her head.


“Stop.” SLAP. “Lying.” SLAP. “To.” SLAP. “Me.” SLAP!

Each slap is alternated by a swipe across her nub, mixing pain and pleasure until even she can’t tell them apart. Until she can’t control herself any longer and moans freely to each of my strikes.

“I can feel your pussy throb, slut. You love this. You love being punished and used,” I murmur, pushing two fingers inside her while she gasps in shock.

God, she’s so fucking tight and wet. Perfect for a wicked sinner like me.

“So I will give you what you crave so badly.”

I curl my fingers and play with her G-spot until she writhes on my lap. And then I spank her again, the palm of my hand reverberating in her pussy.

When she tries to sit up, I grasp her hands and pin them behind her back, then pull out my fingers to spank her again.

“You’re a bad girl,” I growl. “Say it. Say you’re a fucking bad girl for damaging my car like that.”

“I’m a bad girl,” she whimpers as I spank her again until she finally yields.

I slowly push my fingers back inside and circle them until her toes curl and her breath becomes unsteady. I go knuckle deep and curl my fingers up, then spank her little red ass until she mewls with delight.

“That’s it, slut. You’re going to come while I turn this ass red for my enjoyment,” I groan, watching her slowly come undone.

Something is so fucking powerful in knowing she’s helpless to defend herself against the impending orgasm, and it turns me on so fucking much to just watch her plead.

“Please … let me come,” she murmurs, moaning when I slap her again.

But she doesn’t deserve me touching her little clit.

No, she’s going to come from the palm of my hand on her ass and my fingers inside her alone.

“Then come,” I say, thrusting in and out of her with two fingers. “Come all over my fingers just from being spanked.”


The last two spankings send her over the edge, and I can feel her contract around my fingers, a long-drawn-out moan slipping out of her. The panties slowly roll out of her parted lips as she lays her head down on the mattress, defeated.

I pull out my fingers and bring them to my lips, dipping out my tongue to taste that sweetness once more. Fuck. So fucking delicious.

Too delicious to say no to.

Too delicious for this to be the last time.

God, what have I gotten myself into?

One glance at her in that blue dress and that red ass underneath, and I’m already rock hard.

The last time I had any interest in girls was years ago.

Why this one? Why now?

Is it only because Ares wants her?

Or is it … something more?

I plant a flat hand on her ass and say, “Don’t ever touch my car again.”

I release her from my grip and get up, but she flops down onto the bed like a limp noodle, completely spent from the amazing orgasm I just gave her.

Someone knocks on her door. “Crystal? Can you help me out with my homework tonight?”

I swiftly throw her key onto her bed.

Before she unlocks that door, I’ll be long gone, slipping into the dark, cold night where demons like me thrive.

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