Kaley seemed to care about her, but her eyes were full of schemes.

Izabella walked downstairs and stopped two meters away from Kaley. Today Kaley was wearing a low-cut chiffon top, showing off her slender neck with several bruises on her fair skin, looking quite eye- catching.

These marks made it hard not to think about what happened in bed last night. It seemed that Brett and Kaley had a wild time together.

The thought of Brett touching her after being with Kaley made Izabella feel sick.

Suppressing her disgust, she said casually, "I'm fine."

Kaley lowered her eyelashes with an apologetic look. "Brett and I came back late last night, and he slept in my room. I barely slept at all, worried about disturbing you."

So Kaley was actually bragging about it. No wonder she was wearing only a thin chiffon blouse and showing off her neck in such freezing weather, in case anyone missed the marks on her neck. Izabella didn't get upset like Kaley expected. She just smiled and didn't bother to talk much with Kaley.

Looking at the marks on Kaley's neck, Izabella frowned, her eyes full of disdain. "I always thought Brett was like a dog that loves to bite, turns out I was right."

"Izabella, you..."

Her phone rang just in time to interrupt Kaley. Izabella answered in front of her, "Hello... Yeah, I'll be right out to get it. Please wait at the door."

The food had arrived. Izabella had no interest in dealing with Kaley, so she walked towards the door without saying anything.

"Izabella, stop!" Kaley couldn't stand being ignored by Izabella anymore, so she yelled and blocked her path.

Izabella looked Kaley up and down, wondering where she got the guts to challenge her. "Aren't you pretending anymore?"

"Izabella, do you think you're still the young lady of the Salotti family? I bet I can get Brett to kick you out of here."

Upon hearing her words, Izabella's frown suddenly relaxed. "You better get him to kick me out and let you take my place as Ms. Windham." "Izabella, are you bragging to me?"

"Instead of wasting time on me, you might as well figure out a way to get Brett to divorce me. Don't blame me for not warning you, you're just a mistress now. Don't make a fool of yourself." Izabella's words were heartfelt, with no sarcasm intended.

She even wanted to bow and beg her to take Brett as far away as possible and stop bothering her.

"Izabella, what's with your sarcasm? You really think being Brett's wife gives you the right to treat me like this? When Brett and I were dating, you should have seen how people online were cursing at you!" Izabella glanced at her. Kaley's most significant advantage at this moment was her "innocent" appearance. Now angry, she looked like a furious ostrich, with a thin face and sharp cheeks, utterly lacking any beauty.

Izabella began to doubt whether Brett's eyes were selectively blind---how could he not see the truth in all these years?

Izabella sorted out her thoughts. "I don't care how I'm being cursed online. If you're so skillful, get Brett to sign the divorce papers and kick me out."

Can you? I bet you can't.

This sentence was an unquestionable provocation for Kaley. If she could persuade Brett to divorce, she would have done it years ago; there was no need to wait four years!

Kaley hated Izabella even more. The Salotti family was ruined, and she couldn't understand what gave Izabella the nerve to be arrogant and sarcastic.

"If you have any dignity, leave Brett voluntarily. He's never loved you."

Izabella's heart clenched, and she kept a cold face.

Kaley continued, "No matter how many years you try, Brett will always love me."

She listed some examples: "He'd watch movies with me, kneel down to help me try on shoes, personally cook for me, remember my birthday, pick out thoughtful gifts every year, and whisper sweet loving words. Izabella, has he ever done any of this for you?"

Even if he had done one of these things, Izabella wouldn't have turned from full of admiration to completely indifferent over the years. These were all the things she wanted from Brett. -That Brett who used to make her happy with donuts.

Izabella smiled silently, her eyes cold and sharp. "If Brett loves you so much, why hasn't he divorced me and been with you? Kaley, as long as he doesn't divorce me, you'll always be the mistress." The thing Kaley hated most was not having the name she wanted. "You're the one who broke us up!"

"I broke you up?" Izabella laughed meaningfully, her eyes radiating coldness. "Kaley, do I need to remind you what happened between us four years ago?"

Kaley's face turned white at once. She clenched her lips and couldn't help stepping back.

Izabella continued to pressure her: "We both know how I got this position; we both know why you had a car accident back then. I already gave you a chance four years ago; if you threw it away, it's nobody's fault but yours."

"Besides, let me be clear: I'm not interested in Brett anymore. I hope you two, a pair of scumbags, can be together forever." Izabella spoke lightly.

Kaley snapped, "Who are you calling names?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Izabella wouldn't allow anyone to bully her. Everything was peaceful before, but Kaley had to provoke her.

"Kaley, if you have the time, spend it with Brett more, and drain him. It would make my life easier. If you know what I mean."

There was a knock at the door, signaling the arrival of her food. Izabella didn't want to deal with Kaley anymore and turned to leave when she suddenly screamed.

"Izabella, you jinx!"

Izabella stopped in her tracks.

Kaley sarcastically continued, "Izabella, you're such a jinx. In the four years you've been married to Brett, you haven't gained anything, and you've even dragged the Salotti family's fortune down with you. Oh, and by the way, do you know why your dad is dead?"

Izabella's face visibly turned pale in an instant. She clenched her fists to force herself to calm down and asked with a hoarse voice, "Why?"

Kaley flashed a sinister smile. "It's no big deal, really. I just showed your dad some of the news articles insulting you online and happened to mention the news that the Salotti family had gone bankrupt. It's all true, who would have thought your dad couldn't handle it?"

Izabella's pupils trembled fiercely, her hands tightened on both sides of her thighs, and she was completely unaware of the pain as her fingernails dug into her palms.

Kaley's face slowly distorted. "What a pity. Your dad was what, not even 50 this year, right? Too bad he had to become a sacrifice for you and Brett."

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