Meanwhile, on the top floor, Sadie stood draped in a wedding dress, tirelessly adjusting her posture

and striking poses before the mirror.

The wedding dress designer stood at the ready, attempting to meet her exacting demands.

Sadie carried an air of entitlement about her, a demeanor demanding perfection, incessantly pointing

out the slightest imperfections in each dress. It seemed that none were glamorous enough for her

elevated status, nor did they quite accentuate her figure to her satisfaction. She cycled through several

outfits, and the designer struggled to maintain a forced smile while grappling with mounting frustration.

It wasn’t until Sadie grew tired of changing outfits that she finally stopped.

She cast a fleeting glance toward Holden, who had maintained his quiet composure throughout,

immersed in his own thoughts, never uttering a word or casting a glance her way. With calculated

intent, Sadie approached Holden, performed a graceful twirl, and posed the question, “How does this

one fare, in your opinion?”

Holden remained unfazed, his eyelids unmoved as he nonchalantly replied, “Looks good.”

Sadie pouted and playfully chided, “You didn’t even take a look.”

Holden, still engrossed in his own thoughts, paid her no heed.

Nonetheless, Sadie didn’t mind; his presence was solely to accompany her in the quest for the perfect

wedding dress.

With a continued smile, she pressed on, “I’ve sought advice from someone, and I believe we should

schedule the wedding for Adele’s birthday next month. It holds significance, and the weather will be

more agreeable, not too scorching.

Sadie was in the midst of expressing her thoughts when Holden’s phone abruptly rang. It was the

manager of the Fredrick Group’s real estate division, calling regarding a crucial land bidding in the

West City area. Without hesitation, Holden accepted the call.

On the other end of the line, the manager reported that the bidding for the West City land had

proceeded smoothly, but an essential document required Holden’s signature.

“Alright, I’ll come over,” Holden responded succinctly before hanging up the phone. He made his way

toward the exit without sparing a glance for Sadie. It was only upon reaching the doorway that he

remembered to add, “You have free rein over all wedding decisions.”

With that parting statement, he departed without a backward glance.

Sadie watched as Holden strolled away without a single glance her way.

She shouted after him, but he kept on walking.

Feeling a rush of helplessness, Sadie stomped the floor in annoyance.

Even with all his gestures, like getting her a wedding dress or lavishing her with gifts, Sadie knew the

truth. Holden’s affection wasn’t for her but for Adele.

She wasn’t just after his gifts or his endorsements. She yearned for Holden to be truly present at their

wedding, to genuinely want it.

Right then, Shawn appeared with Adele in his arms. He looked around, noticed Holden’s absence, and

said, “Miss Pierre, have you seen Mr. Fredrick?”

Clearly not in the mood for questions, Sadie shot back, “Do you even keep track of your boss? Go find


She then took Adele from him, her face all storms and thunder.

Shawn, a little thrown by her outburst, could only scratch his head.

He didn’t ask more and went in search of Holden.

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