Chapter: 56

“I’m so excited to see you!” Sonia exclaimed before running toward Ariana. The two sat down and

Sonia said, “You’re so bad! We haven’t seen each other for so long. Did you not miss me at all?

“Why do you say that? Of course I missed you,” Ariana saíd affectionately as she leaned over and

pinched Sonia’s cheek playfully.

Sonia snorted at this, and took out the flash drive from her bag. “This is what you came for. Lynch is

going to attend the fashion banquet in three days’ time. No media is allowed; it’s very private. You can’t

get in without an invitation.”

Taking the flash drive, Ariana asked, “How am I going to get an invitation?”

“It’s an exclusive banquet. It’s not easy to get one Sonia scratched her head, lost in thought. And then

something crossed her mind. She knocked on the table excitedly. “You know what? I have the guest

list. It took some work getting it. You can take a look and see if you know anyone on there. There must

be plus ones at an event like this. If there’s anyone you know, they could take you with them.”

Ariana nodded, her hopes rising again. “Let me see the list.”

Sonia opened the document on her laptop and turned the screen to face Ariana. “This isn’t the full

version, but it was the best I could get.”

“It’ll be enough.” Ariana scanned quickly through the list and noticed some familiar names. Adrian, the

vice president of the BRD Group and Ivan, the Italian designer she had met the day before.

After considering the options, she pulled out Ivan’s business card from her purse and dialed his


The phone connected and she said her name.

On the other side of the phone, Ivan sounded very enthusiastic. “I’m glad to hear from you so soon

after our meeting How can I help you, Ms. Edwards?”

Ariana smiled. After some small talk, she revealed the reason for calling.

Ivan sounded surprised. “Do you know what the purpose of the banquet is?”

Ariana hesitated before asking, now feeling uncertain, “Isn’t it a banquet for people from the fashion


Ivan chuckled at this. “I can get you in, under one condition.”

Three days later, Ariana was seated at the dressing table in a private dressing room close to the

banquet hall.

She had on a beautiful black dress that was specially made for her.

On her face was delicate makeup. The mascara she had on made her eyes smoky. A faint smile played

on her lips at this moment. To say the least, Ariana was looking like a queen who would attract the

attention of anyone that set eyes on her.

Ivan, who was standing beside her, said as he looked at her face in the mirror, “God really took extra

time creating you. I always know a beauty when I see one. My design sits well on you. Can’t you

consider modeling for the commercial? I’d really love for you to be the one to do that.”

With a smile, Ariana declined again. “Modeling is really not my thing. All I’m interested in now is being a

good agent.”

A gloom fell on Ivan’s face immediately. The next second, he snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute. I’ll go

get the star of tonight.”

“Okay,” Ariana nodded. She rubbed her palms together with enthusiasm. The star Ivan referred to was

a set of jewelry he had worked on for years. It was also the focus of the banquet.

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