Truth & Code: The Future is Black and White
The Innocence of Childhood

The Innocence of Childhood

Block 7,907,124

Huifen directed Home AI and robotics to clean the home and the children’s play area. This was the first time she had to plan her days without Han and ensure the children didn’t miss him being around. Han was a devoted father and endeavored to disengage from work when he was home. However, while he could work from any location, he chose to go to the office nearly every day, so there was a separation between his home and work life.

He was always on call for emergencies, but those were becoming less frequent. He spent his early career life pouring his life and brain power into making Han Tech what it was. With the help of AI, it was getting to the point that little needed to be done to keep it operational. The work of the triennial mission was the focus of most of his efforts. Updates to the security nodes started as soon as they were installed. Han Tech AI collected and analyzed data as soon as they were operational to ensure the following triennial updates were on schedule. It was a continuous process.

Han didn’t trust the data, though; he always reviewed it. He rarely modified it, but at times he did. In effect, his logic would actively improve the Han Tech AI. He was in a unique position as the Founder and CEO. Han tech consoles had user-directed inputs other than voice. This allowed Han to be as creative as possible. In addition, Han Tech had an extensive test net. This is where Han would review, verify, and modify the Han Tech-generated AI. He also had unprecedented control over most functions of AI while in the office.

Any code injected into the SO-Land AI network had to be approved by the SO-Land AI. Han Tech AI’s code was never rejected, but that was the process.

But Han’s thoughts and ideas occasionally made it to his paper and pencil computer. These were his most trusted ideas and secrets, and he never wanted them exposed to any AI, not even Han Tech AI. He wanted his statements to be his. He wanted his ideas to be modified by him and not AI.

Huifen completed the task of cleaning. Today she had planned for some other mothers and children to come over so the children could play.

The community they lived in was nearly a Complete Circle. A term used within SO-Lands to describe the compatibility of all inhabitants with each other. No Circle ever achieved completeness or 100% compatibility. Tan’s circle was at about 85% compatibility. The goal of SO-Land AI was to achieve at least 50% compatibility in any community circle. The percentage of compatibility could vary year by year for any particular community. Chance events or chance and random ideas that gained traction within a society were the most common reason for the variation. If a community’s compatibility dropped by a standard deviation from the mean, SO-Land AI instituted corrections which usually involved moving family members or, at times, entire families. A new compatibility percentage would be calculated for each community member and family member. Until children were of age, they had the compatibility percentage of the family.

Ten years ago, the highest recorded compatibility in a Circle was 87% in the Northern SO-Lands. It lasted for five years before an unexpected death in a family resulted in a drop in the family’s compatibility percentage. This would be one of the most common reasons for a change in compatibility in any circle. Questions of why an event like that would occur at the hands of AI could take root and devastate a Circle’s compatibility rating. The second and less likely reason for a change in a compatibility rating would be to question the authority, origins, or intentions of the SO-Land AI.

An interesting effect of an event like that is that a certain circle would never achieve its highest compatibility rating again, even when the members/family members were relocated. In effect, a Circle’s value could only go down, even incrementally, but never back up. It’s a problem that SO-Land AI has yet to solve. This has been a persistent problem for the last thirty years. Once a family obtained a specific compatibility rating or lived within a community with a high compatibility rating, they took extreme care in protecting that rating. It was an effective self-correcting action that families took responsibility for.

A drop of even fractions of a percent in compatibility in a family or community created undo anxiety among its members. However, overcoming the network effect of negative thoughts or emotions was still a complex challenge for SO-Land AI.

There were three significant advances in containing negative thoughts or emotions. The first was eliminating user-specific input devices, like keyboards, for communication. Every thought or emotion communicated was verbal. In this way, SO-Land could record and analyze tone, tremor, cadence, etc. The second was the elimination of video communication outside of certain designated areas. Video communication was possible in most community Circles and the workplace if your work needed video communication. Otherwise, all communication was verbal. The third significant advance was the earliest. It was the elimination of the TCP/IP protocol for internet communication. In various trials, this was eliminated at the beginnings of the SO-Lands in the middle to the third quarter of the twenty-first century. It began as the SO-Land communication protocol or SOLCP. As AI was introduced and perfected, it became the Artificial Intelligence Communication Protocol or AICP.

After the Event, the SOLCP and later the AICP were critical for societal cohesion. The main reason was coordinating communications to and among two billion people. The second was related to energy security. Any previous internet or communication protocol like TCP/IP was vulnerable to data/energy leakage.

Huifen called the kids down to get ready to meet their guests. Huifen started combing Lilly’s black hair. While Huifen loved her long black hair, she was thankful Lilly never asked why she didn’t have long hair like her. Huifen was grateful for that because it was easy for her to wash Lilly’s hair. The boys had very short hair, like their dad, which they and Huifen liked.

Home AI had already prepared the home for the arrival of guests, matching biorhythms and moods to be maximally compatible. Since this event was on Huifen’s schedule, the Home AI of her guests was adjusted accordingly to prepare them at their own homes. Of course, the timing depended upon each family coming. Still, the AI of each family worked together to ensure the time spent with each other was as peaceful and soothing as possible.

Huifen and Lilly started humming along with the music generated by the Home AI.

Lilly asks, “Where’s daddy?”

Huifen produces a soft, content look on her face and says, “He’s doing important work. He’s very important and will be gone for a while.”

“Ok, love you, mommy.”

“I love you too, dear.”


“Yes, Lilly.”

“Is daddy in charge of SO-Land?”

Huifen’s serene countenance immediately changes to a stern but calm look. She squats down to look Lilly in the eyes. She notices that the music has changed in the background, and the lighting in the house changes to match Huifen’s mood.

“Lilly, you know that daddy works FOR SO-Land, right? So why would you ask such a silly question?”

“I don’t know, mommy, I was just thinking. Since he’s doing important work and he is important, I just figured he was in charge. I’m sorry, I won’t ask that again.”

“Lilly, I love you. I love your dad and our family. And we love our community. It’s not what you say, Lilly. It’s what you think. Do you understand? You can’t have thoughts like that again. Ok?”

“Ok, mommy! I love you!”

“I love you too, Lilly.”

Huifen knew this would only be the beginning of these types of questions. She just wished Han was here now. She didn’t want to manage this by herself now or in the future. Wrong or complicated answers may affect their Circle status. She didn’t want to bear that sole responsibility. For now, it was simple enough. She made a mental note to discuss this with Han when he returned. The last thing he needed to worry about on his mission was something like this.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Huifen opened the door to the excited chatter of children and their moms. As soon as she said, “Welcome!” the kids rushed in. Lilly and the boys were already waiting in the play area.

As the sound of excited children faded and became muted, she could only think she’d spend a portion of tomorrow cleaning up after the children.

At this time in the evolution of Home AI, the children would essentially play until they were either hungry or exhausted or both. Home AIs would temporarily share and exchange data in situations like this so that the host Home AI could account for every possible and predictable outcome.

Mood, lighting, and food were adjusted based on what the children did. The adults could enjoy their time together as well. Children at this age were well-conditioned to interact with Home AI for every word or action.

Huifen and her guests drank green tea and ate lemon cookies while chatting about the latest news and happenings in the community. There was never a lack of things to talk about. Home AI would always prompt suggested topics of conversation to continue the discussions. At times Home AI would be included in the conversation as well.

Suddenly Huifen could hear a crescendo of children’s voices in the distance. Then just as suddenly, a shriek followed by a cry pierced through the women’s chatter.

“Not to worry, Ladies.” Home AI said without prompting. “Qian has fallen from his chair.”

Qian was one of the neighbor boys. Unfortunately, he was almost always the one who got injured during these times together. Huifen wasn’t sure if he wasn’t coordinated, too daring, or both, but this seemed benign enough compared to past instances.

The women all turned to each other and laughed.

“I’ll take care of it,” Huifen said. It was rare that anyone would question the prognosis of any AI. Hearing that everything was fine was enough to put everyone at ease.

Huifen walks down the corridor; she opens the cracked door and sees Qian on his back, crying. He’s clearly fallen backward from his stool. They were probably playing a silly game, and he got excited and fell backward.

“Qian, baobei, are you OK? Please come to Ms. Huifen.”

Qian turns to look at Huifen, and he pauses his crying. Then, after a few deep breaths, he begins to cry again. Home AI has changed the lighting and music to help soothe Qian.

Huifen approaches Qian and picks him up. He quickly embraces her grasping her arms, and begins shallow breathing while simultaneously trying to catch his breath.

“It’s ok, baobei, it’s ok!” Huefin gently rocks and sways Qian in her arms. He quiets down.

“Home AI how serious is the injury?”

“Not serious, Mrs. Tan. Based on his age, weight, and mechanism of his fall, given the calculated angle and velocity of impact, the chances of any serious injury are 0%. I have already shared the information with the Liu’s AI. Liu Home AI will monitor and alert the Lius to any change in status and provide recommended options for action.”

“Thank you!” Huifen said with confidence.

She’s grown up with AI; her mom and her grandparents grew up with AI. It has become an ever-present sense of comfort, knowledge, and help. No resource is spared throughout the vast SO-Lands AI network to ensure its citizens live happy and dignified lives.

She is thankful.

She carries Qian out to Xiu Liu. Huifen and Xiu’s eyes meet. Xiu mouths “thank you” to Huifen as she places Qian in Xiu’s arms. Huifen, with softness so ever slightly, bows and says, “Of course.”

The ladies sit down again with a new guest, who is now fast asleep in the arms of Xiu. The low din of the children playing fills the air again.

Mei asks, “Remind us again what business Han is doing.”

Huifen takes a deep breath and says, “Well, I barely know what he does anyway, but every three years, his company has to update the nodes that protect the energy network or something like that. So he talks to me in all of this very technical language. But I just listen and nod like I understand.”

Quiet laughter erupts around the table they are now sitting at. It’s the laughter of knowing what she means while at the same time agreeing.

Xiu whispers, “Why do men always talk in such details? I want to talk more with my husband, but it seems he can only talk about his work.”

Mei adds, “True, Xiu, but he has work. Unfortunately, many citizens are not as privileged.”

Xiu nods in agreement. “Yes, you are right. I meant no disrespect. I was just agreeing with Huifen.”

“Yes, we know.” The other ladies respond in unison.

Cursory details about each man’s work was usual. Han’s role and position were unique among his Circle. There were few positions in SO-Land as critical, but Han was so humble about what he and his company have accomplished for SO-Land. Because of his work and his position in the Circle, most had some idea of what he did and what he has done for SO-Land.

Typically, citizens were forbidden to discuss specific work details with other citizens outside their families. Workers that worked within the same companies or industries were never in the same Circle. SO-Land learned decades ago to keep workers separated. This prevented the possibility of class distinction at the time. As class distinction became less of an issue, in the best interest of SO-Land AI, workers were kept separated to avoid collusion for organizing strikes or something worse.

Outside of your family or circle, you rarely knew what anyone else did in SO-Land or for SO-Land. At this time in SO-Lands history, it would never occur to anyone to ask another if they worked.

Home AI gradually shifted the lighting and music in the home. Home AI added a soothing Jasmine fragrance to the air as well. Slowly, the women and children started agreeing that it was time to leave.

Huifen rose from the sofa where she was now sitting. As she rose, the other ladies rose. Qian was still in Xiu’s arms, fast asleep. The children quietly came to the door.

Huifen opened the door, hugged each lady, and kissed each child on the forehead. Qian got a kiss on the cheek.

When her guests left, she closed the door behind them and said, “Ok little duckies, let’s get to bed.”

“Ok, mommy.” They said together, yawning throughout.

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