Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 537

Chapter 537

“She's going to die!”

Joe glanced over, and he actually found Aurum!

Aurum was here!

With a frozen expression, he quickly searched around Aurum, but he could not see Gale.

What happened?

Are they not on a yacht?

What about Shawn?!

Joe wished he could take off his clothes and jump into the sea to swim there!

According to what he found about Aurum’s secret operations, seaside, yachts, divers... In addition, Gale suddenly asked Shawn to have dinner on the yacht tonight. After contacting each other, Joe already guessed the rest!

His heart was about to jump out of his throat!

Summer's voice suddenly sounded, “Hello, Joe. It's late at night. Why did you call me to the beach?”

He suddenly replied, “Summer, you came just in time!”

“What's wrong?”

“Hurry up, contact Gale now to see if she will answer your call!” Summer looked at him strangely. “Why are you looking for Gale?” After a pause, he said, “She is with Shawn. I can't get through to Shawn's phone.”

“So you are looking for Shawn.”


Summer curled her lips. “What do you have to say for yourself? Joe, why have you turned into a workaholic all this time! You kept calling me when Dr. Lighton and I were eating dinner, and now you are still looking for the big boss, Shawn... How much salary does he pay you for working so hard!"

Joe was in so much pain that he could not tell.

He knew too much!

In this case, he could not say anything.

He felt suffocated!


Time was running out!

At this moment, a passer-by suddenly exclaimed, “Ah! Look, is that person trying to commit suicide by jumping into the sea?”

Joe and Summer looked at the sea together.

They saw a figure standing unsteadily on the railing of the yacht.

She was like a cardboard figure. As long as the wind blew, she would fall down!

The sea at night was so deep and so dark it could swallow a person in an instant!

Summer screamed, “God! Gale! That's Gale!”

Suddenly, she ran straight toward the sea like crazy.

Joe pulled her back. “Summer!”

“It's too late!” Summer's entire face was extremely pale. “What is she going to do... Don't think about doing stupid things! What should we do? Joe, do you have a solution!”

She grabbed Joe's hand and said, “Quickly, take me to the yacht. I'm going to persuade Gale!”

At this time, the yacht was floating on the sea, and it was not safe. They would have to take a boat.

Joe looked around. “Follow me!” The beach was already full of people discussing that beautiful but extremely dangerous figure!

Shawn's mind went blank for a while.

He quietly looked at Gale, who climbed up the railing. His whole body felt as if he had fallen into a cellar of ice, bone—chillingly cold. “Gale...” He could not understand why this happened. “Just now, we... we...Shawn'’s thin lips were trembling, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Obviously, everything was fine. She danced as he watched.

He hugged her, and she stayed in his arms obediently.

Although Shawn was very disturbed, he was immersed in the beauty of that moment.

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