Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle
Chapter 123 Found Out That Blanche Looked Like Bianca

"Ahh! Help me! Help me!"

When she saw the pool of blood under her, she yelled.

Xavier put on the ironed suit and shirt that his assistant delivered in the morning. He lit a cigarette and dialed a number. He smiled like a fox when he said, "I hope you can understand my cousin. When I was in prison, her brother was good to me. After I got out, there was nothing I could do to repay him. Wait, I guess I found out that her sister did really horrible things.”

Marie, who stood in the pool of blood, watched the man ignore her as well as the blood on the bed He merely called someone, opened the door, and left the room.

Marie took her cellphone in a panic and found that it was turned off.

She turned her phone on and called 911.

At that moment, the closed door opened again. A woman and two men came in.

It was the female secretary at the clubhouse entrance who admitted her by mistake last night and brought her to Xavier. The female secretary looked at the bed coldly and ordered the two men who came with her, “Get her dressed and get her in the car.”

The two men walked toward Marie.

"What are you trying to do?" Marie wanted to hide.

The female secretary said, "If you don't want to die, just do as I say. I can always leave you to die in this hotel and nobody will hear your cries or find you.”

Marie was frightened. She cluelessly held her aching lower abdomen with both of her hands. Her face was pale as she was brought into the car.

At the hospital.

Marie was given anesthesia and went in for surgery.

When she looked over, she saw someone familiar standing in front of the mall.

She was distributing flyers.

"Wait! Wait! I need to get off!" Anna did not care that the bus driver told her that it was not a bus stop because it was merely a red light intersection. She forced herself down.

After getting out of the bus, Anna quietly walked over. After she stared at the person distributing flyers for a long time, she was sure that it was Bianca.

"Hello, if you have the time, please take a look." Bianca handed out the flyers and did what her boss told her to do.

Anna stood behind an advertisement board, took a picture of Bianca, and sent it to Nina. She asked her what was going on.

"What else? Bea's dad is still sick and she’s under heavy financial pressure. How can she stay afloat without a part-time job?"

"Doesn't she... Have a sugar daddy? So why is she doing this? Did he force her to do this?” Anna asked.

"Hold up. That gossiping lady's going to get retribution sooner or later!” Nina worried about her mother’s logic. “What kind of sugar daddy would get his sugar baby to pass out flyers under the scorching hot sun? Don't you know that even thousands of dollars of skin products aren't going to get your skin back after being exposed to UV rays?”

Anna looked at Bianca who was working hard passing out flyers in the distance. She suddenly felt heavy. She thought about the things that had happened over the past month. She had mistakenly regarded Marie as the good girl and wronged such a hard-working prospective daughter-in-law... Anna sent the photo of Bianca passing out flyers to her son. She added, “Jeanie, can you heed my advice? Get Bea back. I'll send you Bea's current location.”

T Corporation Building.

Luke sat in the office with a strong magnetic aura. After finishing his work, he rushed to take his two kids to his uncle's house.

After Xavier was released from prison, his relatives and friends wanted to congratulate him, so there was a feast at his uncles place.

"Granduncle..." When Jason got to the Tanner's place, Rainie got out of the car and ran toward Granduncle.

The old man happily picked up the little girl.

At the same time in the Tanner's backyard.

A child of his relative was learning to swim in the swimming pool. Xavier ordered his assistant to go and accompany the kid to swim to ensure the safety of the child.

How could the assistant not follow his orders? His assistant put down his phone, took off his clothes, and jumped straight into the pool!

At that moment, the assistant's cell phone buzzed twice.

Xavier lowered his head and glanced at it. He saw a familiar name on the screen. Bianca Rayne. He picked up his assistant's phone on the ground and opened his message.

His internet pal sent a message that said, “Bianca Rayne. This is her current location. It was my fault that you didn't get to f*ck her last night. Would you like to see her in person at the entrance of this mall?"

Attached was a photo of Bianca passing out flyers.

Xavier forwarded the photo and sent it to his phone. He silently noted the location of the mall, then deleted the message from his assistant's phone.

When Xavier had his car keys and was about to leave the house, Luke brought his son in.

Xavier looked at Blanche seriously for the first time. Before the kid was a month old, Xavier was incarcerated. After five years, he took a closer look at the kid. He seemed to think that the kid looked a little bit like... Bianca from the photo just now.

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