Chapter: 570

Ariana pressed her lips together, feeling slightly embarrassed. Aziel’s sincere “vow” that he had just

proclaimed made her feel like she should grab a Bible and announce their wedding right then and


“I’m not doubting your relationship. It’s just hard for me to grasp,” Ariana admitted.

Comparing their relationship to her own with Theodore, it seemed like they were playing house while

Sarah and Aziel had already built a strong bond in such a short time.

“You can’t fight destiny,” Sarah sighed.

“If, in the future, Sarah and I were to break up, I promise it would be amicable and without any

complications. If you don’t trust me, I’m willing to sign an agreement. I hope you can accept our

relationship,” Aziel expressed, hoping for Ariana’s approval. ©

The more Ariana heard, the more shocked she became. Wasn’t this akin to his agreeing to be Sarah’s

clandestine paramour? Aziel’s anxious expression made it clear that he feared her disapproval.

Ariana had been deeply concerned about this relationship from the beginning.

Firstly, the significant age and experience gap between the two worried her. She feared that Sarah

would have to constantly reassure her younger boyfriend during her hectic work schedule. After all,

Sarah already had the responsibility of caring for Alina, and adding another person to the mix would

only drain her further. ©

The second reason for her worry stemmed from Sarah’s tendency to become infatuated with men

easily, based on her past experiences.

Being a famous and captivating singer, she was vulnerable to the allure of deceitful men. But now, it

seemed that Sarah had found someone who was more interested in genuine connections than shallow


Could two people like them truly have a happy ending? Perhaps. After all, when it comes to matters of

the heart, lovers always believe their partner is the best.

On second thought, their relationship didn’t seem like such a bad thing. Aziel was widely regarded as a

young man of high quality—patient, gentle with Alina, and always putting Sarah first. Apart from love,

Ariana couldn’t think of any ulterior motives Aziel might have.

Furthermore, their relationship had received a stamp of approval from their fans, who eagerly wished to

see them as a genuine couple. ©

Considering all these factors, Ariana no longer objected. She responded in a serious tone, “Alright, but

if you two ever decide to make your relationship public, please inform me in advance so that I can

handle the necessary damage controls.” ©

Both Aziel and Sarah breathed a collective sigh of relief.

“am I really that intimidating? I’m just an agent. Even if I don’t agree, I can’t force you two to break up,

can I?” Ariana said, a smile playing on her lips.

“Nah, it’s not like that. Sarah values your opinion a lot,” Aziel replied. “If you don’t agree, she’ll end

things with me,” he added, his head shaking earnestly, yet a soft smile still lingering on his face.

A stunned silence hung in the air. Ariana glanced at Sarah, who mirrored the same surprise on her

face. Sarah’s heart throbbed with a momentary ache. She hadn’t anticipated that Aziel would

understand her so deeply. In this very moment, Ariana held a special place in Sarah’s heart.

Yet, hearing Aziel speak the truth was difficult for her to accept. It felt like a tightness constricting her


Before Sarah could utter a word, Aziel quietly walked away. It was a gesture both dignified and

considerate toward Sarah. Even Ariana, an outsider, found herself speechless in the wake of his

thoughtful departure.

The atmosphere grew heavy, and Sarah sank into the sofa, her spirits dampened.

She observed Aziel bustling around the room, tidying up with purpose.

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