Given the tense air, Sadie knew better than to push.

She was well aware of his sharp instincts and feared sparking any undue suspicion.

“Just don’t forget to drink it. Look after yourself, okay?” she urged, placing the glass on the table.

Holden gave a brief nod, and Sadie made her exit.

Making her way to her room, Sadie swiftly called the mysterious number from Holden's phone.

Ready to confront the caller, she was taken aback when, after only two rings, the call ended.

Who did they think they were, refusing to take her call?

Her patience wore thin.

She tried again, but just like before, the call was hung up.

Meanwhile, Melon, looking at his smart watch, grumbled, “Must be a scam. Mom always warnedabout

answering unfamiliar numbers.”

Downstairs, his mother’s voice came.

“Melon! Tfor scake!”

Hearing that, Melon promptly set his gadget aside and raced to the kitchen.

Back in her room, Sadie grappled with her rising annoyance, unable to get through.

Holden wasn’t one to keep women close, and anyone who dared cnear was often kept at bay by his men.

So, who was this person saved under the affectionate n“Baby”? A wild thought crossed her mind.

Could it be... Ariana?

The notion struck Sadie, making her second-guess herself.

There’s no way Ariana, especially now with Holden's commitment to Sadie, would act so brazenly.

So, who could this be?

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