Hermano Y Hermana

Block 7,934,097

“Fenhua, what is that?” Jiayi was beginning to walk off the trail. “I’ve never seen something like that before. Let’s check it out.”

“Jiayi, we have to get to work.”

“Come on; you never like to explore.” Jiayi is off the path now and walking through the shin-high grass.”

“Explore? There’s nothing to explore in this place...”

“Oh, my!...”


“Come here.” She squats down and puts her hand on Han’s arm. He’s lying on his side with his back to her.

Han found cover in the thick brush and collapsed in exhaustion, not realizing his full figure was not concealed. Fortunately, not many people walk on this trail through the nature preserve at this time of day. And given the early morning light, his figure may not have been easily noticed by the casual passerby.

“Who’s that?” Fenhua asks, standing over Jiayi and Han.

“I don’t know, brother. That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Help me.”

Fenhua bends down, and they both start gently shaking Han. He’s still wearing the partially torn shirt from the pursuit with Arman. The morning dew has covered him, and his clothes are damp. His satchel lay clutched in his arms.

Fenhua and Jiayi gently roll Han over onto his back.

Han begins to arouse and slowly opens his eyes. He doesn’t startle partly from exhaustion and partly from apathy. He collapsed last night, thinking this would be the end of the line for him. The only human contact he was expecting was Arman’s foot in his back.

“Hello. I’m Jiayi, and this is my brother Fenhua.”

“Hello,” Han says with a crack in his voice. His throat and lips were dry. He’s had nothing to eat or drink since he left the Hong Kong node.

“Can we help you up?”


They manage to help Han to his feet, but his knees buckle, and he slumps between them.

“Ok, ok, let’s sit you back down.”

They hear voices approaching on the trail.

“I can’t be seen. Help me move deeper into the shrubs and trees.” Han whispers through cracked lips.

“Ok.” Jiayi and Fenhua grab Han under his shoulders and help lift him to move him in a little deeper. Finally, they pull him up to a tree, and he leans against it.

“Thank you. Please, be careful, you don’t want to be seen with me, and certainly, you don’t want to be helping me.” Han manages with little effort.

“Oh, we aren’t worried about that,” Jiayi whispers.

Fenhua stands up, “Yeah, SO-Land can suck my...” he’s grabbing his crouch, but Jiayi grabs his wrist and pulls him down to the ground.

“Fenhua, what are you doing? Don’t be stupid. Someone can see you or hear you.”

“Well, SO-Land can suck...”

“Stop it.” She looks to Han, “please excuse my brother. He thinks I’m a rebel because I like to explore. But clearly, he’s the rebel.”

Fenhua looks at Han, manages a small smile, and nods in satisfaction.

“Well, guys, thanks for helping me over here. From one rebel to another. I’m the CEO of Han Tech...”

Fenhua and Jiayi look at each other and then back to Han.

“Yeah, I don’t look much like a CEO, but I’m desperate. I’m a fugitive and running because I’ve implemented a code they are worried about within the network. It’s something I found, and it came from the FreeLands...”

“FreeLands?” Fenhua asks, “What is that?”

“That is a long story, but SO-Land is not the only place on earth to live despite what we’ve been taught our entire lives...”

Fenhua gently pushes Jiayi on the shoulder. She loses her balance and has to steady herself with her hands.

“See, I told you. I knew there was something else out there.”

“Ok little brother, be quiet so Mr...”

“Han. I’m Han Tan. Anyway, I’m trying to get to the western frontier. A team from FreeLands will pick me up or something like that. All I know is they know I’m trying to get out, and that’s where I need to be.”

“Heck, yeah! This is the adventure I want to be a part of!” Jiayi says in an excited whisper.

“Guys, I’m sorry, but this doesn’t make sense to me. Why are you two so willing to be with me and help me?”

“Mr. Tan...” Fenhua begins.

“Please, Han.”

“Ok, Han. Our parents died several years ago in an accident. We weren’t with them and didn’t understand the circumstances around how they died. So we were moved from our Circle to another Circle and then another Circle. We used to live in a very nice Circle, but now we are here, and it’s one of the lowest Circles you can live in. At least, that’s what we’ve been told. Being teenagers and asking questions about your parent’s death is not good for our social status. So we ended up here with really nothing to look forward to. Neither of us wants to be with these people in our Circle, but we are stuck. We can’t even get to know people outside of our Circle for dating or anything like that. I mean, it sucks. So Jiayi and I live together and work together here. And we are stuck here. AI knows who we are and how we think, so I’m not sure we can ever move on, and we don’t give an f...”

“Fenhua, come on... Han gets the idea. You don’t have to be so in your face all the time.”

Han manages a small laugh.

“Funny, I remember being like you. I’m sorry for your loss and your social Circle.”

“Nah, don’t worry about us. How can we help you?

“Well, I need a new set of clothes,” he pulls on his shirt and looks at his paints, “and something to eat or drink. That would be a good start.”

“Ok, we can do that. Just stay here, and we can manage all that, but Fenhua and I must get to work before AI notices we aren’t there. So, you may have to wait until later this evening or tonight. Is that ok?”

“Well, it’s going to have to be. Thank you. Jiay... and Fenhu...”

“Jiayi and Fenhua.” Jiayi says.

“Great, thanks so much!”

“Ok, we’ll be back later.”

Jiayi and Fenhua find a way out of the shrubs to ensure no one sees them.


Arman returned to his AAPD and flew through the night to get back to Tehran. Physically fit or not, the chase and injuries, combined with the previous day’s injuries, pushed his limits. He lost stamina in the months since working as EMC director. At this point, he doesn’t want to interact with Eleven unless he needs to or is summoned. He knows as well as they that his career and life are on the line to clean this mess up.

He’s back at EMC headquarters and in his office. He cleans up and gets a little sleep before starting the hunt again. He knows that Han can only travel on foot, has no means to purchase any goods, and can’t travel freely.

“AI and me, baby. We’re going to find you, and you will suffer,” he says as he exits his bedroom and walks to his desk.

“AI, call Min Liu, Han Tech.”


“Ms. Liu?”

“Yes, Mr. Heydari?”

“Yes, I’m ordering you to come to EMC in Tehran to help with our tracking of Mr. Han Tan.”

“Uhh...Uhh... Is there a reason I can’t do that from here?” Min manages to hold back the quiver in her voice.

“We have your resources here at EMC and need your assistance. So you need to leave immediately.”

The line goes silent.

“Hello? Hello?” Min hears nothing.

She has no choice but to comply or become a fugitive like Han. Any resistance, and she knows that SO-Land would curtail any means of payment, movement, and work.

She quickly gathers her stuff and heads to the elevator in Han’s office. She turns back to look around the office and is thankful Han has trusted her with Han Tech. The elevator takes her to the drone pad on the roof. She enters the drone, and it immediately lifts off. The route is already programmed. The only thing she can do now is to think about what the meeting with Arman will be like. She knows he has more information at this point about her activity and the activity of the nodes.

Her mind is racing too much even to consider lying down for the long flight, so she sits and stares at the sky and the earth below as she moves through the sky.

Block 7,934,115

“Mr. Heydari,” AI announces.


“Plan executed at coordinates 30.661594, 98.046860. No signs of life.”

The call goes silent.

“One down, one more to go,” Arman says. He needed a small victory.

The drone Min was traveling in had a catastrophic failure at altitude over the eastern Tibetan plains. There would be no evidence of any accident or loss of life.

“AI, report on Han Tan.”

“Han Tan was last seen in the business district near Lutang Park, Zhanjiang. His last known organic nutrition and hydration was approximately forty hours ago. All means of communication are locked. All means of payment are locked. AIs throughout SO-Land are instructed to alert and contain if he is found.”

“Calculate the probability of escape!”

“0.00005% chance of escape.”

“Why not 0%?”

“The human will to survive.”

“Fuck me!”

“Calculate the probability of extreme hunger and or starvation!”


“Well, the odds are definitely in my favor.” Arman thinks to himself.

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