Chapter: 409

“Hey Ariana, is everything alright? Are you feeling unwell?” Tyler became increasingly nervous upon

noticing Ariana’s pale complexion.

Ariana composed herself and shook her head. “It’s alright. Don’t overthink it. A kiss on the cheek is

perfectly normal between friends, especially when filming a scene.

Besides, he won’t see this short video. Even if we truly kissed, he wouldn’t know.”

Even if he did know, he wouldn’t care.

Ariana feigned cheerfulness, saying, “Alright, go get ready for the shoot.”

“Okay, I’ll go.” Feeling uneasy, Tyler scratched his head and glanced back at Ariana.

He sensed that she was in a sour mood, but was too afraid to ask. As a result, he returned to his seat

as instructed.

Once Tyler left, Ariana couldn’t resist checking her phone, only to find no new messages.

Disappointment washed over her.

Theodore had genuinely kept his word. He said he wouldn’t contact her, and he hadn’t. Wasn’t he once

so eager to defy her?

Usually, Horace would relay any news about her to Theodore. She believed he was aware that she had

been searching for him a few days back.

Yet, after all these days, he still hadn’t reached out.

She couldn’t determine if Theodore’s silence was due to keeping his promise not to seek her out, or if

he had calmed down after their separation, realizing his interest in her had only been fleeting and now


She recalled the photograph captured by the paparazzo and laughed at herself. How could he care

about her when he was with another beautiful woman?

So, what else could men do besides irritate her?

Ariana’s thoughts consumed her.

“Time to shoot! Get ready!” Jayson’s voice came over the intercom.

Ariana regained her focus and promptly touched up her makeup and smoothed out her hair.

Meanwhile, Tyler observed her with concern, sensing her somber mood.

Ariana forced a smile and said to Tyler, “Let’s do this!”

The final scene commenced, and both Tyler and Ariana fully embodied their characters.

Tyler donned a messy yet realistic wig, his expression instantly turning solemn. But when he gazed at

the girl before him, his eyes softened.

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