Chapter: 581

Within the vast restaurant, the oxygen thinned, accompanied by the cacophony of crackling fire.

‘The fire extinguisher was soon depleted of its power.

‘As they finally reached the escape passage, Ariana discovered it, too, had succumbed to the

relentless fire.

Now bereft of an exit, Ariana truly felt the peril that enveloped their lives. “What recourse do we have?

We are trapped!” she lamented.

Outside, police sirens blared. The fire department seemed to be approaching. Yet they were also

blocked by the great fire!

“Proceed toward the opposite end of the restaurant corridor, where an open-air balcony is. The rescue

team may come from that direction. The fire’s origin lies within the private room, leaving the open-air

balcony potentially untouched,”

Theodore said decisively.

“Okay.” As Ariana prepared to wheel Theodore, she suddenly noticed the ceiling chandelier shaking,

poised to fall on them!

Instinctively, she altered course, diverting Theodore from harm’s way. With a resounding crash, the

chandelier plummeted vertically.

Ariana had no opportunity to escape it. Her feet bore the brunt of its fall, rendering her prone on the

floor, unable to rise. Within moments, thick smoke engulfed her, filling her mouth and nostrils.

The corridor’s flames intensified, consuming the fallen chandelier.

Ariana sensed the searing heat on her immobilized feet. Struggling to move proved futile. A fiery fire

barrier separated her from Theodore.

“Leave now!” Ariana managed to talk, her voice raspy and feeble, coughing violently as her eyes


Lacking strength, her limbs grew weak, gradually surrendering consciousness.

Perhaps her demise neared. Ariana closed her eyes momentarily, only to reopen them. Through the

smoke, she saw Theodore, faintly visible in his wheelchair. Her eyes stung from the dense smoke, yet

she resisted closing them, yearning for a final glimpse of him, and wanting him to leave swiftly.

“Go!” she said hoarsely, her words barely audible.

The smoke thickened, her surroundings blending into hallucinations. Her heartbeat quickened as if it

were about to burst.

Before complete unconsciousness overtook her, Ariana thought she glimpsed Theodore rising from his


Had her dying wish manifested in her illusory vision? Ariana then succumbed to oblivion!

The entire Blue Night Manor blazed with flames.

In the midst of chaos, as the chandelier crashed down and the fire threatened to consume Ariana,

Theodore rose from his wheelchair. He traversed the fire, forcefully shoving aside the chandelier that

had come crashing down near Ariana’s feet.

The scorching metal seared his palms, yet he remained oblivious to the pain.

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