Chapter: 483

The deliveryman was surprised when he heard the shout. He quickly ran over and saw the two

beautiful women standing side by side. He asked stupidly, “Which of you is Miss Ariana Edwards?”

“It’s her.” Brielle pushed Ariana forward.

Ariana staggered. Brielle was really annoying.

Brielle was an extremely nosy and gossipy woman, and she always had an ulterior motive.

Although Ariana was annoyed, she still put on a polite smile in front of the deliveryman. “I’m Ariana


“Ma’am, this is for you.” The panting deliveryman handed over the bouquet of baby’s breath in his hand

to Ariana. He was about to say something but Brielle interrupted him.

“Just some cheap flowers, and your admirer needed someone to give them to you?

The delivery fees even cost way more than the flowers.” As she spoke, Brielle snatched the flowers

from the deliveryman before Ariana could take them and fiddled with them several times in obvious

disgust. She then asked in a deliberately loud voice, “What poor man wants to sue Ariana? These

seem a bit too cheap.

Obviously, he’s not sincere enough.” ©

After saying so, Brielle burst out laughing. She laughed so loud that she caught the attention of almost

everyone in the lobby. The people in the lobby started whispering.

“It’s definitely my first time seeing a girl receive so few flowers from a suitor. This is probably the

smallest order in the flower shop today.”

“What’s wrong with Ariana? She is pretty. She doesn’t have to lower herself to accommodate a poor

man’s feelings.”

“Who knows? Maybe she is in need of affection.”

“If my boyfriend ever gave me such a small bouquet of cheap flowers, 1 would definitely beat the crap

out of him. It is really embarrassing.”

“It’s a shame, but that’s how life is. Only a few beautiful women end up with handsome men. I’ve been

to many weddings. Not only were they all lousy marriages, but the worst part was that alongside the

beautiful ladies, there were fat, ugly old men.”

The delivery guy didn’t understand Brielle’s words. He was confused at first, and then looked anxious.

“Ma’am, a gentleman ordered these flowers, but…”

“Come on. No one can win a beautiful lady’s heart with a few cheap flowers. This looks like something

that only an old, stingy poor man will do.” Brielle spoke loudly for everyone to hear. She was clearly

determined to embarrass Ariana. ©

Ariana’s face darkened and her heart was buming with anger. She didn’t have any suitor. What

nonsense was Brielle talking about? It must be another prank.

The fact that Brielle was there only made things worse. It was just a small matter that could be easily

handled, but Brielle made it known to all.

Ariana was actually suspecting Brielle to be the person who played the trick on her.

“Brielle Edwards, if you’re done now, how about you shut up?” Ariana said coldly.

With a snort, Brielle threw the flowers to the floor and stepped on them. She crushed the fresh flowers

under her high heels, and petals and stems were scattered all over the floor.

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