Izabella clutched her phone tightly, her chest heaving with emotion. The air around her seemed to thin, making it difficult for her to breathe.

After a while, Izabella spoke, "Fine, I'll do it."

Satisfied with her response, Brett hung up the phone and went to join his beloved Kaley.

Izabella stared at the dark, empty room and gritted her teeth. The thought of Brett happily helping Kaley move while she had to wake up early to buy groceries and cook made her livid. She wanted to smash Brett's smug face!

Izabella lay down on her bed, her gaze fixed on the wedding photo hanging above her. The more she stared at it, the more it grated on her nerves. She now understood why Brett had erupted in anger and destroyed the photo. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to shatter it herself, reducing his annoying face to ashes.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and Izabella covered her face with her hands. In a raspy voice, she whispered, "You despicable jerk, Brett. You're tormenting me when I'm already crumbling."

The next morning, Izabella rose early, as if expected, her eyes red and swollen. She retrieved a few ice cubes from the fridge and applied them to her eyes, patiently waiting for the swelling to subside over the course of 10 minutes.

After a hasty breakfast, Izabella changed her clothes and lightly applied makeup. She then proceeded to take her medication as prescribed.

Grabbing her phone, Izabella consulted her shopping list while she ate, mentally noting the groceries she needed to purchase later.

She knew all of Brett's likes and dislikes, as though they were deeply ingrained habits. She could instinctively answer any questions about his preferences.

While Brett was decisive in his actions, he was extremely picky when it came to food. There were many things he didn't like to eat.

An idea suddenly came to mind - Izabella decided to buy all the food Brett disliked. After paying the bill, she left the address for the clerk to deliver the groceries. Once back home, Izabella quickly put on an apron and started cooking.

Izabella had learned to cook from a professional chef in order to please Brett. Her cooking skills were no worse than those of a restaurant. After finishing cooking, she checked the time - 11:40. Just as she wondered when Brett would bring Kaley back, the front door opened. Izabella took off her apron and looked towards the entrance. Brett walked in, carrying a suitcase, followed by a weak-looking Kaley. Before Izabella could say anything, Kaley glanced at the table full of food and said softly, "I'm sorry to trouble you with this." Brett shot Izabella a cold look and told Kaley, "Go wash your hands. I'll take the luggage upstairs."

Kaley nodded, her face blushing. "Thank you, Brett."

Brett didn't reply. He carried the suitcase upstairs while Izabella looked on, feeling sick to her stomach. Were these two planning to disgust her with their lovey-dovey act? With Brett gone, Kaley continued to act fragile and timid. She looked at Izabella fearfully before going to the bathroom.

Izabella sat at the dining table, facing the greasy, spicy dishes. She thought, let them do whatever they want. The one who'll be upset in the end definitely won't be her.

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