With a resigned sigh, Ariana conceded, “Alright, as long as you can guarantee that Sadie behaves

herself, cooperates seamlessly, and doesn’t fumble her lines, we can work.”

“Absolutely, I’ll keep a close watch!” the director assured Ariana repeatedly, and only then did Ariana

calm down. She then proceeded to the film’s opening ceremony.

During the ceremony, Sadie took her position at center stage, a position she’d cunningly maneuvered

into, and Ariana stood beside her.

But Sadie wasn’t about to let bygones be bygones. She feigned innocence, slyly stepping on Ariana’s

toes and pretending it was a mere accident.

“Oops, my apologies. It was completely unintentional.”

Unimpressed by Sadie’s antics, Ariana simply raised an icy brow and ignored her provocations. But

Sadie was undeterred; she rolled her eyes at Ariana and occasionally tugged at her dress, leaving

Ariana at a loss for words.

Standing on the side, Tyler saw the tension between Ariana and Sadie.

He leaned in and said to Ariana, “Let’s switch positions.”

Ariana nodded, and the swap took place. With that, Sadie’s mischief subsided.

Just as they were gearing up for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, a staff member burst out with news,

“Hold on, we’re still awaiting one more investor.”

After a brief moment, a sleek black Bentley pulled up, and a tall, sharply-dressed man came out,

sporting shades.

Angela’s Library

Sadie couldn’t hide her surprise at his arrival and muttered to herself, “What’s he doing here?”

Beforehand, Ariana knew that this film had a producer from Mistlyn, spearheaded by an entrepreneur

of notable renown.

As she heard the appellation “entrepreneur of notable renown,” she envisaged a person of more

advanced years. To her astonishment, the individual who came was one of their contemporaries.

This gentleman, shrouded in sunglasses, afforded a fleeting glance to Ariana and Sadie before drawing

near to Ariana with an amicable smile, extending his hand for a handshake.

“Allow me to introduce myself, Miss Ariana Edwards. I go by the name Zayden Fredrick.”

Upon the utterance of the surname Fredrick, Ariana’s mind instinctively wandered to Holden. She

warmly accepted his proffered hand, her curiosity piqued.

“Greetings. Have we met before?”

Zayden, while maintaining an affable smile, continued to subject Ariana to his discerning gaze.

“I’ve seen you on the television screen. It’s indeed a pleasure to collaborate with you.”

Meanwhile, Sadie observed this exchange, her face turning pale.

She had resided in the bosom of the Fredrick family for over a year yet had not met Zayden. His

existence was familiar to her, for he was none other than Holden’s kin, and his face was on

photographs she had seen on occasion.

Yet, the outside world harbored whispers of a strained rapport between Zayden and Holden, leaving

Sadie uncertain.

She remained unsure about the extent of Zayden’s knowledge regarding the events of five years past.

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