Chapter 29 

Seeing how Izabella was often bored and staring at the dead tree outside the window, the female nurse asked. Ms Salotti, do you wanna watch some TV or something

izabella had a single room with a private bathroom and shower air conditioning and a TV But she hadn’t turned the TV on since she came to the hospital 

Izabella responded with a nod Sure turn it on 

The nurse happily took the remote control and turned on the TV thinking of finding a recent popular TV show, but coincidentally, an entertainment news popped up as soon as it was turned on 

-Windham Group President Brett has a secret night time rendezvous with his first love Is he planning to divorce Izabella

Feeling awkward, the nurse was about to turn it off when Izabella stopped her 

I want to watch that news 

Alright okay” 

The news was a blurry video of Brett and Kaley holding hands and acting close in a parking lot Her eyes lingered on Brett’s vague face while thinking about his deep, mocking eyes staring back at her 

trabella watched calmly, as she had seen worse. But what amused her was that just last week, he said he wouldn’t divorce her, and now he was caught on a date with Kaley 

She had never been able to comprehend Brett’s thoughts. He hated her but wouldn’t divorce her, and while he loved Kaley, he kept her as the side chick What a total jerk

As Izabella watched, she started to feel a headache, so she told the nurse to find a TV series instead 

The nurse felt relieved and carefully watched Izabella, who started watching a comedy series. The nurse couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, then felt guilty and asked, I’m sorry, Ms. Salotti, am I bothering you?” 

No, fm watching it, too, and it’s pretty funnyAlthough she wasn’t really watching 

Feeling relieved, the nurse checked the time and saw it was already 1:30 pm Usually, patients would take a nap around this time, so she asked, Ms Salotti, would you like to rest? Ill turn off the TV 

No, don’t turn it off Keep it on it makes the room feel a little more livelyThe room seemed eerily quiet and lonely without any noise, like she was the only person left in the world

The nurse thought trabella was a great person and couldn’t understand why Brett couldn’t appreciate her 

Since Brett married her he should take responsibility. Instead, he went on a date with his ex before even getting a divorce- what a scumbag Ironically, many people on the Internet praised him as a good man


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