Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 561

Chapter 561

Joe folded his arms with a small smile. “Last time... when you secretly hired a large number of netizens to keep reading the comments about Gale jumping into the sea and dying, I called you. Could it be that you had such a bad memory that you forgot about it early?”

Aurum’s expression changed slightly.

He guessed that before the jump into the sea was implemented, the person who checked him was Joe!

However, Aurum did not know what he found and how far he got! Could it be... Could it be Joe...

Joe took a step forward, whispering, “Yes, it's me. I know it all.” Aurum'’s pupils dilated.

“You secretly found divers, and you prepared vehicles and first-aid kits on the shore, combined with Gale's jumping into the sea... A fool can figure out what you did.”

Joe took a step closer. “Where is she?" The distance was so close that Aurum could feel the oppression on his body.

He was so uncharacteristically threatening.

Everyone in Sea City said that Mr. Winter had a good personality and a good temper, and he was very easy to get along with.

People rather deal with Joe than Shawn.

How could Joe be an ordinary person if he was Shawn's best friend and sat firmly in the position of vice president of Wood Group all the time!

Aurum could not help trembling for a while. “I don’t quite understand.” “It seems that you are trying to hide it.”

“I don’t know what you mean by that.”

Joe replied, “Of course itis Gale.”

“Gale's body has not been salvaged yet. Mr. Wood offered a huge reward,” Aurum


“It's all said and done, do you still want to hide it?"

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Aurum pursed his lips. “I still don't understand.”

Joe suddenly laughed.

He raised his hand and patted Aurum on the shoulder. “It's fine if you don't understand. Mr. Lefting, I hope you can keep your mouth shut forever, not only when facing me but also when facing anyone else. Don't reveal it!"

Aurum looked at Joe with sharp eyes and doubts.

“Don’t worry. I won't say anything. If I wanted to tell Shawn, I would stop it before the incident happened. How could your plan go so smoothly!” Joe replied.

Aurum did not say a word.

Joe said again, “I hope she can really live a better life than before. This is my

blessing, and also... Summer's blessing. If possible, please send our regards to her.”

He did not wait for Aurum to answer. He waved his hand c*olly and left. Aurum was left standing alone, still in fear.

It took a brave man to be able to cope with being questioned by Shawn and Joe one after another and barely holding on.

If it were someone else... he would have already given up and spilled everything!

Aurum took several deep breaths repeatedly to calm down his emotions.

He did not understand why Joe decided to hide everything. Joe and Shawn had such

a good relationship, they were brothers who shared highs and lows together. Joe clearly found out about such a big matter but chose to hide it!


Could it be that Joe hated Gale and thought this woman was a stumbling block for Shawn?

Or did Joe feel sorry for Gale and let her go?

Aurum was thinking while walking toward the mourning hall.

“Aurum.” Seeing him coming back, Natalie quickly stepped forward and took his hand. “How was it?"

Shawn was aiready standing in the middle of the mourning hall again, with a straight posture.

Joe was talking to Summer in a low voice.

Peter was just muttering alone.

“Mr. Wood didn’t blame you, did he? Will it affect the relationship between the two companies and the business of the company?" Natalie asked.

“It's okay, we just chatted casually.”

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