The sound of a female’s voice surprised them all and they turned their heads. Shock crossed all their faces except for Mike. She was the last person they would have suspected, so quiet and frail, one who blended into the background. Yet here she was, holding a gun at the two policemen. A look of pure evil and hate flashed in her eyes, dark eyes that held no warmth or compassion.

“Mrs. Curtis,” Jade gasped, gripping Zane’s arm.

“That’s right dear, it’s me.” She kept the gun on Joe, her eyes checking to make sure Zane hadn’t pulled his gun out. “Officer Brown, drop your gun and step to the side. Officer Warner, slowly take your gun out and drop it to the floor. Don’t try anything or your partner is dead. Mike, grab the guns.”

Zane had pushed Jade behind him as he placed his gun on the floor and kicked it away as ordered. “It’s not too late to stop Mrs. Curtis.”

“Shut up and just do as I say,” she yelled, waving her gun in his direction.

“Why are you doing this Mrs. Curtis?” Jade cried out.

“For years I stood by and watched my husband with other women, spending our money on them, buying them expensive gifts. But you, he really took a liking to. It made me sick to see him drooling over you like a lovesick puppy. He never suspected that I knew you two were having an affair.”

“No, that’s not true. Your husband and I never slept together, we weren’t having an affair.”

“Like I’m going to believe you.”

“It’s true Mrs. Curtis,” Joe spoke. “Your husband was having an affair, but not with Jade. It was with Lilly and has been going on for months.”

Wanda Curtis shook her head. “I don’t care who it was with, she still has to die,” she said, looking over at Zane. “So do you and your partner. If only you had just stayed away. Damn, it took so much planning and you had to complicate everything.”

“There’s no way you can get away with this. How do you plan on killing two police officers and a model and get away with it? Killing us will bring down the heat big time, the cops will be more determined than ever to find the killer of two of their own men. Put the gun down Mrs. Curtis and we’ll see they go easy on you,” Zane said, using his hand to keep Jade behind him.

“Mike, cuff the cops and take them outside and shoot them with their own guns. Make sure to use gloves so that you don’t leave any prints. I’ll wait here, with Miss Edwards and we’ll take her where we planned on earlier.”

“Are you crazy? I can’t kill cops.”

Wanda’s eyes locked on Mike’s. “You didn’t have any trouble stabbing Trevor Frost or making a bomb to blow up the cop and Edwards. So what’s your problem now?”

“It’s all getting out of hand Wanda,” Mike shrieked.

“Look at me Mike,” Joe spoke. “You’re a smart man, the only way out is to give up. Give me the gun and let us take you both in, no one needs to get hurt.”

“Don’t listen to them, it’s a trick,” Wanda screamed at Mike when she saw him starting to cave in.

“It’s no use, Wanda. He’s right, we can’t get away with this.” He dropped the gun. “It was all her idea,” he said, pointing to her. “She told me to kill Trevor and make it look like Kenny did it. She had me plant the bomb in the cottage and shoot Officer Warner, but I missed and got his arm instead of his head or heart.”

“Why did you do it, Mike?” Zane asked.

“For a million dollars and once Reggie was dead, she was going to make me the manager of all the models he had under contract.”

Zane looked over at Wanda. “You were going to have your husband killed too?”

“Yes, he was going to have a terrible car accident, failed brakes. We would have gotten away with it if that moron Kenny hadn’t taken Jade before we could kill her, he ruined everything.” She was spilling everything, knowing she had nothing to lose. We knew he was obsessed with her, it was only a matter of time before he did something to tip her off that she was being watched. When she died the cops would think he did it. But you,” she said, glaring angrily at Zane. “You had to come into the picture, always by her side, never taking your eyes off her so we had to get rid of you.”

“You’re insane,” Jade growled.

“Once you were dead my husband would collect the insurance. Then with him dead, I’d get everything.”

“Your husband, he had no idea what you were up to?” Joe asked, edging closer to his gun that was on the floor.

“That prick, no he was too busy fucking everything in sight to know what I was up to.” She looked back at Mike. “Pick up the gun Mike. We can do this. We’ll get rid of the cop's bodies so that no one will ever find them. We’ll do away with Miss Edwards to look like an accident just like we planned. Think of all that money, what you can do with it. You’ll no longer be the geeky cameraman that the models make fun of. As their manager they will be all over you, you can have your choice of any one of them.”

“Don’t listen to her Mike,” Joe barked.

Mike licked his lips, bending down picked up the gun.

“Wanda, tell me it’s not true,” Reggie’s voice said from behind them.

They all turned, even Wanda giving Joe a chance to rush towards her but wasn’t able to reach her before she shot Reggie. As he tackled her Zane bent down, grabbed the gun and pointed it at Mike. He dropped the gun, put his hands behind his head and got on his knees.

Jade screamed when she saw Reggie falling to the ground, blood gushing from his chest. She ran over, taking her scarf rolled it into a ball and held it to his wound. She could hear Zane calling for backup and an ambulance. She heard both Zane and Joe reading the two their rights before Zane came over, getting on his knees beside her. “Stay with us Reggie,” she cried. “Help is coming.” She looked at Zane. “He’s going to be OK isn’t he?”

He looked down at Reggie, and moving the scarf took a look. “Yeah, I think so,” he said, putting it back on him, telling her to keep the pressure on it.

“I’m so sorry Jade,” Reggie said through shallow breaths.

“Shh, don’t try to talk now,” she said, praying he would live. Reggie may be a cheater, a liar but he had always been good to her. Not once did he try and use his position to get her into bed. He had made advances in the beginning but when she refused him he never held it against her. He actually respected her for it and they became friends.

“Hang in there buddy, help is on its way,” Zane said. Looking at Jade. “Keep the pressure on till the paramedics get here. “That’s it, you’re doing good,” he said, touching her cheek before going over to Joe.

It wasn’t long until help arrived and several squad cars. Mike and Wanda were taken away and Reggie was put into the ambulance.

“Let me drop you off at home before I head to the station.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m going to the hospital with Reggie. He needs someone with him and he has no one else.”

He knew she was right. “OK, you go with him and when I’m done booking those two I’ll come to the hospital.” Cupping her chin he leaned in close, his lips going to hers. “I’ll see you soon.”

When Zane was finished at the station he went straight to the hospital. He found Jade in the waiting room, she looked so pale, so sad and his heart went out to her. She stood when she saw him and ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her till she stopped crying.

“Zane, I feel so responsible for all that happened.”

“No, no you can’t, it wasn’t your fault,” he said, trying to reassure her.

She looked up into his eyes, her own eyes were moist with the tears she had shed. “Because Mrs. Curtis thought I was sleeping with her husband she planned my murder, had Trevor killed and framed Kenny. Even you were in danger so yes, this is my fault.”

Taking her face in his hands he gave it a light shake. “Stop it, Jade. You know better than to think that. The woman is obviously unhinged and that’s not on you, lots of husbands cheat and their wives don’t go on to commit murder.” He wiped her tears away. “Is there any word on Reggie yet?”

“He’s in surgery to have the bullet removed, they don’t know how deep it is. He’s been in there for over two hours now.”

“Let me take you home.”

“Not until I know he’s going to be ok.”

“Alright, I’ll wait with you,” he said and they sat down, his arm around her.

They stood when the doctor came out.

“How is he?” Jade asked, her hand gripping Zane’s.

“He’s going to be fine. No damage was done but we’ll keep him in for a few days. He’s asking to see you, Miss Edwards. You can go in as soon as he’s settled.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Jade said, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Do you want me to come in with you?”

“Reggie really doesn’t like you, it’s best if you wait here.”

“OK,” Zane answered and sat back down. “I’ll be waiting here to take you home whenever you’re ready.”

Her eyes went to the still form that lay on the hospital bed. Going over she took Reggie’s hand in hers. “Hey you,” she said when he opened his eyes and smiled at her. “The doctors say you are going to be just fine.”

“Jade, I’m so sorry for what Wanda did to you, to Trevor. I had no idea what was going through her mind.”

“You couldn’t have known.”

“I did love her once. After we got married she changed, our marriage suffered and she wouldn’t let me touch her. I started cheating, I needed the affection she was denying me. I know it was wrong, I should have tried to fix our marriage, but I didn’t. Because of that she went over the edge and targeted you. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s over now Reggie, you just take care of yourself and get better. Zane’s waiting to take me home.”

“That cop really likes you and I have a feeling you feel the same way.”

Jade stood, leaning over kissed his cheek. “Rest now,” she said and went to walk out.

“Wait,” Reggie called out. “I’m going to miss you. Maybe if I’m ever in Kansas I’ll look you up, we can do lunch.”

Standing at the door she gave him a smile. “I’d like that Reggie. Bye,” she said and walked out. All she wanted now was to go home, take a shower and get into bed with Zane. She needed to feel him, to have him hold her.

Arriving back at her apartment: “Will you stay with me tonight?” She wasn’t sure what would happen now that it was over. She was out of danger so there was no reason for him to come back, his job was done.

“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere tonight,” he said, his mouth going down hard on hers as he pulled her into his arms. Placing his hands on her ass lifted her up and felt her legs going around his waist. He carried her to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed stared into her eyes as she lay there, waiting for him to remove his uniform. “Let’s get you out of that dress,” he said in a sexy tone of voice as his tongue swiped along his bottom lip.

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