Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 431

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

“The matter of divorce is not up to me. Shawn is a stubborn person, and no one has ever been able to go against his wishes. Besides... he really loves Gale.

Watching him grow up, I've never seen him care so much about anyone.”

Lucas’s face was full of sincerity, and he looked pitiful and bitter. Speaking of which, Lucas was indeed a pitiful old man.

The son was Killed by the joint efforts of his daughter-in- law and grandson.

Now, the only grandson he had was Shawn.

“Gale, there's no sugar in the kitchen. Go downstairs and buy some,” Peter said suddenly.

Gale knew that her father was dismissing her, so she stood still. Peter smiled and said, “Go. It's okay.”

“Okay, I... will be back soon.”

When she was leaving, Gale looked back, uneasy.

“The house is small and I have no special seating area. Lucas, take a seat,” Peter said.

Lucas looked at him. “Don’t you hate me?”

“Hate, yes, but I'm old too, and I just want to be ordinary, and it's too tiring to live in hatred.”

“I can leave Paula and Zach at your disposal. If you want to kill them, you can. You can vent your anger however you want,” Lucas said. “No, they will be punished by the law.”

Lucas suddenly sighed with emotion.

The Warm family was so kind.

After going through so much, he could still maintain such a good attitude.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been tortured, insane, and psychologically distorted.

Peter poured a cup of tea. “Frankly speaking, except for Paula and Zach, we are all pitiful people. Your child died before you, you first lost your son, and now you have lost your grandson and daughter-in-law. Over the years, you haven't really lived a good life.”


“From the perspective of the Wood family, they think that I am a murderer, and sending me to jail is something. natural. But from the perspective of the Warm family, I have been wronged and cannot reverse the case. The only

ones who deserve death are those two murderers,” Peter

said slowly. At that time, Dr. Warm was still kind enought

to think of others.

He used his personal connections to borrow the medicine that the hospital did not have from other hospitals just to

save Alex.

The results of it? He turned into a murderer.

Of course, he was disappointed.

It was just that he had experienced so many storms and waves and did not want to think about it anymore.

Lucas stood up unsteadily and bowed ninety degrees to

Dr. Warm.

“On behalf of the Wood family, I apologize to you and to the Warm family. In the future, if you have any difficulties, just ask, and our Wood family will do our best to help regardless of the cost,” Lucas said. After half a minute, Lucas raised his head and stood up straight.

Peter replied, “We only have one difficulty, which is to

dissolve the marriage relationship between Shawn and


"I can't imagine what it will be like.”

“Have you ever imagined how he tortured Gale? The two

of them should not go on, and Gale also told me that she

doesn't love Shawn!" Peter asked.

“Shawn almost lost an arm because of her, and he also

took care of her at the hospital, waiting for her to wake up ... Peter, which man do you think can treat a woman so well? How can you be indifferent to someone willing to sacrifice their own life for others?” Peter was not informed about this matter.

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