Twisted Marriage: Secret Loves (Gale and Shawn)
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 401

Chapter 401


Chapter 401

It seems to be the first time Shawn told her he loved her. Unfortunately, it was under such circumstances.

Gale brushed his hand away. “It doesn’t matter if you love me or not. The truth has hit you hard, so take it easy and think about how to solve it. I will take my leave.”

She turned around and walked toward the door without looking back. There was a faint fragrance in the air, and now it hurt so

much to smell it.

Even after a candlelight dinner, there was only bitterness

in his mouth.

It was even more impossible to lie on that big bed covered with rose petals...

Just half an hour ago, Shawn was still imagining falling

into the petals with her.

At this moment, Shawn could only stand where he was, watching her walk away from him, step by step.

He wanted to catch her and stop her, but the logical part

of him told him that he could not do that.

The more he tried to hold on, the more he would lose.

She walked past the door and closed it, cutting herself off from Shawn's sight.

He was inside, and she was outside.

Gale walked toward the elevator, suddenly raised her lips, and laughed as tears fell.

She raised her hand to wipe, but the more she wiped, the

more tears fell.

“Dad, Mom, I finally did something for you. I finally

cleared up the Warm family’s name..."

However, she was very tired.

Back at the Temperley Hall, the housekeeper greeted her and looked behind her. “Ma'am, you came back alone?

Where is Mr. Wood?”

Gale shook her head. “I don’t know.”

Maybe he went to Wood Mansion.

Maybe he needed time to calm down.

After all, the person who Killed his father was his half-

brother and his stepmother...

He hated and punished the wrong person.

“Ma’am, you don't look right.” The housekeeper asked intimately, “Did something happen to you?”

“Well, it's a good thing..."

“A good thing?"

Gale looked at the housekeeper. “Yes, the murderer who killed Alex Wood has been found.”

The housekeeper was surprised. “And?”

Gale replied, “It was Paula and Zach who changed the injection vial. The injection caused Alex Wood's death, but they blamed my father!” After hearing this, the housekeeper sighed and clasped his hands together. “There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and our master’s spirit in the heavens can also rest in peace...”

Over the years, the housekeeper has suffered a lot.

He realized that Dr. Warm might be wrongly blamed, but he had no evidence, and he had no identity or status, so no one would believe what he said.

Therefore, when Gale lived in Temperley Hall, the

housekeeper tried his best to protect Gale to ease his


The housekeeper said, “Ma'am, I'm sorry. I couldn't help you, even knowing that you were a victim, and...”

Gale interrupted him. “No need to apologize. I don't

blame you. You didn’t do anything wrong. The reason

why Zach's mother and son were able to be found out is also thanks to the clues you provided.”

Then, she closed her eyes. “I'll go back to my room to

rest first.”


Back in the bedroom, Gale almost fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

Sleeping in a daze, half dreaming and half awake, she felt that it was always dark outside the window.

It was still dark.

She did not know how long it took, but she felt a warm

current slowly flowing from her body...

Was it her period?

Gale subconsciously thought so.

However, after a few seconds, Gale suddenly sat up from

the bed.

She was pregnant. How could it be her period?

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