Vampire's Obsession
Chapter 1: Bidding

Vampires. One word that humans feared in to. Rare bloods stock up in a basement as if they are things or food to be eaten or used one day. An auction that as if sell vintage clothing and things, but is selling humans with rarest bloods in amount of billions, to be honest, rare blood types were known as lucky ones, because they are given the chance to live and serve while normal blood types were easily disposed. A girl with the name of Aviana is one of the humans with rare blood types. She is a 23 years old lady, stuck up in the auction basement for good 15 years, she was preserved by the auction owner waiting for her to be on the right age to be sell out in the biddings.

"Get her.", the sound alarm the humans inside the basement as one of the auction owner's men pointed towards Aviana, she flinches at the cold touch of a vampire guard, she was drag heading to the owner's office.

"Aviana, the last one in the golden blood type group.", the owner said licking his lips as he sniffs the most sweetest and rarest blood, Aviana could only stood there as she hung her head low, the owner headed to her lifting her chin to look up at him, "Not to mention, the most beautiful human I've seen,", the owner chuckles as he licks the girl's neck before whispering towards her ear, "I wanted to keep you so bad, but you are a dangerous type so I have to sell you out.", the owner said before moving away from her and sitting back on his office chair.

"Clean her up and dress her, then bring her up the backstage.", he ordered his men as they bow their head before dragging her to the changing room.

The owner bring his phone out calling someone, "Yes bro, she is ready now, your wait is finally finished.". the owner would chuckle at the other line's response, "Of course, I'll make sure you'll be the one to own her.", his expression changes into a serious gaze as he hold his chin with his palm as his elbow rests on his table, "Depending on your given price, the most expensive one I sold in the record are 100 billion.", the owner will smirk and later on turn in a playful smile, "The case is close then, see you later here.", the owner would stood up and he headed to the stage to do the auction himself.

His working host vampire will look at him shockingly as it was the first time he ever goes in the stage, "Boss I

got your orders-", he was cut out by the owner's gaze, he can only bow his head and goes off the stage, the owner would order to turn the stage lights on as he begun to speak towards the mic, "Pleasure evening to my loyal customers!", he said as the billionaire vampires would cheer, "As the other precious customers here don't know who I am, my name is Rehan the auction owner!", the vampires will once again cheers and clap.

Rehan would spot a certain guy he was waiting, "Let us begin the bidding!", as he said those words, the curtains behind him would open up, revealing Aviana in a maid dress, her wrist were chained by the handcuffs, as a choker lays on her neck almost choking her, the crowd goes wild as her sweet and rare blood's scent were spread in the room, "100 billion for this beauty!", a vampire would shout making Rehan laughs hysterically.

"I am afraid that the starting price is at, 500 billion.", he smirked as the crowd quiet down, making them focused on a hand lazily raised up, "I'd get her.", the man with his hand raised speaks up, Rehan would go behind Aviana tucking her hair behind her ear as he sniffs her scent while he speaks, "Any higher price to the others?", he said before looking to the man who bid her 500 billion, looking at the man with a playful smirk, "Going twice.", he said licking the girl's neck, his fangs almost coming out, "Going thrice.", Rehan was about to give her another lick but got stopped by the man suddenly standing up, "I want her on my car as soon as we finish signing the papers of payment.", he said and walks away heading to the backstage.

Rehan would only laugh before he lets go of Aviana, "The auction is now closed for today.", he said before signaling his men to bring the girl to the man's car as he head to the backstage for payments. "What will happen to me now..?", Aviana said on her head as she was being dragged again to the man's mini limousine.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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