Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 599 I’m Thankful For You

At home, in the bedroom.

The light-colored curtains were blowing in the night breeze, and the temperature tonight was a bit cooler.

Bianca looked at Luke who was smoking on the balcony with a frown.

Since she got pregnant, he had quit smoking at home.

Bianca knew that he must be in a bad mood.

She quietly walked over, grabbed the half-burned cigarette from his hand, and pinched it out in the ashtray. She looked at him accusingly before putting her arms around his waist.

"You promised me that you'd quit. You broke your promise.”

Luke's eyes were dark, and he hid the complex emotions he was feeling.

He took off his coat and put it on Bianca, saying slowly, "Sorry, I was a little out of control today. I promise it won't happen again.”

Bianca wanted to ask him about his private conversation with Allison earlier in the day as she was not sure what led to the tension between them.

However, she kept her questions to herself when she noticed Luke's odd behavior. She gently touched his face with her hand. "Do you feel better now?"

"I've confirmed one thing with my mother today. Queenie Zeigler is indeed your biological mother.” Luke hugged Bianca tightly, and his deep voice was filled with agony when he said, "Everything in the document that you read previously is all true. However, I didn't expect that the reason why my mother secretly swapped you back then was just because she was jealous of Aunt Queenie..." Bianca looked at him in astonishment as she said, "I remember you told me that your mother and Mrs. Norman used to be best friends, and they were so close that they shared the same clothes. Why would she be jealous?”

Although it had been confirmed that Queenie was her biological mother, Bianca was already used to addressing her as “Mrs. Norman’.

Luke had asked his mother the same thing when they were in Crawford Manor.

At the time, her face had grown distorted as she said angrily, "Do you think I wanted to be best friends with Queenie? I wouldn't have bothered if she wasn't useful to me. Since we were young, Queenie had always outshone me in everything we did! Wherever she went, the men would only be focused on her! I was clearly the more beautiful one between the two of us, but no one ever noticed me when I stood next to her... The men who went after her were either the sons of professors, government officials, or businessmen. All of them were cream of the crop! In stark contrast, the men around me were all good-for-nothings! Even sluggards asked for my help to pass their love letters to Queenie. How do you think that made me feel?! We were both from the same small town, so how was it fair that Queenie married Jack Norman while I had to be someone's mistress? Life was not fair to me and I wanted to tip the scales. That's why I swapped her child!"

When Luke explained the situation to Bianca, his breathing was irregular.

He felt ashamed to have such a narrow-minded and jealous mother. If someone else bullied Bianca as such, he would have retaliated in a million ways.

However, Allison was his biological mother. Even if she was a horrible woman, they were still related by blood.

The complicated situation made him feel deeply powerless.

Luke did not want Bianca to know that he was so upset. However, the knuckles of his fingers had gradually turned white, revealing his true emotions.

Bianca did not like seeing Luke like this.

She stood on her tiptoes, pulled his neck down with one hand, and gently pressed her forehead to his. "Luke, we can't change what happened in the past, so it's meaningless for us to dwell in it. Besides, I've grown up and am now the mother of three. It doesn’t matter whether I reconnect with Mr. and Mrs. Norman. The most important thing right now is to live in the present and cherish every moment that we have with each other.”

Luke hugged Bianca tightly.

The two were facing each other, lips touching.

Bianca felt Luke's warmth, and Luke was touched by how understanding Bianca was.

"I'm thankful to have you with me," he whispered, his soft voice blending with the night.

Midnight, at the other end of A City.

Wayne Blatt's tall and rugged body was sitting on a sofa in a VIP room somewhere. He casually placed his two legs on the coffee table.

Women of various shapes and sizes surrounded him.

The women were wearing revealing costumes—bunny, maids, Barbie dolls... It was a dazzling sight. However, these women had all been in the party scene for a long time and appeared gaudy. Wayne disliked the pungent perfume smell on their bodies and their deliberate flattery in an attempt to please him. He missed Leia's body.

Leia was a femme fatale, but she had a deceptively sweet face. She acted high and mighty in front of others, but she was subservient and servile with him.

Wayne had felt a sense of accomplishment because of that.

He undertook an important secret mission a few days ago. The mission was extremely dangerous, but the reward was extremely high.

He had stayed abroad for too long and just returned home that day. He threw a party to celebrate as soon as he returned

Wayne frowned, drank the liquor in the tall glass, and dialed Leia’s phone number with a wicked smile on his face...

Normans’ residence.

Leia was having a nightmare.

She dreamed that Queenie’s biological daughter was found and all eyes were on her. That girl became the most favored existence in the Norman family.

On the other hand, she, who was once the apple of her adoptive parents’ eyes, was left desolate and forgotten.

No one loved or cared for her anymore.

She woke up from her nightmare in a panicked state after getting shocked by the loud ringtone. When Leia saw the caller ID “Devil, she broke out in a cold sweat and wished more than anything to throw her phone out of the window!

However, she did not dare to act rashly because Wayne had a lot of indecent photos and videos of her.

She knew that Wayne lacked patience, and the longer she took to answer the call, the more the pervert would torture her later. Leia gritted her teeth, put on her clothes, and combed her hair. She did not bother applying any makeup and walked out barefaced.

Leia was afraid that the sound of her high heels would wake up her parents, so she took off her shoes and walked down the second floor cautiously.

She was in such a hurry that she did not notice that the bathroom lights were on.

Julie, who had just used the toilet, was confused when she saw Leia sneaking out.

“Why is Leia sneaking out in the middle of the night? What is she hiding?"

Julie was curious and wanted some compromising material on Leia to blackmail her, so she quickly went back to her room and threw something on before quietly following Leia...

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