“Good morning,” Zane said when he came from having a shower, wearing jeans and no shirt. With a towel in his hand, he towel-dried his hair.

“Morning.” Getting out of bed she threw on a robe. “Thanks for holding me through the night, I feel better.” Standing on her toes she kissed his cheek. “I’ll make you a really nice breakfast as a reward for not trying to have sex with me last night.”

“Sounds good,” he said, smiling at her. Oh if she only knew how much he wanted it and how difficult it was not to try anything. He threw on a shirt and made up the bed then went into the kitchen where they ate pancakes.

Later they were sitting, talking when there was a knock at the door. Zane got up to answer it and rolled his eyes when he saw it was her manager Reggie. “Yeah, what do you want?”

“I want to see Jade.”

“Zane let him in,” Jade shouted out when she heard Reggie’s voice.

Moving past him Reggie went over and gave her a hug, his hands on her arms. “I’ve heard what happened, something about a fire. Are you okay?” he asked, giving her another hug and holding her longer than was necessary.

Over his shoulder, she noticed Zane’s brows lowering and his nostrils flaring so she moved out of Reggie’s embrace and moved away. “Sit down,” she pointed to a seat. Looking at Zane. “Would you mind making some coffee?”

“Sure,” he said, his eyes on Reggie as he walked to the kitchen.

“I take mine with cream, no sugar,” Reggie said, smirking when he saw Zane’s back tensing up.

Returning with three mugs of coffee he set hers on the table and grinned when he handed Reggie his mug and noticed how he flinched at how hot it was and he quickly put it down.

Zane sat across from them as they talked and he bit his tongue when he saw the man put his hand on her knee.

She told him about the fire and how it wasn’t known yet as to the cause. Then she told him about Kenny and what the police had found.

“So the creep had cameras put in here and has been watching you.” He glared at Zane. “Why the hell have you cops not found this man? Surely it can’t be that hard finding one handicapped man.”

“They’re working on it,” Zane snapped.

“That’s it, Jade, you’re going to stay with me until they find him.”

“Thanks, Reggie but Zane is here.”

“I have to go but there’s something we need to discuss first. It’s about the Victoria's Secret party next week. I know you’ve been through so much but it’s important that you’re there. The sponsors will be wanting to meet you.”

“Forget it, pal. It’s not safe for Jade to be seen in public until Kenny is found,” Zane said, crossing his arms.

Reggie shook his head and turned back to Jade, his thumb making circles on her skin. “Take more time off work and please, just think about going to the party.” Getting up he pulled her to her feet, kissing her cheek. “Call and let me know what you decide.”

After seeing Reggie out she turned to Zane, clearly, she was angry. “What is your problem with Reggie? You are always so downright rude to him.”

“I don’t trust the man. He is always touching you, putting his arms around you. How can you sit there and let him rub his hand over your knee?”

“That’s just his way, he doesn’t mean anything by it. Christ the man is happily married and you,” she said, poking him in the chest. “You sound like you’re jealous.”

“Jealous my ass,” he scoffed.

“Yes you are and you’re being possessive of me and I don’t like it. Just because we slept together doesn’t mean you own me. So fuck off and from now on leave me alone.”

Zane’s anger flared up and grabbing her pushed her up against the wall, pinning her hands above her head.

His body was pressed right up against hers, his eyes looked down at her lips which were plump and he saw her lick her lips and a moan from deep in her throat escaped. It would appear she liked this bit of roughhousing. “You don’t want me to leave you alone do you?” When she didn’t answer he raised his voice, pressing his crotch harder into her. “Answer me.” His mouth went to her neck, sinking his teeth into her flesh, but not hard enough to break the skin. He could feel her heart beating, her breathing escalating.

“No,” she managed to say before she drifted into a blissful rapture, his one hand holding her up while the other one found its way up her dress and inside her panties to that spot that had her sweet juices flowing.

“I’m going to rip off your clothes, throw you on the bed and wreck this beautiful body of yours with mine. “But first.” Releasing her hands he tore her dress with ease, ripping it till it was open and pulled apart, doing the same to her bra and dropping them to the floor. She stood before him in only her panties. Pulling off his shirt he took her in his arms, kissing her neck as he walked them back to the sofa. There he swung her around and bent her over. His lips moved down her back, his hand moved her panties so that he could rub her pussy, using his finger teased and stroked her clit, making her scream out.

Damn panties,” he swore before tearing them off. “Wait here, don’t move,” he ordered.

Don’t move, she couldn’t even if she wanted. With the sound of his zipper being pulled down and a condom wrapper being opened, she knew he was going to take her this way. “Hurry up Zane before I lose my mind. The throbbing in her core intensified and she wanted him. Wanted him so bad and when he came up behind her, his hands took a firm hold of her hips and pressed the tip of his cock against her wet opening.

“What do you want me to do to you?”

“Fuck me,” she cried out, moaning. The feel of his hard erection when he entered her felt hot, he went slow, teasing her. “Damn you,” she cursed. “Please Zane, I can’t take it anymore, just do it already.” She was getting impatient, though the way he moved inside her felt so good. “Faster, go faster,” she cried out.

“You feel so good,” he said into her ear. His thrusts became faster, going deeper. He couldn’t wait any longer and started pumping into her. His stomach clenched, sweat poured down his face and her body spasm and shook when her orgasm hit. He gripped her hips tighter to hold her up as he had the best orgasm ever.

Pulling out he removed the condom and turning her around pulled her into his arms, his mouth came crashing down on her. He was like a savage animal the way he devoured her mouth, his hand moving down and caressing her ass.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bedroom. Laying her down he laid on top, looking down at her. “What I’m going to do to you should be against the law.”

“Laws are meant to be broken sometimes,” she said, pulling his head down for a kiss.

By the time he finished with her, they were both exhausted, the bed was destroyed. The sheets were on the floor, pillows too and the bedside lamp was knocked over and broken. Not bothering with covering up they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

“Morning, how are you feeling?” he asked, running his hand over her throat.

“Sore. You were amazing last night.” She snuggled closer. “Could you grab the blanket from the floor?”

He sat up, reached for the cover and picked up the used condoms off the floor and tossed them into the wastebasket. Laying back down he covered them up. “I might have to get more condoms. “You were great too, that thing you did with your tongue, man that was new.”

“Glad you liked it. I never did that before and was hoping I did it right.”

“Oh baby, trust me it was perfect.”

“You know Zane, I was thinking that I was going to go to that party.”

“That’s not a good idea, not until we catch Kenny.”

“I can’t put my life on hold, we don’t know how long that will take. I won’t live my life in fear and stop me from doing my job. It’s important for my career to mingle with sponsors. Besides, you’ll be there as my date and will protect me.”

“You want me to be your date?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Ok, but only if you stay by my side every second.”

“Yes, I promise. Now we have to get up and go shopping. I need a new dress and you’ve got to get a tux.”

“A tux, why?”

“Zane, it’s a black-tie affair. All the men will be wearing them and they won’t let you in if you’re not wearing one.”

“Alright you win, but I already own one. I’ll have to swing by my place and drop it off at the cleaners to be cleaned and pressed. Let’s shower and go out for breakfast first.”

They ate at a small restaurant, swung by his place and after dropping it off at the cleaners he took her shopping for a dress. He sat waiting while she tried on several dresses, each one she modelled for him. Every time he shook his head, they all looked good on her but he thought they didn’t show off her beauty, or curves. But when she came out wearing a short blue dress he was speechless. It fit her like a glove and showed off her long legs, and he liked how it made her ass look.

“So you like this one do you?”

“Oh yeah, it’s perfect, I love how your ass looks in it,” he said, his eyes boldly roaming down her body, from her breasts right down to her feet.

“Finally,” she sighed. “I’ll change and then we can be on our way.” Turning she checked her backside in the mirror and had to admit to herself that her ass did look good.

He wanted to follow her into the changing room to help her and maybe to get lucky. He had never made love to a woman in such a place and the very thought got him aroused. But just his luck, the place was swamped and there was no way he could pull it off.

Paying for the dress and the matching shoes she told Zane she was ready to leave. As they were driving back to her apartment complex he got a call on his cell.

“Hey, what’s up, Joe?”

“No, we’re not there, we had some stuff to do.” He listened for a moment, glancing over at Jade who was looking out the window. “We’re not that far from the station so we’ll meet you there. OK, bye.” He hung up and placed his hand on her knee, loving the feel of it.

“Are we not going straight home?” she asked. Looking at him she knew something bad must have happened.

“No. Joe has something to tell us, and I said we would stop in before going home.”

“Did he tell what it was about?”

He shook his head. “He just said it was bad and he wanted you to hear it from him and not the media.”

“Oh my God, now what? I don’t know how much more I can take,” she said, rubbing her temple and knowing she was getting one hell of a headache.

Joe led them into a private room and shut the door.

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