Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 570

Chapter 570

Not many people came to Gale's grave, just close relatives and friends. Everyone stood quietly behind Shawn, unable to bear to disturb him. Even Summer remained silent.

She knew how regretful Shawn was because of his silver hair.

What deep yearning must it be to make a person turn gray overnight... At this moment of silent mourning, the housekeeper suddenly came in a hurry, and the sound of his footsteps was very clear.

“Mr. Wood!"

Shawn frowned and looked at the housekeeper with displeasure. “Is this the time to interrupt? You don't even understand the rules!”

“Mr. Wood, this matter is very important... I have to report to you now.” “Speak!”

The housekeeper said hastily, “A fishing boat picked up a corpse in the sea half an hour ago! It must be a female corpse! But...”

Before the housekeeper finished speaking, Shawn had already walked down the mountain.

“Prepare the car immediately!”

His voice echoed on the back hill.

Shawn did not even have the patience to listen to the housekeeper's words. His mind was full of the word “female corpse’.Could it be his Gale?

Had Gale really died, leaving him no last hope?!

Shawn had always had a glimmer of hope, until the body was found. Soon, Shawn's figure disappeared.

Peter was stunned for a long time, then gave a jolt and quickly chased after him. ” What? I'll go and have a look too!”

Even Lucas was astonished.

“Found it? It's been so many days. Can you still recognise her? Can you tell the difference?’ he said to himself.

Joe and Summer looked at each other.

“Let's go! I'm going to have a look!” Summer said immediately.

To the seaside.Before the car stopped, Shawn got out of the car quickly.His eyebrows and eyes were stern, and he was very anxious. “Where is it? Take me there quickly!”

“Yes, Mr. Wood!" On the beach, many people formed a circle, discussing and pointing.

Shawn pushed aside the crowd and walked in quickly.

Seeing the swollen corpse that was almost inhuman, Shawn's body shook violently.

He could not believe it... that was his Gale.

What happened to her

Shawn could not recognize her!

The corpse soaked in seawater for too long, bulging. The skin was all wrinkled, and the facial features could not be seen clearly!

After staring blankly for a long time, Shawn took a difficult step, walked to the side of the corpse, and slowly squatted down.

“How did you find it?" he asked h*ars*ly.

The leading captain replied, “We were fishing. When the net was lowered and then raised, we caught it... We were shocked, and when we got closer, we found that it was... a dead body.”

So many fishing boats that wanted to earn the reward money failed to catch her, but she was caught by this normal fishing boat.

Shawn reached out his hand, wanting to touch her, but his hand shook.He could not stop.

“Out of the way!” Summer pushed through the crowd and squeezed in. She was

dumbfounded when she saw the corpse on the ground. “How can you recognize her?

“It was beyond recognition!

Summer murmured, “Is it Gale? Could it be someone else?”

The captain said, “I don't know. Has anyone committed suicide by jumping into the sea recently? There's only one case, right? It can't be anyone else.”

Summer stared for a long time and still could not find any resemblance to Gale.

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