Brett looked at her face, "What's wrong with you?"

The dim light illuminated Izabella's face, which was devoid of color.

Kaley, outside the door, saw that no one was answering her, so she said pitifully, "Brett, I'm not feeling well. If you're busy with Ms. Salotti, I'll just go to the hospital by myself."

"Don't go, I'll take you to the hospital." Brett stood up, straightened his clothes, and then looked at the equally pathetic Izabella, covering her with a blanket.

Brett approached the door, his eyes red and trembling, and all his dissatisfaction vanished when he saw Kaley in distress.

"What happened? Why did your head suddenly start hurting?" Brett inquired, gently touching Kaley's forehead.

Kaley explained, her voice strained and teary, "I think I might have bumped it earlier. I'm experiencing dizziness and nausea... I initially thought I could tough it out, but the pain is becoming unbearable." Sobbing softly, she timidly glanced inside the room. "I didn't mean to disturb you and Ms. Salotti."

Her teary eyes and pitiful appearance evoked sympathy. Witnessing this, along with Izabella's recent unwell condition, Brett tenderly stroked Kaley's head and spoke in an even gentler tone, "You didn't disturb us, don't let such thoughts trouble you. Let me take you to the hospital for a thorough examination."

"Would Ms. Salotti... mind?" Kaley looked even more wronged, making Brett feel even guiltier.

"She's not as important as you are."

This was better than any sweet talk. Kaley was instantly appeased, even understandingly saying, "Don't say that, she might feel bad if she hears it."

Izabella painfully curled up in the blanket, covering her ears not wanting to hear their conversation, but the clearer their voices became, the more she didn't want to listen.

Especially Brett's insincere words, they were simply disgusting.

He gave Kaley all his tenderness and consideration, and left all his brutality, rudeness, and selfishness for Izabella's portion.

After the door slammed shut, Izabella slowly emerged from her hiding spot. She staggered to the bathroom, vomiting.

The stench of Brett's presence still lingered on Izabella's body, causing her to feel nauseated. Having only consumed half a bowl of soup earlier, she had recently thrown up, leaving nothing but bitter bile to scorch her throat. Tears streamed down her haggard face, adding moisture to her already exhausted appearance.

Meanwhile, Brett had taken Kaley to the hospital for a thorough check-up. Although Kaley's head had only suffered a minor bump with no serious consequences, she had developed a fever and required an intravenous treatment. Brett stayed by her side, providing sporadic responses to her inquiries. However, he appeared restless, frequently checking the time and glancing at his phone for messages.

This had never happened before. Kaley felt a sense of crisis. Before, Brett would coax her by saying that he would divorce Izabella and marry her after overthrowing the Salotti family. Now, all she got from him was feigned interest.

The Salotti family had fallen, even Izabella's father had died, yet Brett insisted on keeping Izabella by his side without divorcing her.

She didn't speak, but it didn't mean she didn't know. The only reason why Brett was stringing her along was that he had fallen for Izabella.

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