Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 3055 Did Not Want Bianca To Repay This Debt For Him

Aunt Neile shook her head. "I didn't hear the old master talk about these with Master Luke."

Frowning, Susan doubtfully looked at her eyes.

Aunt Neile knew Susan did not believe her. Thus, she added, "If Old Master Crawford wanted to discuss these things with Mr. Crawford, he wouldn't let me in on it."

Susan gave a cold snort, turned around, and walked back home.

She initially planned to go out for a run for exercise, but she could only go back home since she was not in the mood.

Aunt Neile saw her walking back to the villa and quickly closed the door. It was as though there was a rather unsettling presence lurking outside. The door shut with a swift and precise motion. With a bang, the door closed, followed by a click. It was the sound of the door locking automatically.

Susan turned around and glanced at the door. Her brows furrowed even deeper.

She would definitely fire Aunt Neile if she had the chance to do so.

What was the use of keeping a maid with no regard for her status as the lady of the Crawford family?

As Aunt Neile walked toward the living room, she bumped into Luca coming out with the kids.

Luca noticed Aunt Neile walking with hurried steps, and she curiously asked, "Aunt Neile, what's the matter?" "Madam Crawford was outside just now. She was asking about Master Louis again," Aunt Neile told her.

Luca frowned. "Has she been waiting outside all this time?"

"No." Aunt Neile shook her head. "Madam Crawford happened to be going out when Old Master Crawford left. It seemed like she was going to exercise."

"Mhm." Luca felt relaxed after learning that Susan had not been standing outside the whole time. Then, she turned to the kids and said, "I'll go get the car. Wait here."

"Okay, Ms. Luca," the three children replied in unison.

Luca nodded and headed toward the parking lot.

Aunt Neile asked, "Kids, are you heading to class?"

"Yes, we have enrichment classes," answered Tommy.

"I have a performance," Rainie chimed in.

"I have a preliminary competition to attend." Lanie had his hands casually tucked in his pockets, exuding a cool vibe.

"You're all amazing. Keep it up," Aunt Neile said with a smiling face before returning to the living room to prepare for today's work.

There was more work to do today as Old Master Crawford slept here last night.

Luca drove the car and left the parking lot. Then, she picked up the kids and dropped them off at each of their destinations. She also confirmed the time to pick them up. Finally, she headed to the hospital.

She took the elevator to the VIP floor.

The head nurse saw her and greeted her with a smile, "Good morning, Ms. Craw."

"Good morning." Luca returned the smile.

The head nurse asked, "Ms. Craw, are you visiting Ms. Rayne today?"

"Yes. Just checking in," replied Luca. She thought Wanda's treatment would soon be over. After the treatment, she would undergo a physical examination. If everything was fine, Wanda could go home. With that in mind, Luca walked into the ward area.

The medical staff on the VIP floor recognized Luca, so no one stopped her as she walked in.

Luca first went to Old Man Rayne's hospital ward.

The caretaker was feeding Old Man Rayne some fruit.

Old Man Rayne took a bite of the juicy apple and heard the sound of the door opening. He curiously turned around to look at the door. When he saw Luca coming in, he smiled and said, "Luca, you came?" The old man was talking a bit slowly because of his illness.

Luca nodded and asked, "Old Man Rayne, how have you been feeling lately?"

"I feel pretty good. It's just that my hand doesn't seem as coordinated," replied Old Man Rayne while looking at his hand. Ever since he woke up, he noticed that his hand was not as agile.

Even though there had been some improvement after weeks of treatment, it had not gotten back to how agile it used to be.

The doctors explained that it was a normal consequence of illness and aging.

With more exercise and rehabilitation, things should get better.

Luca stepped forward, held his hand, and asked, "Old Man Rayne, can you give my hand a good squeeze?"

Old Man Rayne grunted in acknowledgment and exerted his utmost strength, gripping Luca's hand tightly.

Luca knew that even though they had managed to save Old Man Rayne's life, there would still be some damage to his bodily functions. However, with proper rehabilitation, most functions could be restored to some extent.

Still, achieving a recovery to the state before the illness was quite the challenge.

Luca felt a twinge of bitterness. She thought that if she had been by Old Man Rayne's side, she would have been able to perform dry needling on him at the first signs of illness. In that case, the situation might not be how it was now.

"Ah, I'm getting old. I don't have the energy anymore," Old Man Rayne let out a sigh, still muttering the words slowly.

Luca could feel her eyes welling up with tears. She blinked to suppress the tears. "Old Man Rayne, don't worry. Everything will get better."

"Oh, Luca, you don't need to comfort me. It's already a blessing for an old man like me to live to this age. Besides, if the caretaker hadn't found out about it in time, I might not have made it. I'm content." Even though Old Man Rayne spoke slowly, he could still sense Luca's sadness.

He found it strange that someone not closely related or even familiar with him would show such profound sadness about his ailing health...

Moreover, he did not want to see her upset too.

Old Man Rayne thought it was a bit strange, but he did not press the matter further. Instead, he simply put on a smile.

"I'm content," repeated Old Man Rayne, emphasizing his satisfaction with having lived to this age.

A warm smile lit up his weathered face. The layers of wrinkles added to his kind and benevolent appearance.

Luca said, "You'll definitely live to be a hundred, Old Man Rayne. Don't worry, I'll make sure to help with your treatment. Trust me, I won't let anything happen to you."

"I know you're doing it for my good, but I know my body well..." Old Man Rayne knew Luca was capable, but no matter how skilled she was, he was just an old man to her.

Luca took care of his body and provided treatment without accepting a penny from him...

Perhaps Luca was doing it as a favor for Luke, but Old Man Rayne did not want to rack up too many favors with her.

Furthermore, he owed her a favor for saving his life. What could an old man like him possibly use to pay it back?

If she ultimately expected those around him to repay the debt, Old Man Rayne would prefer not to have Luca treat him. He had already lived to an old age. He had learned to go with the flow... He did not want to ask for too much.

Above all else, he did not want Bianca to repay this debt for him.

He thought of Bianca, who had lost her memory and no longer remembered him. She went abroad for her studies, leaving her kids and family behind. She seldom kept in touch with them.

Old Man Rayne felt an unexpected pang of heartache. He turned to glance at Luca, and a familiar sensation stirred within him.

If Bianca had not lost her memory and had not forgotten him, perhaps she would be by his bedside now, taking care of him and comforting him. Perhaps she would read the news to him or tell jokes to make him happy.

However, the person by his bedside now was a face he did not quite recognize, yet she treated him so well. She cared for him like she was his granddaughter...

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