Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 452

Chapter 452

He kept calling her name, “Gale, Gale. Try to love me,

okay? Just love me a little bit. A little bit is enough. I don’t want much...” As long as he got a little love from her, he would

be satisfied and ask for nothing more.

The crown lay in Gale's hand quietly.

It seemed that it was just a toy bought casually in a jewelry store, not je\ The blue gem in the middle of the crown exuded a faint blue light.

Like the sea.

Gale closed her eyes. “Shawn...”

“I'm here.”

“Let's let each other go. Let me go and set yourself free,” she whisperec They were still young.

Shawn, who was not yet thirty, had a high position and was rich.

Life had just begun.

There were infinite possibilities for the future.

Why stick to this short two or three years of entanglement?

“Gale, how could you just let me go like this? When I misunderstood yot it's finally your turn to torture me. Don’t you want to vent your hatred on Gale looked up at him and said, “Shawn, hating someone is too tiring, I Moreover, hating someone meant remembering someone.

She wanted to forget him.

Shawn brought about the greatest pain in Gale's life. She wanted to let ¢ Who would have thought Shawn would not let her go?

Shawn was shocked. “Gale, you... you don't even want to continue hatil “Yes.”

There was silence all around.

The car stopped in the garden of the Temperley Hall at some point, and Gale pushed him and got up silently but stubbornly.

After a few seconds of silence, Shawn sat up straight.

Gale then got up, accidentally knocked off the crown in

her hand, and it fell from the car seat with a bang.

“Ah,” she exclaimed, picked it up quickly, and carefully checked whether These are cultural relics and jewelry. She cherished them as a professic Unlike Shawn, who could just throw it away!

“Take it. If you don't, it will only end up in the trash can, II Shawn said. He knew how to handle her so well and knew she could

not refuse it!

Gale knew that he always did what he said and would throw it away. Wc waste of money?

“I... will keep it for

you temporarily! I'll return it to you when you figure it out!” Gale said anc It was a rather cold night, and Gale could not help rubbing her arms. Shawn called out loudly as he draped a jacket over her body, “Pearton.” "Yes, Mr. Wood.”

Pearton quickly appeared from the darkness like a ghost.

“Send her back,” Shawn said.

"Yes, sir.”

Gale gave him a surprised look but said nothing.

Shawn could easily see through her thoughts. “Are you

a little disappointed that I didn’t let you stay at my place?"

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