Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 3063 He Takes Note Of What Luca Likes To Eat

Therefore, there really was not any mountainous area left undeveloped with the herbs Shanks needed.

Luca glanced at Warren, who was sitting in the driver's seat. She had initially wanted to talk to Luke about this matter, but in the end, she decided not to.

Warren drove steadily, and the road was not too bumpy. After Luca put away her tablet, a wave of drowsiness hit her. Unconsciously, she closed her eyes and leaned against the car window, dozing off.

Luke was reading documents. When he looked up at Luca, she was already intermittently nodding off.

When he saw her in such a state, he shook his head helplessly and rested Luca's head on his shoulder.

With a gentle movement, Luca leaned on his shoulder without waking up and even found a comfortable position on his shoulder.

"Drive slower, and turn up the air conditioning a bit," instructed Luke.

"Yes, sir." Warren heard him and slowed down the car even more, making the ride smoother. At the same time, he adjusted the temperature of the car's air conditioning higher, so Luca would not be awakened by the cold.

The journey took an extra hour due to the slow driving.

When they arrived at the Crawford Ancestral Home, Warren parked the car and waited for Luke's next command.

Luke looked at the woman resting beside him.

She tended to fall asleep easily on long car rides, and it seemed she had not woken up during the entire journey.

As Luke cast a sidelong glance, all he could see was her well-rounded forehead, lush eyelashes, and elegantly shaped nose. They were truly exquisite.

Luke really did not want to disturb her.

However, it was already lunchtime, and if Luca continued sleeping, she might get hungry. So, he gently tapped Luca's hand.

"Luca, wake up," Luke called in a soft voice.

"Mmm..." Luca heard Luke's voice and slightly opened her eyes. She looked ahead, unable to figure out what was going on, so she asked, "Are we there?"

"Yes, we've reached Crawford Ancestral Home," replied Luke, "Wake up. Let's have lunch first, and then you can sleep again."

Luca sat up straight. She had been leaning on Luke's shoulder for a long time, her waist felt a bit sore. She stretched lazily, looked outside, and indeed saw the gate of the old mansion. Had she slept the entire way?

Luca knew that she tended to sleep during long journeys and could not control the urge to do so. Usually, she would wake up at some point during the trip.

This time, however, she seemed to have truly slept all the way without any memory of waking up.

Luca rubbed her eyes and said, "Let's go. Let's have lunch."

"Mr. Muller has already prepared everything. Let's go inside," replied Luke. He took out the electronic key of the old mansion and opened the door. The door opened slowly.

Luke said to Warren, "Drive the car inside."

"Yes, sir." After the door opened wide enough, Warren drove the car inside.

Luca looked out of the car window. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the scenery was much more vibrant than when she had come here before.

It was a different kind of beauty.

After Warren parked the car inside, Luke closed the door again to prevent designers from entering.

"Mr. Crawford, Ms. Craw, you may step out of the car." After Warren parked the car, he quickly opened the door for them.

Luke and Luca got out of the car together.

Luca looked around, surveying the yard's scenery. "It's completely different now than before. It's more vibrant. Summer has indeed arrived."

"This yard has different views in all four seasons. Next time, whenever there's a chance, I'll take you on a tour each season," said Luke, realizing that Luca, who graduated in architecture design, would likely be interested in the yard's design.

He had neglected this before.

He should have brought Luca here when the flowers were blooming.

Back then, he was too busy with work and did not pay attention to these details.

"Sure." Luca put on a radiant smile. Her eyes and brows gracefully lifted, looking even more enchanting in the bright noon sunlight.

"Let's go. Let's have lunch," said Luke. After a moment of thought, he also said to Warren, "Join us. You may head to the hotel nearby after lunch. Mr. Doyle has already booked a room for you."

Evan would also be staying in the hotel. That was why Warren needed to stay close as well.

Warren would be their chauffeur these two days.

"Okay, boss," Warren nodded and followed them into the living room.

Mr. Muller already had the lunch prepared. He stood at the doorway, welcoming them. "Mr. Crawford, Ms. Craw, and this gentleman is..."

"Hello, I'm Mr. Crawford's chauffeur," Warren introduced himself.

"Hello." Mr. Muller nodded. He understood the implication of the chauffeur following Luke inside. Thus, he turned around to face the dining room and said, "Lunch is ready, Mr. Crawford. Would you like to have it now?"

"Yes." Luke nodded, reluctant to let Luca go hungry.

"This way, please." Mr. Muller invited them into the dining room.

This time, the lunch was still the specialty dishes of X City, prepared by a locally renowned chef. Luca thought she might not have much of an appetite after the long car ride, but to her surprise, the lunch prepared by Mr. Muller was exceptionally delicious. She even ate more than usual.

"It seems you really like the specialty dishes of X City," commented Luke, serving Luca some dishes.

No matter when, even if his gaze was not directly on her, his attention was always on her.

For instance, at this moment, he was conversing with Mr. Muller about the local situation, but he still noticed which dishes Luca enjoyed.

Luca's face blushed slightly. She thought he had been discussing matters with Mr. Muller without paying much attention to her. That was why she ate more, thinking that he would not notice. Surprisingly, he still noticed...

"These dishes are delightfully sweet and sour," complimented Luca.

"Ask the chef for the recipes of these dishes later," Luke directed this to Mr. Muller. Once he finished his sentence, he had already pointed out the specific dishes he was talking about.

Luke could not name these dishes. Even though Mr. Muller introduced them at the beginning of lunch, he could not be bothered to remember.

However, he took note of what Luca liked to eat. So, he planned to have Mr. Muller ask the chef for the recipes. When they returned to A City, he would have Aunt Neile learn them and occasionally cook them for Luca.

"It's not necessary to go through all this trouble," Luca thought. Those chefs surely had their own secret recipes.

Chefs of this caliber would not easily give away their secrets.

If Mr. Muller went to ask the chef, it might even put the chef in a difficult position.

Luca was not the type of person who would make things difficult for others. Good food did not necessarily require her to know how to make it herself.

Besides, eating delicious food too frequently might make it lose its charm. So, she did not push for it.

"If the child's taste follows yours, and you like these dishes, the kids will probably enjoy them too. It's good to have Aunt Neile learn to cook them for them," suggested Luke.

Mr. Muller nodded and agreed, "Mr. Crawford is right. These dishes are appetizing in the summer, and the kids will eat more if they have them."

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