Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 506 Queenie’s Words Tore Bianca’s Heart In Two

Chapter 506 Queenie’'s Words Tore Bianca's Heart In Two

Seeing how Queenie was staring at her, Bianca's gaze fell on the flask on the table.

She smiled gratefully to Queenie. "Thank you for visiting me, Mrs. Norman.

I'm sorry that I can't stand to greet you. Please take a seat..."

Queenie saw the bright smile on Bianca's face. For a moment, she was caught in a daze.

Not only did the young woman look similar to her, but when she smiled, the two faint dimples that appeared were exactly the same as hers.

Queenie remembered Bianca's performance at Old Mr. Norman's birthday party. Bianca's singing voice almost sounded like hers when she was younger.

How could there be someone who not only looked, but sounded, acted, and smiled almost the same way as her?

Queenie instantly felt an affinity toward Bianca, perhaps because Bianca reminded her of her younger days. "Don't worry, Ms. Rayne. I've made some chicken soup for you, and I hope you'll like it."

As she said that, she opened the flask.

The fragrance of the chicken soup filled the ward the moment Queenie opened the lid. Not only had it whetted Bianca's appetite, but even the nurse almost drooled.

It was too fragrant.

"You're too kind, Mrs. Norman. I'm happy that you're here to visit me in the hospital. I didn't expect that you would even make chicken soup for me. I don't know how to thank you...” Bianca was shocked by Queenie’s kind gesture, which made her somewhat at a loss for words.

Queenie smiled and handed the flask to Bianca. The soup had a nice color, which was very pleasing to look at.

Bianca took the flask and took a sip. An indescribable fragrance filled her mouth. She could taste the freshness and deliciousness of chicken, and she even caught a hint of truffles. The taste of the soup reinvigorated her.

"This is delicious, Mrs. Norman. You're an amazing cook. I've never had such delicious soup before.” Bianca was shocked.

Bianca thought that Queenie was a noblewoman who could not bother herself with housework. She did not expect Queenie to be able to cook so well.

Her praise was not exaggerated at all. The chicken soup tasted like it was made by the head chef of a five-star hotel.

"You flatter me, Ms. Rayne. Cooking is my hobby. We're not strangers anymore. You can call me Aunt Queenie instead of Mrs. Norman."

Then, Queenie sat down next to Bianca.

She beckoned at the nurse and said gently, "I have something to speak to Ms. Rayne. It's fine if you have other duties; we'll ring the bell if we need you."

Queenie’s expression was elegant, and her voice was gentle, but her demeanor was intimidating. The nurse quickly left the ward, leaving the two women behind.

Bianca started to become nervous after the nurse left.

Sitting next to her was the wife of the Provincial Committee Secretary.

Queenie’s social status was much more elevated than hers, not to mention that she was the mother of her love rival.

Bianca was intelligent. She understood that Queenie’s purpose of visiting her was not only because she was hurt.

She suddenly had an ominous feeling.

Indeed, Queenie opened her mouth after only the two people were left in the room. "Can I ask you a question, Ms. Rayne? What happened between you and Luke at the engagement ceremony? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Are you determined to sever all relations with Luke? Perhaps both of you are ignoring each other at this moment, or maybe both of you are in a cooling-off period?”

Bianca averted Queenie’s penetrating gaze and said dejectedly, "I don't want to talk about the past, but since you've asked about it, I can only say that there are many problems between Luke and me. We can't be together as long as those problems aren't solved. Moreover, I don't think I'm qualified to be by his side now. He deserves a better woman.”

Queenie’s gaze was transfixed on Bianca's eyes, trying to discern something. However, Bianca's expression was calm, and her gaze was tranquil.

Queenie continued, "I don't really want to know too many details of your relationship, but I do have one question, Ms. Rayne. Is the relationship between you and Luke completely over?” “I'm... I'm not..." Bianca stared at Queenie blankly. Queenie’s direct questioning nearly made her blurt out the truth.

She eventually got a hold of herself when she thought of Luke's plan. “I'm not at liberty to make a decision. With so many uncertainties, all I can say is that it's over for us."

Queenie seemed to be relieved when she heard Bianca's answer. There was a hint of coldness to her tone. "Love and marriage aren't the same, Ms. Rayne. You can fall in love with someone else as long as both of you are willing, but marriage also requires the consent of both parties’ families. When Luke said that you were his girlfriend, I already expected that the relationship would end in separation because of the great disparity in both of your social statuses. Now that the two of you have indeed broken up, I don't think I should comment on it any further. Luke is now dating my daughter, and the Normans and the Crawfords are influential families in A City. I think you should know what to do next, Ms. Rayne."

Bianca knew that Luke was only putting up an act, but Queenie’s words had tore her heart in two. Her heart was dripping with black blood as though threatening to drag her into a bottomless abyss. Seeing that Bianca was silent, Queenie moved a little closer. "I know that you're a sensible child, Bianca, and I know that you understand what I mean. To be frank, I'm not very satisfied with Luke. He's always scheming about something, and I can tell that he still has feelings for you. If not that Leia threatened me with suicide, I wouldn't have agreed to their relationship.

"Now that you've said that it's over for the two of you, I shall take you at your word. Actually, even if you married Luke, I don't think you'll have a good time in the household because of his mother's character. I believe that with your looks, talents, and capabilities, you should be able to find a more deserving man."

Queenie’s words were as gentle as a spring brook, but every word was like a knife that sliced Bianca's heart.

She wanted to argue with Queenie loudly, but she had to maintain the act.” I know, Aunt Queenie." Her hand subconsciously moved toward her lower abdomen.

She did not know how much longer she would have to suffer. She felt bad fortheir baby.

Queenie was very observant. Her eyes fell on Bianca's slightly bulging stomach, then at Bianca's gentle and motherly expression.

'Is Bianca... pregnant?’ She thought as she looked at Bianca suspiciously.

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