Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 72 He Was Charming And Attractive

Bianca's cheeks that had returned to its normal color turned bright red again.

"No, I'm fine."

She frowned slightly and tried to break away from the embrace. He started to heat up again. She was afraid that he would not be able to stand it and would lose control again. However, her strength was not enough to break away from him. She was pressed against the edge of the bed. The man stretched his hand downward.

She looked at him in horror because she had no idea what he was going to do.

She felt a breeze between her legs.

Something was ripped off by him.

She looked cowardly into his bottomless black eyes. Her lips were kissed firmly by the man again. The man pressed his body down against her and started sucking continuously.

She was afraid that the familiar pain would come again and instinctively tried to stop it.

Luke's next move caused the blood in Bianca's face to almost burst out.

He checked her.

Bianca was not hurt by his previous actions at all. It was just that it was very painful at that time. However, the pain was not there anymore at that moment.

"Don't... Don't look..." She could not get rid of him, so she had to pull the blanket to cover herself. She did not want to be so brazenly exposed in front of the man.

Luke checked it over carefully.

He was relieved that she was not injured because he would feel guilty if he hurt her.

His big hand rubbed her pale legs and a shudder swept through her weak consciousness. A moan slipped out of her lips again from his passionate kiss...

Shyness and embarrassment oozed out from her every pore.

Bianca was about to collapse.


His ascetic aura and the reality of his hedonistic nature drove people crazy.

When he went back into the car, Luke handed her the box.

"What?" Bianca felt her body go soft and weak. After she asked, she stretched out her hand and took it.

While the two of them communicated, Bianca never looked directly at him.

Luke was very curious about why she was acting so shyly. After all, they did not actually do it that time. He just helped her with his fingers.

He was looking forward to the day when she could fill all of him up.

Bianca lowered her head and fiddled with the box. There were three pairs of underwear inside the box. She liked the style and colors. It seemed that he had remembered correctly.

As she sat in his car, she was so embarrassed that her own breath burned herself. The one she was wearing had been torn apart by him in the hotel suite. Now, she was not wearing anything...

Nina was surprised that Bianca came back.

"Are you done with your overtime work? I thought that you were going to get abducted by your boss to sleep with him back at his house or something,” Nina said as she took Bianca's bag and laptop.

"I'll take a shower first," Bianca said. After she said that, she hurried into the bathroom.

Nina hummed a song and continued applying her mask as she watched a television show.

Bianca was so tired and sore all over. Whenever she thought about the shameful thing she did, she felt miserable.

After taking a shower, she fell asleep on her bed within five minutes.

When the alarm clock rang, it felt as if it was only in a blink of an eye. However, by the time she woke up, it was already three in the morning.

She had not finished her drawing from last night, so she had to get up at three o'clock to finish her overtime work. Otherwise, she would not be able to hand over the drawing tomorrow morning. She turned on her laptop and a notification box popped up in the lower right corner.

It was a new email.

Bianca opened it and found that it was an email from an unknown address.

After seeing the contents of the email, she was shocked. Luke had sent her the completed work. Last night, he helped her and finished her work...

Bianca tried to type something but hesitated.

After she finished composing the email, she blushed and deleted it.

In the end, she only sent out two words of gratitude.

“Thank you..."

Since she did not have to work overtime, Bianca fell back into her slumber for two more hours. She set her alarm to get up at five o'clock and planned to go to the hospital to see how her dad was doing before going to work.

She went out before Nina.

There were not many people on the street at that time. Only the supermarkets and pharmacies were opened 24 hours a day. Bianca walked to the subway station, looked at the pharmacy in front of her, and entered it.

"Give me a box of contraceptive pills," she said to the cashier embarrassedly.

Last night, Luke had rubbed between her legs.

The cloudy white liquid burned her skin.

She was afraid of an unexpected pregnancy.

After buying the contraceptive pill, she put it in her bag. She stood there and did not leave because she still wanted to buy another medicine. The type that reduced swelling. Swelling in that area. However, she was too scared to do it, so Bianca walked out of the pharmacy with her head down. She was unable to buy it.

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