True Omega
Chapter 2

As the car whisked Samantha away to her new life, Alpha Jack and Luna Sara got to work.

"Call the council and put it on speaker, please” Jack asked Sara as they settled in the car.

Sean and Ash cuddled with Samantha in the backseat as she slept peacefully for the first time in a year.

Sara placed the call and got the council secretary.

"May I please speak to one of the council elders, please? We have a pressing matter that needs their attention” Sara asked after she and Jack identified themselves.

"One moment please" the secretary replied and put them on hold for a minute.

As they waited, Sara observed that the day was overcast and rainy.

"I'm glad for the gloomy day. It may help Samantha sleep the whole way back to the pack” Sara stated and Jack agreed.

Even though they had just met her this morning, they both would do almost anything for Samantha. Ash and Sean felt the same way. Sara smiled as she looked back at them in the backseat.

"We have to keep her. You have to let them let us adopt her.” Ash whispered as Sean nodded. "Don't worry. I will" Jack said decidedly.

A second later, the phone clicked on.

"This is Elder Summers. How can I assist?" A deep voice said.

Jack smiled, Elder Summers was an old friend. He was fair and truly wanted the best for all the packs.

"Hello Elder Summers. This is Alpha Jack and Luna Sara. I also have my warrior Sean and his Mate Ash with us." Jack began.

He knew that he had to disclose everyone who was listening to the conversation. After Elder Summers greeted everyone, Jack continued.

"We were visiting the Golden pack and have come across a huge problem." Jack said.

He told the complete story of finding Samantha and taking her and all the information she gave them this morning. Sara sent the pictures she took of Samantha as they spoke.

"I think that the rest of the pack thought she was killed with the Luna was murdered. The Luna's death must have made the Alpha go crazy. He decided to hide Samantha but his mind snapped and he started beating her and mistreating her. I can't imagine a sane wolf harming her. She is the strongest Omega I've ever encountered" Jack finished.

"My Goddess. These pictures are horrible. I can't imagine an Alpha doing this to any child but an Omega on top of it. I will go with the Council today and we will collect him ourselves. You are right about the rest of the pack. He told all of us that she died with the Luna. I remember seeing the paperwork and the Council was shocked that rouges would actually kill an Omega.” Elder Summers replied.

"What will happen to Samantha?" Sara asked.

"That depends on you and the Council. Would you like for her to join your pack? Do you have a family that would take her?” Elder Summers asked.

"We would be honored to have her join both our pack and our family. We have Troy who is ten and has always wanted a little sister. Sara has already agreed to be her mother and I would love to be her father. Our Beta and high ranking warriors have all agreed that they want her to join us as well. We just need the blessing of the Council” Jack pitched.

The car collectively held their breath.

"What about her? Samantha? What does she want?" Elder Summers asked

"She said that she wanted to come with us. We can set up a video chat with her when she wakes to confirm that she wants to stay” Sara replied.

"Do you have an Omega that can come and train her?" Elder Summers asked.

"We are looking for one now" Sara answered.

"I may have one that could help you. My mate is an Omega and has become bored now that the kids have moved out. She could come and help." Elder Summers offered.

"We would be honored to have her assist us" Jack replied with a grin.

"I will speak with the Council and Matilda today but I think that everything should fall into place. Congrats! You have a new pack member and a new daughter!” Elder Summers stated and the car breathed a sigh of relief.

"What will happen to the Golden Pack?" Sara asked after thanking the Elder.

"We will find them a new Alpha. I know that the Blood Moon Packs Alpha has two sons that both have Alpha potential. Hopefully one of them will take the Golden pack in a few years when they are old enough. Until then, the Council and the Beta will oversee the pack” Elder Summer explained. After working out a few more details, they ended the call.

"I can't believe that she’s ours” Sara smiled with tears in her eyes.

She looked back to see Ash crying with joy and Sean with the biggest smile. Jack was grinning too. "No one will ever harm her again. We will protect her always" Jack said to Sara and sighed with relief.

The rest of the car ride was quiet but happy. Samantha woke up right as they were entering the Dark Moon Packs territory.

"Good morning, Little one. You have good timing, we just entered our territory” Sean said, smiling at her big, blue eyes.

Thanks to her werewolf healing, her bruises were just starting to fade.

"I'm so sorry that I fell asleep. I should have been helping" Samantha looked sad and afraid.

Ash hugged her.

"Don't be ridiculous. You needed to sleep.” Ash whispered and Samantha smiled at her with wonder. "We spoke with the werewolf council and they said that if you wanted to, you could stay with us in our pack. Luna Sara and I would love to have you join our family. We have one son who is two years older than you and he's always wanted a little sister. What do you think, princess?" Alpha Jack asked as they pulled up to a large house.

He parked the car and turned to her. She looked around at all of them with big eyes as the anxiously waited for her answer.

"Really? I could stay here? With all of you? No one would hit me anymore? Even if I didn't get all my chores done?" She asked in disbelief as some more members of the pack approached.

Alpha Jack had already mind linked them to let them know all about Samantha. They could hear the conversation and her replied shattered all of their hearts

"No one will ever harm you again, Little one” Sean growled.

"That would be amazing! Thank you!" she cried and hugged Ash and Sean.

Sara and Jack grinned as pack members opened all the doors then. Mike, Taylor, Mary and Steve all hurried towards them.

"These are some more members of our pack. Don't worry, dear. No one will harm you" Luna Sara said as Alpha Jack took Samantha from Sean's arms after they got out.

"Hello Dark Moon Pack! I know that you are all excited to meet our new member and my new daughter but right now we need to have the doctor check her over and make sure that she's okay. We will have a dinner tonight to celebrate and you can meet her then if she's feeling up to it" Alpha Jack announced and there was a murmur of excitement.

Samantha could tell that he was saying the same thing to the rest of the pack through their mind link.

"Let's take you to Dr. Daniel, Princess” Alpha Jack said and he started walking with her still in his arms

"We will see the rest of you later” He called to everyone else as Sara walked next to him.

"Please, Alpha. Can we accompany you? I want to make sure that she's okay" Sean asked and Alpha looked at Samantha.

"Is that alright, Samantha?" he asked and she nodded. Alpha nodded too, glad that his warrior made her feel safer.

"Okay then. Come along, Sean and Ash" he replied. Sean and Ash grinned and walked with the Alpha and Luna.

"Would you like for me to carry her, Alpha?" Sean offered, hopefully.

"No. She's my child and I can take her. You just make sure that no one disturbs her and keep her safe" Alpha commanded and Sean bowed his head.

He and Ash intercepted several pack members that headed over to sneak a peak at Samantha and the group made it to the clinic office quickly. A dark haired man came out and smiled at them. He bowed to the Alpha and Luna.

"Alpha! Luna! It's a pleasure to see you. I've been expecting you. Is this your new child that I've already heard so much about?" He asked with a smile.

Alpha Jack nodded.

"This is Samantha, our daughter. Samantha, this is Dr. Daniel. He's here to make sure that you are healthy and help you feel better, okay?" Alpha Jack said gently.

Anyone who had eyes could see that Samantha already adored the Alpha and Luna and she loved and trusted Sean and Ash. She looked at each of them and they nodded so she nodded as well. "Hello, Samantha. I'm so glad to meet you. I hope that we will be great friends" Dr. Daniel smiled at her and gestured for the Alpha to put her down on the bed after he led the group into a private room.

Samantha smiled at him nervously.

"I just need to check you out and see your injuries. Can I do that?" he went on and Samantha nodded.

"Okay. Would you like for everyone to leave so you have some privacy. Or you can change into a robe with Luna Sara and Ash's help and we can come back” Dr. Daniel offered and Samantha chose the robe.

She didn't want to be left alone and she was young enough to not be concerned if Alpha and Sean saw her body. The men left and Ash and Sara helped the girl. Ash gasped as she saw the child's bruised body and Luna nodded at her. Ash was resolved to make the one who harmed the girl pay for his crimes. They got the robe on her and the men came back in.

"Okay, I'm going to take a look at you now. If you feel uncomfortable, let me know and I'll stop, alright?" Dr. Daniel said and Samantha nodded again.

He looked at her back and he, the Alpha and Sean all growled at the multitude of injuries. It didn't get better from there and by the end, Alpha had broken the back of a chair that he was holding on to and Sean had blood dripping from his fists from clinching them so hard. The men went back outside as the women helped the girl redress.

"I'm going to kill him, Alpha” Sean hissed through his teeth and Jack nodded.

"I understand but we must trust that the Council will handle him. Our job now is to take care of her and heal her." Alpha replied.

"I vow that I will always take care of her like she is my own child, Alpha. She may be your daughter but I will always help and be there for her" Sean vowed and Alpha smiled at him.

"You and Ash will be her beloved Aunt and Uncle. You're new pack job will be to protect her. You will be her body guard. You are to be with her at all times when she is out of my house, do you agree?” Alpha asked and Sean eagerly nodded.

"I will protect her with my life, Alpha" Sean vowed with pride.

He knew that it was an honor to be entrusted with the protection of one of the Alpha's children. Troy had the same body guard since birth and it was a sacred position. Sean was overjoyed both that the Alpha trusted him so and that he was now guaranteed to be a large part of Samantha's life from now on.

"Now that that's taken care of, let's go back in" Dr. Daniel suggested.

They knocked and went back in.

"Samantha, you have been through quiet an ordeal. All your injuries seem to be healing nicely though and you should be all better by the end of the week. You are undernourished and a bit dehydrated. You need to rest and eat and drink well to recuperated.” Dr. Daniel said and Samantha looked at the Luna.

"He's saying that you're going to be fine. You just have to rest and let us spoil you for the rest of your life, you beautiful, wonderful child" Luna Sara said with a smile and hugged her.

Samantha smiled and hugged her back.

"Will you really be my mommy from now on?" Samantha asked and Sara nodded.

"Is that okay?" Sara asked and Samantha nodded.

"Would you like to meet your new brother? He's excited to meet you" Alpha Jack asked and Samantha nodded yet again.

She looked nervous though.

"What if he doesn't like me?" she asked as the door opened.

"Not possible" A voice said.

Samantha looked to see a boy with auburn hair and dark eyes standing at the door. He was staring at her with a grin on his face. A large man with long blond hair stood behind him. The boy rushed over to Samantha.

"My name is Troy. I'm your big brother" he said and Samantha smiled at him.

"Really?" She asked and he hugged her.

"Yep. I'm going to watch over you. We'll be best friends and play and fight just like other brother and sisters. I'm going to teach you and protect you. I'll always be there for you" Troy continued as he stared down at the small girl.

His parents weren't lying, he had always wanted a little sister and now that he had one, he wasn't going to let anything come between them. He loved her immediately and seeing the fading bruises on her made his heart hurt.

"I'm Samantha" she said simply and he felt his heart warm.

"Are you hurt, Sammy?" he asked and she smiled at the nickname.

"I'm okay. The doctor said I'd be better soon" she replied as Troy looked her over.

"Did one of you do this to her?" Troy exploded at the grown ups in the room.

Staring each of them down.

"Of course not, Troy! This happened at her old home. It's why she's with us now" Alpha frowned at his son

Troy looked at them for a second longer and then looked at his sister.

"You don't need to worry. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again. I won't let it. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and I'll ask our cook to make you some treats." he said to Samantha as he took her hand and pulled her out of the room.

Samantha hesitated by the large, blond man that came with Troy.

"That's Jules. He's my body guard. He makes sure that I'm safe. I'm sure that he will look after you too" Troy introduced him.

Jules held out his hand to Samantha and smiled when she shook it.

"Jules, this is my baby sister, Samantha. Will you watch over her too?" Troy asked.

"Of course I will" Jules began but Alpha Jack cut him off.

"I'm sure that Jules would do a great job but we don't want to overload him. Sean will be Samantha's body guard now" Jack commanded

Jules grinned as Samantha rushed over to Sean and hugged him. Ash gasped with delight and Sara nodded with satisfaction.

"Good. Sean, do you promise to take care of her when I can't?" Troy asked seriously and Sean swore to it,

Ash whispered to the Luna,"He's a natural Alpha”

"She's helping him feel the need to protect" Sara said as she nodded to Samantha.

"That's why Omega's are so important. They can make a whole pack work together and make the Alpha stronger just by being there" Alpha explained.

Ash nodded, understanding. Already she felt the pull to train harder and help her pack mates just so they could make sure that Samantha was safe and proud of her pack.

"They provide a shared goal in the pack" Luna added

The adults followed as Troy pulled Samantha out of the clinic and towards the pack house. Troy stopped and frowned when he noticed that Samantha was limping.

"Does walking hurt you, little sister?" he asked, eyes full of concern.

"Just a little. It's okay" She whispered back.

He picked her up and carried her the rest of the way, refusing to let anyone hold her.

"She's my sister and responsibility” he announced when Sean tried to take her.

He set her on a chair in the kitchen and smiled at her.

"What's your favorite food?" he asked and Samantha looked at him with adoration in her eyes.

The grown ups grinned at each other. Already she was looking at him as a little sister would look at her big brother. Troy puffed with pride when he saw it.

"Cookies?" she asked and he nodded as Chrissy the cook came in.

She looked surprised to see such a group in her kitchen but then saw Samantha and understood. "You must be Samantha! I'm so happy to meet you. Are you hungry?" Chrissy asked after bowing to the Alpha and Luna.

"Could my sister and I get some milk and cookies, please?" Troy asked her. Chrissy looked at the Luna and she nodded.

"Of course, any special kind?" Chrissy asked.

Troy whispered to Samantha and she whispered back.

"We would both like chocolate chip, please" he said to Chrissy and then he turned to Luna Sara. "Did you hear that, Mom? We have the same favorite food! We must be brother and sister!" he concluded with a grin.

Everyone in the room smiled back at him. Troy sat next to Samantha and Jules stood next to him on the other side. Sean did the same with Samantha. A couple pack members started to enter the kitchen but turned around when Sean and Jules told them to leave.

"I'll go up and start her bath. Troy, please bring your sister up when you are done with your snack. She will have the room next to yours and you will share a bathroom with her, okay?" Luna Sara told her son.

He grinned.

"Perfect, mom" he called.

"I'll help you Luna" Ash offered and Sara nodded.

Ash was her body guard most of the time anyways and they were the best of friends along with Beta Mary.

"Chrissy, we are going to have a pack dinner tonight if you're able to set it up in time" Alpha asked and Chrissy nodded.

"It should be no problem. I already have a team working in the other kitchen. We were planning a dinner in honor of your return anyways. We will make sure to make it even more special. It's not every day that we get a new pack member and a new Alpha’s daughter on top of being an Omega. This is a sacred day for our pack” Chrissy replied.

Alpha smiled and ordered Jules and Sean to stay with the kids even though they were in the house. He didn't want anyone to scare Samantha and he didn't want his son to be angered by intruding pack members. Troy needed some time with his new sister.

"I'm going to head to my office. Children, I will see you tonight before the dinner. Troy, look after your sister today and make sure she gets a nap. Samantha, I'm so glad that you're here and I'm proud to be your father. Let me know if you need anything, princess" Alpha said as he kissed both of them on the head and gave Samantha a hug.

She kissed his cheek and hugged him back.

"I will, Dad!" Troy called as Jack walked to his office.

"Your parents are so nice” Samantha commented between bites of cookie.

"OUR parents" he reminded her and she smiled.

"Right, OUR parents" she corrected.

"They are most of the time. Don't misbehave though" he warned and Samantha looked alarmed. "Do they hit hard?" she asked, worried.

Sean and Jules exchanged a look. Sean mind linked Jules and filled him in on what had happened to her. Jules growled as he looked at the sweet child.

"What? NO! They would never hit us!" Troy looked at his sister.

"Is that what happened to you? SOMEONE HIT YOU!" Troy began to yell as he realized what had happened to his already dear sister.

She shrugged and put her hand on his shoulder out of habit. He calmed down at her touch.

"I'll kill whoever hurt you! No one will ever touch you again!" he promised as he pulled her into a hug.

Jules and Sean looked at the young Alpha with pride. He was going to be a great Alpha just like his father. A bit later, Troy helped her up the stairs with Jules and Sean behind them.

"This is my room and this will be your room. If you ever get scared, just come through our bathroom to my room and I'll take care of you" Troy said as he opened her door.

Samantha was amazed with the large room. It had a big bed and a walk in closet. Troy pulled her to the bathroom where Sara and Ash were waiting.

"Oh, good. Troy, Jules and Sean, go wait in Troy's room while we help Samantha with her bath” Luna Sara commanded

Troy looked like he wanted to argue but decided not to when he saw the stern look on his mothers face. He went into his room with the guards.

"What was Sammy's old pack like?" he asked Sean.

"They seemed nice. They weren't the ones that harmed her. The Alpha told them that she died when their Luna did. Samantha was their adopted daughter but he hid her and hurt her after that. We don't know why. I think that he went mad with grief" Sean explained after mind linking with the Alpha to make sure that he could tell the boy the whole story.

"Your father contacted the council and they are taking him into custody today. You don't need to worry, no one would dare harm her now" Sean reassured him.

"They better not" Troy replied darkly.

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