Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 379 She Would Like To See What Leia Would Do To Her!

Chapter 379 She Would Like To See What Leia Would Do To Her!

Of course, none of Luke's family members ever gave him extra money, not even when he was a child.

His grandfather had been strict with him. Susan treated him with hostility.

Meanwhile, his mother Allison was the one asking him for money instead.

Luke felt extremely emotional as he held the envelope in his hand.

The envelope was light, but he felt that it was so heavy that his hands were trembling.

Luke did not want to take money from an old man, but the envelope carried a special meaning. He had to take it.

"Luke, Grandpa won't let you leave if you don't accept the money. It's a tradition in our family,” Bianca said gently as she held onto his arm.

She knew how stubborn her grandfather could be.

If Luke did not accept the envelope, Old Master Rayne was not going to let him leave.

"Thank you, Grandpa,” Luke felt that his throat was dry, but his heart was indescribably warm.

"We got envelopes too, Daddy! Great-Grandpa and Great Aunt Wanda gave them to us."

The two children went through their backpacks as though searching for something.

After a while, the two children took out two envelopes each from their backpacks and showed them off.

Their elders had given them the envelopes right before bedtime. After that, they forgot to tell their parents.

Now that they saw their father receiving an envelope, they wanted to show that they got one too. Luke glanced sternly at the twins, who were only as tall as his thigh. "Are you hiding money from me now, hmm?"

The twins were intimidated by their father's stern glare and quickly hid behind their mother.

Lanie lowered his head guiltily, while Rainie tried to argue. "I'm not hiding money! Yesterday, Big Bro and I were too tired, and I forgot to tell you after we woke up. I'm sorry..."

Old Master Rayne felt sorry for the two children when they saw how scared they were of their father!

He comforted the children by patting their little heads and said to Luke in a rebuking tone, "Il was the one who insisted on them taking the envelopes. You shouldn't blame them."

The old man was very fond of the twins.

"You shouldn't spoil them, Grandpa,” Bianca said helplessly, "We'll be going for now, and we'll visit you whenever we're free. You should take care of your health. Goodbye, Aunt Wanda..."

After saying their goodbyes, the family drove off.

Old Master Rayne stood in front of the door with his walking stick. He remained there, not saying a word, for a long time.

Wanda gently tugged Old Master Rayne's arm and said, "It's cold outside.

Let's go back into the house.”

Old Master Rayne walked back while being supported by his daughter.” Wanda, do you think that Luke would complain that I don't give him enough money? After all, he's so rich," he said worriedly. "How much did you give him. Father?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Eight hundred dollars. That's a lucky number,” Old Master Rayne said.

"That's enough, Father. It's considered a lot of money in our hometown. What's important is your intention. Moreover, your grandson-in-law isn't short on money anyway."

If Luke dropped eight hundred dollars on the floor, he might not even bend down and pick it up. In the time it took him to do so, he would have already earned a hundred times more money. However, the envelope was a symbol of the old man’s blessing to him and Luke. It was incredibly meaningful, and he would treasure it.

"Our Bianca is lucky. I have no complaints about Luke, but I can't say the same for his family! Just like you. I've told you that you shouldn't marry that Japanese guy, but you don't listen, and now... sigh...”

When he mentioned his daughter's unhappy marriage, Old Mater Rayne became dejected, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to grow.

A hint of agony flashed past Wanda's face, but she soon composed herself in a few seconds. "Father, Bianca and I are different. My marriage might be unhappy, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't find happiness in her marriage. I think that Luke is a good man, and he will treat Bianca well. You don't have to worry about her. I believe Bianca will be very happy under his care.” "I hope so too..." Old Master Rayne sighed.

The old man's hunched back seemed to hunch even more.

Soon, it was Monday.

Bianca was very busy at work. The collaboration project between T Corporation and Vivi Group would be starting construction after the new year, and the small team had to brave against the cold and go to survey the site.

It was about two o'clock in the afternoon when they returned to the office. Bianca did not waste any time and started working on the presentation

Halfway through it, Bella came into the office.

She knocked on Bianca's table and said to her imperiously, "There's a shortage of personnel in the advertising department now, Bianca. Follow me and go there to help out.”

Bianca was exasperated that her work was interrupted, though she tried to speak nicely, "I still have a lot of unfinished work, Madam. Moreover, I remember that the advertising department has more employees than our department. Why would they be short on personnel?”

Bella towered over Bianca and looked at her conservative clothes with disdain.

"I'm telling you to go, so you have to go. I'm your superior, and you'll have to listen to whatever I saw. So what if I'm asking you to help out there? The celebrity Leia Norman is here for a commercial shoot today, and so many employees in the company want to help out. She explicitly wants you to go over. Let me tell you, she comes from an influential family. If you make her angry, even I can't help you!" Bella said impatiently.

Then, she stepped on her high heels and sashayed out of the office.

Bianca's expression changed when she heard that Leia Norman asked for her specifically.

Sue tossed the pen in her hands and complained, "What's wrong with her? We have other employees in the department, so why does she want you? That Leia Norman is also very pretentious. Can't so many people in the advertising department appease her? Why does she need you specifically? Don't go, Bianca. She can't do anything to you if you don't go!"

Bianca thought for a while and replied, "Never mind. I'll go and see what Leia Norman wants."

She did not have any evidence that Leia was involved in the Persian cat incident at Blue Honors, but she had a hunch that Leia was the culprit behind it.

She wanted to go and see why Leia wanted her there.

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