Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 3057 You’re Getting All Edgy. Feeling Guilty, Huh?

However, there were still many people who did not know about it.

For instance, Old Man Rayne.

Also, those gossip media...

Still, they could not publicly disclose all this yet. They could only do so after Luke and Luca had resolved the problem. Only then would they make it public and let everyone know that Luca's true identity was Bianca.

"Don't worry, Aunt Wanda..." Luca smiled and then remembered something. "Oh, Aunt Wanda, there's something I must tell you."

"What is it?" Wanda asked curiously.

"It's Marie," answered Luca. She told Wanda that Marie had previously stolen money from Jean and left. Now, she was back.

Even though she knew Wanda despised Marie, she had to tell her about it.

Otherwise, if Marie came knocking on their door, Wanda would be genuinely surprised.

"How could she do such a shameless thing?" Wanda frowned in astonishment.

"Yes, she really did those things. At first, Jean reported to the police about the money, but I'm not sure whether the police will pursue anything with Marie at this point," replied Luca.

"She has no shame." Wanda felt angry. The thought of Marie still using the Rayne family name made her sick.

Marie did not deserve the Rayne family name!

How could someone like that be a part of the Rayne family?

"Aunt Wanda, calm down. I just wanted to let you know. Marie might come to bother you if she can no longer sustain herself in A City. That's why I thought I'd tell you in advance so that you won't be caught off guard when she shows up later," explained Luca.

"Alright, I got it. Marie..." A hint of melancholy flashed across Wanda's eyes. "My brother treated her well before. How did she turn out like this? Thankfully, she's not my brother's biological child..." Wanda suddenly thought of her poor brother, who lost his life in the relentless hustle of caring for this newly forged family. He worked day and night.

Little did she know that not only did he lose his life, but even his own bloodline could not be preserved.

Now, Bianca was forced to become Luca, while Marie, still carrying the Rayne family name, behaved like this...

Wanda looked at Luca. "My brother was kind to her, but at the end of the day, she's not part of the Rayne family by blood. It's not surprising for her to end up this way."

"Aunt Wanda..." Luca knew what Wanda was thinking.

"Alright, I know. But let her come back if she wants to. No matter how miserable her life is, it has nothing to do with the Rayne family. It's not that I'm heartless, but when her mother drove my brother away, I knew Marie was no longer a part of the Rayne family," said Wanda.

Luca felt a complex mix of emotions and sat there with her for a while.

The Rayne family was considered fortunate in some ways.

After Bianca's incident, Luke was there to take care of the Rayne family. Under Luke's care, their lives were considerably easier. However, they were unfortunate too.

It was because the Rayne family truly did not have a bloodline of their own...

Deep down inside, Luca thought that no matter what, the Rayne family had raised her and she would never abandon them.

Luca only left after sitting for a while.

When Luca arrived downstairs, she was surprised. She had only mentioned Marie to Wanda a moment ago, and now, she ran into her. Obviously, Marie had noticed her too.

"Luca?" Marie walked up quickly, blocking Luca's path.

Luca frowned, took a step back, and asked, "Do you need something?"

"What's with that expression?" Marie was displeased. It was obvious Luca had backed away. Was she avoiding her?

Was she trying to keep her distance?

What, was she a wild animal or something? Did Luca really have to avoid her like that?

"Ms. Marie, I'll be on my way if there's nothing else." Luca did not want to argue with Marie in public. Hence, she headed outside.

Marie raised her arm to block Luca's way.

"Wait a minute. I need to talk to you."

Luca halted her steps. Even though she knew Marie probably did not have anything serious to discuss, it might not look good if she left.

"Let's talk there." Luca pointed outside.

They were standing close to the elevators, and there were many people passing by. People would look in their direction.

Luca had made headlines due to the scandal with Luke. Some people might still be following up the news. Thus, she did not want to stand out here, attracting attention.

Luca's suggestion made Marie snort. "Didn't expect you to care about your reputation. You're lucky I'm in a good mood. Fine, let's talk over there."

The two walked out of the building and stood in the shade of a tree.

Since it was almost noon, the temperature was slightly high. Even though the sunlight was blocked under the tree, it was still hot. Even so, it was a good place to discuss matters since there was no one around here.

At least, that was what Marie thought.

Luca would not attract as much attention here as she would have near the elevators.

"Tell me, what's the matter," Luca asked expressionlessly. She was not looking forward to whatever Marie had to say.

Whatever Marie had to say, it would not be anything good. Luca knew Marie would not even be interested in asking about Wanda's and Old Man Rayne's condition.

In Marie's world, it was all about herself.

"I've seen the rumors about you and Luke," replied Marie. A fleeting look of calculation flashed across her eyes.

Luca noticed the look in her eyes but remained expressionless. "As you said, those are just rumors. What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not like those reporters who can be easily fooled by Luke's so-called statement. I know there's something between you and him. You're the third party in Luke and Bianca's marriage!"

Marie got more and more excited as she spoke, as though she had caught a piece of significant gossip. Her tone revealed the excitement of someone who claimed to know everything.

Luca raised an eyebrow but remained silent.

Marie, as usual, always fanned the flames...

If she had said something like that near the elevators, they would probably become the center of attention with everyone watching.

The moment word of it got out, Luca would be targeted by netizens.

Marie noticed Luca was keeping silent and thought she was feeling guilty. She said, "What's the matter? Do you think I don't have evidence? Luke has defended you quite a few times before, and you two are probably living together now, right? Don't even think about denying it. You're the third party in my sister's marriage!"

When Luca heard Marie refer to herself as her sister...

She found it amusing yet strangely repulsive.

Marie had caused her so much trouble in the past, and now she had the guts to call Bianca her sister?

"Sister? I remember your relationship with her wasn't that close. Spare me the nonsense. Say it. What do you want to tell me?"

Luca glanced at the time, figuring that Lanie's preliminary round was about to end. She had to pick up her child. She did not have much time to waste here.

"You're getting all edgy. Feeling guilty, huh?" Marie seemed to have caught on to something. Her face was filled with excitement.

Luca secretly let out a sigh, thinking that Marie really had a vivid imagination.

Over the years, she had not seen Marie develop any real skills. However, her ability to concoct scenarios was unmatched.

"Ms. Marie, I don't have time for chit-chat here." Luca only wanted to know why Marie was bringing up this issue in the first place.

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