The individual in the photograph bore no semblance to him whatsoever.

What's more, this person appeared to be a decade older than Ariana, with a distinctly aged appearance.

Holden couldn't help but imagine the affectionate moments Ariana and this person could share. His brows furrowed even tighter. The person described in the file didn’t deserve Ariana in any conceivable way.

Dispirited, Holden found it difficult to fathom the revelations brought forth by the investigation.

Recollections of the photos Melon had shown him earlier, as well as the enthusiastic reactions he had received when attending the summer camp, left Holden questioning the authenticity of the photo Ariana had shown Melon.

His mind was in disarray, yet the Fredrick family’s dark web had always been a source of accuracy and reliability, despite Holden's reluctance to accept it.

Angela’s Library Once, he had entertained the absurd notion that the person he had fallen in love with five years ago was Ariana and that this Theodore might, in fact, be him.

But now, with this incontrovertible data before him, that notion had beca mere jest.

Meanwhile, on Zayden'’s side, he lounged in his chair, idly toying with a wine glass. His assistant entered and reported, “Mr. Fredrick, all the information regarding Theodore from five years ago has been changed. By now, Holden should have received the information.” Zayden let out a low whistle, a smug expression of amusement gracing his countenance. He chuckled to himself.

“Holden, you shall forever be ensnared by that devious serpent at your side.” The following morning found Ariana awaiting an examination. The results, thankfully, bore no significant concerns; rather, it was the healing of her wound that neBsitated additional time. Her anticipated discharge was set tomorrow, and her spirits had made a noticeable resurgence.

Not long after her return to the ward post-examination, Judy came.

With a warm smile adorning her face, she carried a selection of nutritious meals, ushering in an air of comfort.

Upon pushing open the door, she spoke reassuringly.

“Melon and Rodney embarked on a seaside fishing expedition. They are both having a great tand getting along well. You don’t need to worry.” As she spoke, she sat down by Ariana’s bed.

“I've prepared a spread of your favorite nourishing delights. Do give them a try,” she encouraged.

Ariana nodded, noting Rodney’s apparent fondness for Melon, leaving her with no reservations. It had indeed been quite stsince she last savored Judy's culinary expertise.

While partaking in the meal, Ariana inadvertently flicked on the television. The news of Holden and Sadie’s impending grand wedding graced the screen.

Within this televised tableau, Sadie took the spotlight during her interview. Her countenance radiated sheer bliss, akin to that of a newlywed.

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