Izabella had stayed home for five days, and her wounds had begun to scab over. They didn't hurt, but they were a little itchy. Judging by the healing speed, she would be able to go out and find a job in a couple of days.

Brett went to the hospital to pick up Kaley and repeatedly told Izabella to behave herself.

Izabella agreed verbally but didn't really mean it. At five in the afternoon, she started preparing dinner like she usually did.

Trista still helped her with cooking, and it took quite a while to finish the meal. It was almost eight o'clock when they were done.

The doorbell rang, and Izabella asked Trista to open the door. After waiting a while for Trista's response, she took off her apron and went to open the door herself. With the injuries on her body, she walked slowly. When she opened the door, she saw Brett first and then Kaley behind him.

Kaley still seemed afraid of her, hiding behind Brett's back and looking at Izabella cautiously.

Izabella stood at the door and smiled, "Kaley, congratulations on being discharged from the hospital."

Kaley just nodded with her head down, looking aggrieved as if Izabella had bullied her again.

Izabella looked up and down at Kaley and suddenly said, "It's a good thing you took sleeping pills. If you'd cut your wrist, I doubt you'd be able to wake up after an hour."

Izabella's words were like a knife, stabbing at Kaley's most vulnerable spot.

Izabella wasn't a saint, and her injuries were all because of Kaley. She couldn't be magnanimous or pretend nothing had happened.

Kaley's face changed. She looked at Brett and saw that he was calm, and she sighed with relief, "I was impetuous and caused you trouble."

Izabella smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. It would've been more troublesome if you'd lost too much blood and needed me to donate blood for you."

Brett pushed Izabella lightly, not too hard, but she almost fell because her leg was injured. With a warning tone, he said, "Stop bringing up what's unnecessary. Let's eat dinner."

Izabella didn't say anything, but Kaley, walking behind, stepped up and played the good guy. She tugged at Brett's sleeve and gently said, "Izabella is just worried about me. You promised me not to get angry on our way here..."

Izabella walked into the dining room, and when she heard Kaley's "goody-goody" line, her footsteps paused, and she smirked. What a waste that Kaley wasn't acting in movies with such a good performance. The hatred in Izabella's eyes hadn't faded before Brett, who had just come in, saw it.

Brett stared coldly at Izabella, but he wasn't really that mad. He had just pushed Izabella as a warning, telling her not to be too petty since they had to live with Kaley in the future. He didn't want her to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Kaley isn't holding a grudge against you, but you're still pissed."

Izabella pretended not to hear him, washed her hands, and took a sip of soup.

The dinner was peaceful, with only the sound of utensils clinking.

After dinner, Brett and Kaley went for a walk, leaving Izabella on the couch reading a book, feeling left out.

After Trista finished washing the dishes, she saw Izabella still sitting alone on the couch and hesitated before asking, "Ms. Salotti, do you need me to help you upstairs?"

"No, I can walk." Izabella put down the book and slowly made her way to the second floor.

Now that her leg could move up and down, going to work shouldn't be a problem.

As soon as Izabella reached the top of the stairs, she heard movements downstairs. She looked down and saw that Brett and Kaley had returned from their walk. Trista prepared lemonade for Kaley. Even though it was a normal thing to do, Izabella felt something was off.

Trista's attitude toward her and Kaley was completely different.

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