Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Vile Boys: Chapter 11

When I lean in and take a whiff of her scent, I almost groan out loud with excitement.

After seeing her play with herself, I’ve wondered what it would be like to touch her … to taste her. And now that I’m so close I can’t resist it any longer.

Ares already had his turn. Now she’s mine.

My fingers slide along her legs and up her thighs, underneath that dainty skirt she’s wearing, and I can feel her skin erupt into goose bumps.

She jerks the shower hose to no avail. “What are you doing?”


Before she can shriek, I cover her mouth with my knife, and I tear away what’s left of her panties, chucking them into the corner of the bathroom.

“You won’t need those anymore,” I say, her eyes boring a hole into my head. “Ever again.”

Her eyes widen. “What?”

“You heard me,” I say. “You won’t wear these again.”

“Like you get to make that decision.” She scoffs.

I slide the knife across her lips and her cheeks and watch them puff with repressed anger. “Yes. Or has my knife not made that clear yet?”

She sucks in a ragged breath through her nose but doesn’t respond.

Good. It’s about time she learned to behave.

I pull back the knife and place it on the tub’s rim, just out of reach of her feet so she doesn’t get any ideas.

My hand slides across her mound, and she shudders in place, then jerks the shower hose once more. “That’s not going to work, little slut.”

“Don’t call me that!” she hisses.

When the pad of my thumb slides across her nub, she slams her lips shut to stop the moan from slipping out, but I saw. I definitely fucking saw.

“Because you don’t like it?” I say, rolling my thumb around until her cheeks start to flush. “Or because it makes you feel like you want to submit?”

“Not a chance,” she spits, her thighs flexing when I run my fingers along the inside.

But she’s already dripping, and when I dip my thumb into her wetness, she definitely struggles to maintain her composure.

This is why she’s been chasing us despite knowing exactly what she saw.

She likes the danger. The thrill of getting hurt.

I push up her skirt until it reaches right above her mound, licking my lips at the sight, the memory of the night I watched her play with herself flickering through my mind.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she says.

“I like to look at you,” I respond, and her eyes find mine in the dark. “I enjoy watching you—”

“Suffer?” she interjects.

I bite my lip. “Beg.”


The corner of my lip tips up, and I run my thumb across her slit to see her squirm in place. “We’ll see about that.”

“Do you do this to everyone you’ve barely met?” she retorts. “Tie them up in a bathtub?”

I smirk. “No, just you.”

She shudders in place as I slide up and down her slit, spreading her wetness all over.

“Did Ares touch you like this?” I ask.

“You saw him?” she rebukes.

“Oh yes,” I groan, picturing his hard-on poking her in the ass. “I saw you too, writhing on his lap, desperate to come.”

“He forced me,” she responds.

I throw her a glare. “You begged for him, and you will beg for me.”

She scowls, visibly struggling with how good my thumb feels on her wetness. “How long are you going to keep this up?”

I watch her tense from my touch. “Forever if I must.”

“Why? To get a point across? To get a rise out of me?”

I lick my lips. “The only thing rising here will be my cock.”

Her cheeks turn bright red. “Ridiculous. My mom is downstairs. She’ll check on us at any moment now.”

“Then you’d better not make me wait long,” I say.

I circle around with my thumb achingly slow until she slowly begins to understand we’re not going anywhere.

“Why are you doing this? Just to punish me?”

She made her decision when she repeatedly denied me and told me she wouldn’t get her mother to back off. This is her fault, and now I’ll force her to face the consequences.

“I gave you a choice,” I growl back, swatting her legs open when she tries to close them on me. “You chose wrong.”

When she tries to kick me again, I grip her leg tightly until my fingers dig in, and I bring my lips down to her ankle and press a delicate kiss onto her skin. She wriggles in the constraints, her body slowly erupting into goose bumps as I go higher and higher … and higher up her silky smooth legs.

“Did you think of him while you played with yourself?” I ask, dragging my piercing along her skin. “Did you imagine it was his hands touching you?”

“If I’d known you were behind my window, I would’ve never done that. You watched me like a creep,” she says, struggling to breathe through what I’m doing.

She’s still pretending my touches do nothing to her.

Pity for her, I see right through that lie too.

“You watched us,” I muse, throwing her a devious glance as I lick her skin and circle around between her legs. “It’s only fair I watch you too.”

Her lips part. “That was diff—”

I put one finger against my lips and press my other hand back onto her pussy to play with her while watching her try so hard to resist the building arousal in her body.

“You’re going to give me everything he gave you,” I say, biting my lip when she begins to throb under my touch. “And then you’re going to watch me do the same.”

She frowns. “What?”

Enough talking.

I grip her knees with both hands. Her head rises as I perch myself between her legs and lean in.

“What are you—”

Her words turn into a strangled moan as I press my tongue onto her clit.

No wonder Ares got so turned on by the taste of her on his fingers.

A grin spreads on my face.

He may have been the first to taste her … but I will be the first to feast on her.


I can’t believe it.

Caleb is actually licking me.

And not just that … Something hard and metallic rolls against my slit, and it’s driving me insane to the point that I can’t stop the moans from spilling out, even if I wanted to.

Is that … a barbell in his tongue?

He flicks it around my clit, and I’m instantly sensitized to the point where I feel like I can’t breathe. I’ve never felt anything like it before. It’s out of this world amazing, yet …

Caleb looks at me from underneath those thick eyelashes, hazel eyes brimming with the type of arrogance that would make any girl want to shove their boot in his face.

He knows exactly what he’s doing.

He’s trying to get me to surrender.

To call him out as the winner of this game I didn’t know I was playing until it was too late to back away.


I jerk the chain and the fabric around my wrists, but it’s too tight, and I can’t get it to loosen. I’m stuck in a weird position and half-naked, completely at his mercy.

But damn, it feels so good. The way he rolls his tongue around my slit and gently flicks the tip along my nub has me writhing with pleasure in these binds.

Who would do this to another person?

And what is happening to me?

“You like what I’m doing, don’t you, little slut?” he groans, lapping me up. “Think hard about lying to me because I will punish you.”

Fine, then I won’t answer at all.

“If you let me go, I’ll give you the truth,” I say.

“Good try, but no,” he murmurs against my skin. “You haven’t learned your lesson yet, so let me make it very clear to you.” His tongue rolls around my slit, and I can’t help but bite my lip in response to the way his barbell touches my nub. But then he bites into me.

I swallow down a shriek to prevent my mother from coming up the stairs to check.

“What is wrong with you?!” I hiss. “You bit me.”

“Do you even have to ask?” he says.

His tongue slowly circles over the painful bite mark he left. “Don’t worry, I didn’t make you bleed. But this pussy has got to learn not to stick its nose into other people’s business.”

“I didn’t do anything! I was just there, just like everyone else,” I reply.

But I’m so confused by the way he laps me up, coyly rubbing over my nub with that barbell that I can’t even remember what I just said. Or what he just said.

“You followed us. Multiple times. Admit it.”

When he flicks back and forth, I almost lose it. My wrists strain against the fabric and metal, trying to resist, but it’s hard.

“Answer me, Crystal, or I will punish you again,” he says.

“It was an accident,” I grit.

He nips at my clit again, and I jolt around in the restraints.

He grabs the knife and holds it over my belly, placing the tip between my thighs so it points down at my thighs.

“You want to do this the hard way?” he asks, still licking me like he never intends to stop. “Because I can make it even harder on you.”

“Doubt that,” I rebuke.

Maybe a little too soon.

Because he plucks the knife off my belly, holding the sharp end in his hand, while he slips the handle down my slit.

“You’re going to regret not telling me, little slut.”

He pushes it into me, and I gasp in shock, but then he begins to twist it around along with every stroke of his tongue, and the shock turns into pure and utter denial.

Because I don’t want to be feeling this intense arousal, this need to shove my body further into his face.

What is wrong with me?

“You thought you could resist, but I will bring you to the brink,” he warns, twisting the knife’s handle inside me while licking like a man obsessed. “And you’re going to come all over this knife.”

“No,” I hiss. “This is wrong, and you know it.”

“Wrong? No. Fucked up? Yes,” he says, grinning against my skin as his tongue dips out to playfully curl around my nub. “Now beg.”

“Not a chance,” I say.

“Beg like you begged for him,” he growls.

“No,” I respond.

He bites me again, and I bite my own cheek in response to prevent the squeal from leaving my mouth.

“Fuck you,” I say through gritted teeth.

He chuckles and thrusts the knife handle in and out even faster. “Every time you swear at me, it will only make me harder.”

He’s getting hard from me?

Shit, why am I even thinking about this?

Caleb pulls out the knife, and his tongue hovers over my thumping clit but doesn’t press down, making my whole body quake with need.

How is he doing this? I don’t understand why my body has this reaction to him when I barely even know him. He’s just a goddamn bully, and here I am, wishing he’d finish the job.

His tongue slides across his bottom lips, the tip barely brushing past my most sensitive spot, and I’m about to combust.

“Go on,” he whispers.


He fans a breath across my sensitive area, making it throb so badly I cave.

“Please,” I mutter.

“Please, what?”

“Please … make me come.”

Oh God.

I’m embarrassed … and he’s managed to make me hate him.

“What …?” A devilish smirk forms on his lips. “Never had to beg?” Now, I really want to slap him. Hard. “Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty more opportunities.”


I can’t finish what I was going to say because when his tongue lands back on my clit, I fall apart just from the sheer pressure he applies at the right moment. My whole body convulses from the ecstasy that follows, and my eyes roll into the back of my head. And when he pushes the knife’s handle back inside, I see actual stars on the ceiling.

“So wet …” Caleb murmurs when he slowly pulls it out again and brings it to his lips to take a lick. “Fuck. It’s such a shame.”

When I finally get down from the high, I mutter, “A shame?”

He licks the knife clean before standing. “A shame … that you refuse to tell your mother to back off.” He steps into the tub between my legs, towering over me, peeling away one of the buttons at the top of his shirt so a part of his muscular, tattooed pecs are revealed, and it makes me do a double take.

He brings his hand down to his zipper and slowly lowers it. “I guess I have no choice but to paint your face as beautifully as I glazed your windows.”

My jaw drops, but then he pulls out his dick, and I’m momentarily too stunned to speak.

There’s a piercing right through his shaft, as well as one at the tip, poking through the opening, with a little ring attached, and then another one near his pubic bone.

I’ve never seen so many piercings on a single human being in my life, let alone three in the dick.

The smirk on his face only widens as he grips my chin and makes me look at him. “My eyes are up here, slut.”

I hate him.

I hate that he made me look.

And I hate that he made me come so hard I saw stars where there are none.

“You look like you’ve never seen a pierced cock before,” he says. “Have you ever even seen a cock at all?”

“Of course, I have,” I spit back. “I never asked to see yours.”

“Pity for you, you won’t just be looking at it,” he says, and he goes to his knees right on top of my belly. “Open your mouth, Crystal.”

I grimace. “Not a chance.”

He grabs the knife and tilts my chin up. “You will give me what I want.”

“What you want … is that why you’re so eager to chase my mom away?” I retort.

He stares me down for a moment, the blade pushing into my skin, and I worry I may have said my last words there.

But I swore an oath to myself that I wouldn’t let anyone break me, so I won’t, no matter what.

Not even for a guy with that many piercings and such sick, twisted needs.

“Why I want her gone is none of your business,” he says.

“If you don’t give me a reason, I’m not going to interfere.”

“I will give you a reason,” he says, and he pushes the knife into my mouth and parts my lips. “You either get your mother to end things … or I will use your body to my heart’s content.”

My heart shoots up a notch in speed as his length bobs up and down in my face.

Good God. How am I supposed to choose?

I can’t do this. I can’t.

But I can’t get between my mother and her new crush either.

And if I tell her the truth, he’ll surely kill her.

“So what’s it going to be, Crystal?” The knife slides across my tongue. “Destroy your mother’s heart … Or your body belongs to me.”

I shake my head gently to stop the knife from slipping down farther.


All the blood drains from my face.


“Crystal and Caleb, are you okay up there?” I can hear her yelling from downstairs.

“Lie to her,” he whispers, pulling the knife from my mouth.

“I’m giving him a tour of the house, Mom!” I yell back.

There’s a pause.

“Okay! Don’t take too long!”

Judging from her footsteps, she just walked away from the stairs.

Caleb just stares at me, but the tips of his lips certainly quirk up into a lopsided smile. “Good girl,” he says, his hard-on still right up in my face. “Now choose.”


“I will leave you hanging here until she finds you if you prefer.” He tilts his head. “But then I’d be forced to silence her too.”

My breath falters. “Don’t.”

“Then choose,” he grits.

I swallow away all the resistance I had left.

“Fine. Do what you want.”

His eyes narrow, and he pulls back the knife. With his thumb, he tips down my bottom lip. “Beg.”

It takes me a while to utter the word. “Please.”

The wicked grin that forms on his face makes me want to punch him.

“Good … you’re finally learning.” He pushes my chin farther down. “Now open up, little slut, and taste me on your tongue like I’ve tasted you.”

He slowly pushes in the tip, and I can feel every one of his piercings as they slide across my tongue. I gag when he reaches the end of my mouth and touches my uvula, but he doesn’t relent, forcing his way through until my eyes grow watery.

“Good girl. Look up at me while you take it deep.”

I never knew it could be possible for a guy to be so depraved, so cold and vicious, and that I would actually beg him to take me. I should’ve known guys like him would find a way to make me yield. But I will not break. Not for him. Not for Ares. Not for anyone.

So I take him in with a smile on my goddamn face.

Caleb’s nostrils flare, and he goes in even deeper until I struggle to breathe.

“That’s right, little slut. This mouth belongs to my cock now.”

When he finally pulls out, I suck in a breath.

“Again,” he says, pushing right back in, farther than before.

I can feel his piercings scrape along my throat, forcing me to swallow him down.

“Are you crying, little slut?” he muses, biting his lip. “I’m not even halfway in.”

I want to bite. Hard.

“Ah-ah. No teeth.” He tilts my chin up and makes me look at him and the glinting knife in his hands. “Remember this little friend? Hurt me, and I hurt you.”

So I stop resisting as he slowly enters me, and my tongue wraps around his length, touching every barbell as they go down, but I still struggle with every inch.

I’ve never done this before.


But I would rather die than admit that to anyone, let alone a devil like him.

“Take it deep. I know you can do it,” he says.

When he finally pulls out, I heave and gasp for air. “I can’t.”

He pushes back in again, forcing me to take him deeper with every thrust.

“Yes.” Thrust. “You.” Thrust. “Can.”

Before I know it, he’s in to the base, and I can’t. Fucking. Breathe.

But the worst part about it all isn’t my lack of oxygen.

It’s the fact my pussy can’t stop throbbing.

What is wrong with me?

He pinches my nose shut. “How does it feel, Crystal? Does my cock make your pussy clench with need?” He leans back to touch me, dipping his finger inside, and my thighs clench against his arm as he pulls out a finger covered in wetness.

“So goddamn wet for me,” he murmurs. “I wonder how much wetter you can get.”

When he finally releases my nose, I suck in a much-needed breath, only to be overcome by the giant hard-on inside me. He thrusts into my mouth much faster, allowing me no time to catch my breath as he forces me to take more and more of him. I look around to catch my bearings, but he grips my chin.

“Keep your eyes only on me. I want you to imprint this face on your retina so you’ll see me instead of him every time you make yourself come.”

Is that what this is about? Rivalry?

He groans wildly and buries himself inside me to the hilt while thrusting two fingers into my pussy.

“Oh fuck,” he moans.

That’s when I feel it.

Thick ropes of cum shoot down my esophagus. I can taste his saltiness on the back of my tongue as it keeps coming.

I’m helpless to resist because he’s pinched my nose shut again and growls, “Swallow. All of it.”

I push my tongue against the ridges of his shaft, the barbells scraping along my throat as I swallow down the salty cum, the same cum that was on my window, now inside me.

When he finally pulls out, I heave and cough out my lungs, trying to suck in the oxygen. Cum and saliva dribble down my chin and my cheeks. But the worst part about this all is that I can still feel my pussy throb, waiting, wishing for more.


Caleb stands up and looks down at me, licking his top lip like he’s admiring his artwork. But the harsh look on his face slowly begins to change into something less violent, more … aghast. Eyes bore a hole into my face and chest, his facial muscles tightening and releasing as he grimaces.

What is going through his head?

And why do I even care?


The sound of his father’s voice has both of us on edge.

He swiftly tucks his dick back into his pants, steps out of the tub, and snatches the knife off the edge.


He slices through the shower curtain and then unfurls the shower hose from my other wrist, releasing me from my bond.

He bends over and grips my chin. “Don’t ever say a word about this to anyone. Ever.”

But before I can even open my mouth, he’s already opened the locked door and marched out, slamming it shut behind him.

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